Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I can't find anything that is official.
It would be announced wouldn't it?

I'd think if LA had a new attorney it would be on HLN, etc. Right not I think he's still with Lippman. LA seems to have distanced himself some from the case by not showing up for verdict, sentencing, etc. I also don't see him writing a book. I think he might make an attempt at a new life. I hope he does.
Cindy will not be prosecuted for perjury, for tampering with evidence, or lying to police for obstruction of justice. . Baez will not be held in contempt, for his many missed deadlines, games, court room shenanigans. Casey is not held responsible for the death of her daughter. This is our justice system in action. I am dumbfounded, disappointed and disgusted.
I heard something about another mother that killed her child here in Florida and she is to go on trial this next year. Did anyone else hear this and have any info?
I heard something about another mother that killed her child here in Florida and she is to go on trial this next year. Did anyone else hear this and have any info?

Baby Gabriel? Or has that already happened?
I wonder if the JA and LDB didn't push CA on the stand because she would just plead the 5Th and they would get nothing from her.
And there is my problem in trying to understand the Sates position here. The Sate had more then plenty of information to impeach Cindy on the witness stand. There is no possible sane excuse not to be prepared for Cindy's lies in this case I can see. The prosecutors had KNOWN she was lying for well over 2 years before this court case started. Lying about most everything. Right down to her FBI oath given statements about Casey being a perfect wonderful girl, with no faults. And please do not to try and pass this off as just prosecution incompetence. Something is very wrong here.IMO

Complete speculation on my part,but the A's were supposedly informed of the DT's OS /theory 6 weeks prior to the start of trial . I think there may have been contact at that point with the PT and Linda came to believe CA wouldn't go there since she now knew there was no nanny,no kidnapping and no murder by some unknown person.
IMO ,though I have no proof,LDB was sandbagged by CA.
I'd think if LA had a new attorney it would be on HLN, etc. Right not I think he's still with Lippman. LA seems to have distanced himself some from the case by not showing up for verdict, sentencing, etc. I also don't see him writing a book. I think he might make an attempt at a new life. I hope he does.

Lippman is GA and CA's attorney ,not Lee's.
I doubt it, the state has invested too much money into this family already. I'm not sure more would be well-received by the citizens. Maybe they should take a poll and truly let the voters decide.
I doubt it, the state has invested too much money into this family already. I'm not sure more would be well-received by the citizens. Maybe they should take a poll and truly let the voters decide.

If they are too broke to contemplate prosecuting CA I would be happy to chip in a few $ and I bet if they had an online donation site they would be fully funded in no time....
Lippman is GA and CA's attorney ,not Lee's.
:seeya: Hi Miss James. I'm sure Lippman stepped in to represent Lee in his request to be able to attend court along with his parents. Nonetheless, I can't understand why he would require any legal representative at this point. The fact that he needs someone else leads me to think that either he's expecting something more complex than sequestration in his legal future or he just doesn't want the affiliation with his parents in sharing the same legal representative. I am stymied as to what and why he feels the need. :dunno:
If they are too broke to contemplate prosecuting CA I would be happy to chip in a few $ and I bet if they had an online donation site they would be fully funded in no time....

If my taxes are used for this I will smile when I write my check! Besides, we are hoping to recoup a bit from Casey for having caused the false investigative efforts the state expended on searching for a live Caylee. :D
There is a petition being signed if you are interested.
Not sure if allowed to link it.
just type in petition site Cindy Anthony
:doh: that should have been posted above you! my apologies

I just went to sign it and it says petition closed..... ?why
Guess she's working on her tan while waiting on the perjury outcome! TMZ reported CA & GA lying by a pool at a hotel somewhere in the Florida area....getting a little R&R! Damn, lyin sure takes it out of ya, just sayin
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"Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?"

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If CA does not get charged with perjury, what message does that send to future trial witnesses ? That's it OK to lie under oath and then blame it on the deposition that was taken a few years back. She lied about the searches and also about being at work. She was also the only witness that when sworn in repeated back to the court "So help me God". I think a little stint in the Orange County Jail would work wonders.

ABSOLUTELY ! CA should be prosecuted for perjury immediately !

CA tampered with evidence when she cleaned up ICA's car to get rid of the decomp smell ... obstructed justice ... lied to LE ... lied to the public ... lied to Tim Miller and TES ... lied about searching for "chlorophyll" and "chloroform" and "neck breaking" ... and the list goes on and on ...

And just when you think Cindy's lies cannot get any worse -- she lies about being at home and NOT at work -- when the computer searches for "chloroform" were done by ICA, which then drags her former employer, Gentiva, into the "circus" !

If CA is NOT prosecuted for perjury ... I will have lost all faith in the system !

Why have "perjury" laws "on the books" if they are not going to be enforced ?

If my taxes are used for this I will smile when I write my check! Besides, we are hoping to recoup a bit from Casey for having caused the false investigative efforts the state expended on searching for a live Caylee. :D

I know the tax depts. frown upon making any commentary on the memos of your check to them, but maybe they would not mind if you gave them a shout out on the memo such as "EU's Delightful Donation to the CA Perjury Action Fund"
Sadly, I think everyone is going to wash their hands of this case. They didn't get what they should have and figure it would be a waste of time and $$ to go after her. We know what she did - everyone knows what she did but that family is going to get off scott free with everything criminal. ALL of them!

RBBM: Yes, everyone knows what CA did and everyone knows what the family did. And unfortunately, they all got off "scott free" ...

But only in this world did they get off "scott free" ... but they will NOT get off "scott free" in the next !

OTH, she did everything Casey should have done and didn't. CA lied, and did everything else she could do, to keep her daughter ALIVE.
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