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  1. D

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    I was in no way way suggesting that this "missing link" absolves Arias of premeditation. I simply want to understand what really happened, out of healthy curiosity. The state's version of the events simply doesn't fill in those gaps. Hence, that is an "unresolved question", which happens to be...
  2. D

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    For me, the biggest "unresolved question" is, what is the missing link between the two Jodis? On the one hand, we have the "cool black widow" Jodi, planning the murder from May 28 and carrying out all those steps. Then she coolly spends 12 hours with him, sleeping and having sex. Then she is...
  3. D

    Flores investigative report- Discuss it here

    ----"I was very surprised the jury came back with premeditated. My opinion only." ********* As JM said in his closing argument, the premeditation statute does not require days, it does not require a plan, it only requires 'thinking'. Even if you choose to buy the gist of JA's story--that TA...
  4. D

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    Well, it works both ways. CMJA also has the benefit of the first trial to correct her mistakes and refine the way she presents herself. I mean, given the gruesome details of the killing, the only way she can try to escape the DP, that I can see, is to 'charm' the jurors. She needs to demonstrate...
  5. D

    Flores investigative report- Discuss it here

    ---"Also, there wasn't any evidence that pointed to other perps according to the LE. All through the trial I thought maybe CMJA had help with murdering Travis but I was wrong." *********************** Why would anybody in their right mind think she had an accomplice? Why would Matt McCartney...
  6. D

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    Thanks. I've left the question on the legal thread. Hopefully one of the lawyers is still checking that thread. But its not obvious to me-- assuming she came to 'possibly' kill him, but didn't decide to do it until right before she did it--when *legal* premeditation is established.
  7. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    This is a hypothetical question. JM mentioned the 'longer' and 'shorter' aspects to the premeditation in this case. I am not disputing that she is guilty of the latter, say in the moment when she decided to make sure he dies by slitting his throat (among other possible moments). But let's say...
  8. D

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    I didn't ask about 'short' premeditation, I asked about the long form of premed. (Certainly I am aware that she is undoubtedly guilty of the shorter premeditation) And my question did not presuppose that she came prepared to kill him, it's that she came prepared to possibly kill him if things...
  9. D

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    Yesterday I rewatched Nurmi's closing, where he pointed out all the prior opportunities for JA to get a better drop on TA. So I agree with Princess that there had to be a 'trigger' between 2 and 5 PM. She came 'prepared' to kill him, but I don't think she really wanted to. Most likely, they...
  10. D

    SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

    ----"I don't think JA will be in a "minimum/medium" security prison." Right. I wonder how much privacy they actually get in max security--so that the guards don't really know whether she actually needs "one hand or two hands".
  11. D

    Lifetime movie- Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret

    There have been comments on the actors always being better looking than the people they are portraying. Am I the only one who thinks JA was more attractive than Tania Raymonde in 2008?
  12. D

    George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #3

    So far, this trial is really boring--especially compared to the Jodi Arias trial. No wonder George looks so bored.
  13. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    I realize that antagonism exists between this site and "jodi arias is innocent". But there is an interesting post there today on the legal reasons why the trial was "unfair". It certainly may be factually correct that despite whichever of those items actually hold water, JA still committed M1...
  14. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    Right, just like it's total speculation on Juan's part that she executed her plan without a hitch from start to finish. That's how he made it sound in his closing argument. And he did that, IMO, to make his case for the direct, uninterrupted connection between the pre-planning on May 28 to the...
  15. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    Ammonitida, some of what you write makes perfect sense. But let's not forget that JM didn't mention any of these possibilities in his closing argument. Instead, he presented a scenario of her coldly pre-planning the murder, and then carrying it out right according to plan. He said/implied that...
  16. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    This is just a comment on the trial system (for the lawyers to respond to), where each side can put forth a scenario of the events for the jury, neither of which is in full accord with the evidence and/or with common sense. And it's left for the jury to see where each side is trying to mislead...
  17. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    Quote from AZ Lawyer: "You say this is how premed is defined in AZ, but as far as I know it's the same nationwide. Importantly, however, not all 1st degree premeditated murders are death-penalty eligible. Additional factors must be proved to permit a death sentence (e.g., especial cruelty)."...
  18. D

    Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

    Another question for the lawyers, TIA. Let's say I'm a juror and I am "firmly convinced" that JA preplanned the killing "beyond a reasonable doubt". So I vote for Murder One. I also vote for "extreme cruelty" and do not buy any of the mitigating factors. So I should vote for the DP, right...

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