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DNA Solves
  1. K9 5er

    Geraldo World Exclusive - PI Tape 1-10-09

    I missed the show but after reading the various posts I'm beginning to wonder the same thing. Maybe this is a test balloon b/c JB knows the "zannie" defence isn't going to float and nobody else fits. From what's been reported the forenics point to the house where KC lived with her family, JG...
  2. K9 5er

    How Did The PI's Get The Remains Spot...

    I have to agree with you, somebody have bugged that house (as I strap on my tin foil hat). I find it odd, that after the remains were found and LE took evidence from the house that (reportedly) the Anthony's had the house swept for bugs. Also, if the PI's were searching this area based on...
  3. K9 5er

    Caylee's Funeral

    I wonder why CA chose to single out Padilla? There's been a number of media who's not been favorable towards KC so why just him? Heck, she didn't single out JH, who I'd imagine she'd be currently upset at also or Nancy Grace, who's been on this story since it broke. Yet they would like KC...
  4. K9 5er

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    I don't know, I can't discount the pool playing a part in the scenario depending on what clothes were found with the remains. The house is surrounded by a wooden fence which would give KC privacy without neighbors peering eyes. It would have been easy for KC to lure Caylee into the pool since...
  5. K9 5er

    Does Anyone in the Anthony Family Want Justice for Caylee?

    I remember that case, she was a LR nurse who claimed she had post traumatic stress disorder from helping at the OKC bombing site, although it was later discovered she never helped at the site.
  6. K9 5er

    Nancy Grace 1-9-09

    Great point!
  7. K9 5er

    Nancy Grace 1-9-09

    It makes me wonder how long the strip of duct tape was b/c although it covered her mouth (per various news outlets) it also had Caylee's hair attached.
  8. K9 5er

    NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

    Thanks for the explanation! :blowkiss:
  9. K9 5er

    NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

    It makes me wonder how ME would determine if the duct tape was placed over her mouth before or shortly after death?
  10. K9 5er

    Online Memorial site for Caylee

    I have to agree, whom ever made this video/tribute did a perfect job b/c it is beautiful.
  11. K9 5er

    NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/29/08

    Everytime I see that picture I think American Gothic 2008; all that's missing is a barn in the background and a pitch fork! Ok, so DC (PI) used to work for Jose but now works for the Ant's. First question is why? Caylee has been found so A's search for a "live" Caylee should be over, why...
  12. K9 5er

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

    Your scenario is one that I've also considered, especially since in Rick's letter to CA he mentions the neighbors hearing someone in the pool on the 16th. Was this the same day CA noticed the pool ladder down also? Based on the findings so far it appears Caylee was a victim of a "soft...
  13. K9 5er

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

    I agree with your scenario. Tensions had to be high in that household for a while if Cindy saw a counselor in May to discuss the problems she was having with her out of control daughter. I also feel Zannie was a composite of many people (for what reason she did this is beyond me); when a...
  14. K9 5er

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    (per Nancy Grace transcripts on 9/8/08) it was reported that CA saw a therapist to cope with KC's stealing; the therapist suggested CA should kick KC out of the house but CA was afraid KC would take Caylee with her. The therapist then told CA she should get custody of Caylee. A grandparent...
  15. K9 5er

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

    What grounds would a grandparent have to have in order to assume custody?
  16. K9 5er


    I agree in many of the photos Caylee resembled CA. I'm sure that must have stuck in KC's craw everytime somebody said "she looks just like her grandmother".
  17. K9 5er

    NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/22/08

    I can't remember if this was mentioned on another blog or a talk show; and after googling I've come up empty, (like looking for a needle in a haystack). If I recall correctly, and bear with me b/c this was a while back and maybe my memory is fuzzy or I might have misunderstood, this was why CA...
  18. K9 5er

    NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/22/08

    I recall GA's interview with (I believe) the FBI where he talked about when Caylee was born how the nurse mistakenly handed the baby to CA to hold first instead of giving her to KC, and he added this caused resentment between KC and her mother. Combine that with KC's remark while in jail about...
  19. K9 5er

    Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

    After following this case for 5 months, based on everything I've heard or read, I feel Caylee died while in her mother's care. The only question remaining in my mind is if it was premeditated or accidental (which was followed by a panicked cover up); and with that I sway back and forth.
  20. K9 5er

    Similarities to other Cases. Melinda Duckett, Diane Downs and more

    Thanks for the update, I forgot all about good old Diane who looks a little long in the tooth now! After watching her parole video I noticed she's added to her "story", and it morphed into international politics (good grief). No more tossing the keys or car jacking; it is now a plot! Every...

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