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DNA Solves
  1. U

    Casey's Pants & the Knife and The Cleaning of the Pontiac

    This is what I've thought for a long time. I think GA knew from the minute that trunk was opened that he was smelling decomp. And when he got home he told Cindy she needed to wash them. I also think it's totally in line with Cindy's personality to go ahead and do that. I think Cindy was...
  2. U

    LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

    I agree. My youngest son is the spitting image of my brother, but he's sure not the father!! And seeing as how Casey wasn't deeply involved with the father (whoever he is/was), it makes sense to me that she would name her child after people in her own family. And as far as Lee being close to...
  3. U

    Search near military housing - Casey placed a call from there

    Yeah, I haven't checked it out on Google maps yet, but we live in Seminole County and my husband used that as a shortcut daily when he worked out that way in order to bypass the tolls on 528.
  4. U

    Search near military housing - Casey placed a call from there

    You're right, popular it's not. But a common shortcut for those who live in the area, say someone who lives in East Orange county and commutes over to the Universal area...
  5. U

    The Search for Caylee-Possible Physical Locations

    Yes, Sgt. Allen was shown on the news yesterday saying they didn't get a hit at the Amscot dumpster.
  6. U

    Ideas For TES Search Big Name Searcher!

    I don't think they're dumb ideas, I posted the same ones in the thread that got closed but it sort of got lost in the commotion! It's been a few years since I was at UCF, but they have a large and incredibly active Greek community. I think they'd be a great resource. I was also thinking about...
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    Ideas For TES Search Big Name Searcher!

    Universal and Disney are actually two completely separate entities so you've really got two possibilities right there. Sea World is another big one.
  8. U

    Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

    I saw on the news on WESH that the dogs didn't hit on the dumpster so they don't think she was put there.
  9. U

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #166

    They showed a clip on WESH today of John Allen saying that the put the dogs on the dumpster (at Amscot) and they didn't hit on it so they have no reason to believe at this point that she was put in the dumpster at Amscot at least.
  10. U

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #166

    Yes, she was a member of my sorority although I never met her, she came through after I'd graduated. Those students can organize like nobody's business, though. And being in college with varying schedules, they're more likely to be available during the week than most working adults.
  11. U

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #166

    Someone from the Orlando Magic, maybe? I also think UCF could use their enormous student population and very active Greek system to get volunteers out there on a shift-type basis. They were really active during the Jennifer Kesse search.
  12. U

    Anthony Family Behaviors...

    I used to think she was just grieving, but this statement is just mind-boggling. Casey LIED to LE repeatedly, yet they've managed to turn it into "she's being railroaded." Wow. I have no words.
  13. U

    2008.09.02. REVISIT Will she accept the limited immunity deal?

    Yes, it was in Amy's statement and it really, really struck a chord with me. I have two young children and my oldest was always very easy-going and adaptable. He also slept like a rock. But no way would he go to sleep in the midst of a party, on a strange couch no less. I actually had to...
  14. U

    2008.09.02. REVISIT Will she accept the limited immunity deal?

    I agree that it is nasty and juice wouldn't cover it up. But I do think other things could. When I was a kid I had to take horrible, bitter medication for my asthma. My mom would put it in applesauce but the taste still came through. So she started putting it into pudding or milkshakes...
  15. U

    2008.09.02. REVISIT Will she accept the limited immunity deal?

    Either that or she gave Caylee Xanax so she'd go down for a nap and she could have some downtime. Then when she finally went to check on her/wake her, found that she couldn't rouse her. Thus, the flurry of phone calls to Cindy ("what do I do? She won't wake up?") Can't call 911, she'd be...
  16. U

    2008.09.02. REVISIT Will she accept the limited immunity deal?

    I don't have the documents open right now, but I think it might be referring to A. saying that once Caylee was asleep, she wouldn't wake up for anything, even with a party going on right around her. She said something about how once Caylee woke up for about a minute and then her eyes just went...
  17. U

    CSI collects evidence Muddy Creek Area?

    lisa0477, I've read the posts you're talking about. As far as the location off 419/Chulota Road, I believe Hawthorne Preserve is a housing development that is not yet complete. A lot of building going on in that area. Myself, I just don't see it. I live not too far from there and it just...
  18. U

    "Lake Vaj"

    Oh, he's vile, absolutely. I was totally disgusted by his myspace and my mind just doesn't go those places, I had to ask my husband to "decode" for me!! Just gross. It still seems reasonable to believe though, based on the pictures, that he lives (or rents) on a lake.
  19. U

    "Lake Vaj"

    Yes, we get he's a sex machine. But the pictures in his album show parties at a house on a lake! No one ever said that Lake Vaj was the real name of the lake, but a lake does exist in those photos.
  20. U

    If you have not heard this yet please listen now **NOT NEW**

    "...the man from the car parts store knows where I am..." Interesting. IIRC, there is an AutoZone or something similar close to the Amscot where the car was abandoned. I'm not sure I believe, though, that she'd not heard of this case beforehand.

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