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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. mayagrl

    GUILTY WA - Austin King, 16, Morton, 22 June 2010

    RIP Austin such a beautiful young man. I know his parents must be devastated. My husband's son died at age 15, you just don't get over it, especially if it was from violence. So sad.
  2. mayagrl

    Terri Has Moved -- What is Next in the Pressure Cooker

    Yes, we don't want her harrassed. Leave her to LE. If she is arrested (one can only hope) she absolutely should get a fair trial to prevent any reversals on appeal later on. I live in FL but wouldn't want TH or CA living next door or at my home. Having traveled part of my life with a...
  3. mayagrl

    Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

    X-F If you have information that may impact the investigation, why not share it with LE instead of posting rumors on this site? I guess I don't understand your purpose? You can post a request for a chart on one of the other threads on this site. Sorry, no link. IMO LE is looking at everyone...
  4. mayagrl

    Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

    OFF topic for sure, but take care sooner. :angel:
  5. mayagrl

    DY and TY feel this was planned ahead of time.

    From my own experience when a child crys not to go home, abuse is the reason. This makes me very sad for Kyron, and even more afraid.
  6. mayagrl

    All About KYRON ~ Pictures, Poems, Prayers, Well Wishes, Light a Candle ~

    Dear Jesus, We know Kyron's Guardian Angel is Gabriel and has been with him during this trial. Please be with Kyron's family and help them keep their faith as we search for Kyron. We lift our prayers up to you God who knows the end from the beginning. Amen
  7. mayagrl

    All Sauvie Island Searches

    Archaelogical evidence and history of burial disturbance and robbing by relic hunters in the Willamette and Columbia River areas, including Savie Island.
  8. mayagrl

    All Sauvie Island Searches

    Interesting info on Sauvie on this site For untold millenia, men and women were born here to be free, have families and put down roots. Time was spent trading, fishing or harvesting native potatoes, berries and wild tobacco. They were an ancient...
  9. mayagrl

    Kaine recalls when the marriage began to sour

    Sociopaths are experts at pretending to act normal. Trying to hire a hitman to off your husband, and doing God knows what to Kyron goes beyond PD. I had PD so I know what it's like. Maybe her mood swings were just the crack in the armor showing because she was getting really bored with...
  10. mayagrl

    Kaine recalls when the marriage began to sour

    If Terri has/had PD that is no excuse if she is guilty. It is HER responsibility to monitor her meds, if any, and take care of herself, so that she can take care of her children. IMO I see no indications she was depressed by all the info from her FB account. Sometimes evil just IS, and people...
  11. mayagrl

    All About KYRON ~ Pictures, Poems, Prayers, Well Wishes, Light a Candle ~

    Dear Kyron, We are praying for you lil' guy. Your Mommy and Daddy want you home and are coming to take you there. luvyou

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