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DNA Solves
  1. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    Okay, I give up. I have to provide links to information that I know first hand, (Tommy saying that he and his kids were over at the MH earlier in the evening while the A/C guy was there, confirmed by Misty in the link provided )yet you don't have to...
  2. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    I'm just a little confused as to what evidence, links etc. there might be that indicate Haleigh was not abducted from 202 Green Lane? I mean if she wasn't abducted from there, then why stage the back door with the cinder block etc. So please help me understand why you or others think she...
  3. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    I don't think Tommy has told any conflicting stories since his information initiated the Shell Harbor search. Since then, as far as I know, his story has been very consistent. Whether it is 100% true or not, well, that's another matter. Tommy is not well known for telling the truth.
  4. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    Well, I could give you a list of people they said it to, but you won't find any links to these people. And of course, the fact that they said it doesn't make it true. But I don't see that it really makes any difference, unless you want to believe that Misty, Tommy, and Haleigh were not at the MH...
  5. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    Tommy and Misty made that statement to a number of people. Thanks to Donjeta for finding a "link". I don't know why anyone would find that surprising. It is character for both of them.
  6. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    Thanks for the photos. As you can see there is a tree (looks like a water oak to me) directly in front of the MH and the other one also in front, across the dirt lane slightly more toward the next trailer but still in front of the MN. They both look like water oaks, so I stand corrected on the...
  7. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    Okay, my bad. Maybe it was an oak. I remembered it as a magnolia but Tommy definitely said he and Misty were smoking a joint under the tree in front of 202 Green Lane while the A/C guy worked on the unit. He had his kids there and Haleigh was there doing wheelies on her big wheel. That's what he...
  8. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    It's been pretty well established that Tommy and Misty smoked a joint under the magnolia tree at 202 green lane late in the late afternoon while the A/C guy worked on the air conditioner. Tommy had said that Haleigh was there then as she was "doing wheelies on her big wheel" while he and Misty...
  9. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #5

    Good point Chablis. I can't see any of Ron's relatives "turning him into the law." I suspect Ron wasn't the only one in the family familiar with prescription drug abuse.
  10. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    I have answers to a couple of your questions. Nay Nay is still in the PCSO jail for another week or so on violation of probation and then she will be released: Timmy and Chelsea are no longer living in Florida. If you go to...
  11. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    Yes, I said "he prefers his women to be 15 -17 years old." Where's the proof? Well, I think the proofs are named, Chrystal Sheffield, Amber Brooks, and Misty Croslin. The dictionary defines pedophile as someone who is sexually attracted to a child or children. I consider 15 to still be a...
  12. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    Ha, ha, ha. That's a good one. So marriage is payback. Gott'a love it.
  13. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    Yep, that too. He should have consulted a lawyer and would have learned that the marriage privilege doesn't apply in Florida in child abuse cases.
  14. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    He married Misty because of what was between her legs. IMO his marriage to Misty had nothing to do with her guilt or innocence concerning Haleigh. Ron is a pedophile. He prefers his victims between 15 and 17. If you understand that then you understand why he married Misty and you'll understand...
  15. C

    Will this case ever be solved?

    Did you know that the previous tenant at 202 Green Lane, just before Ronald moved in there was an RSO?
  16. C

    Will this case ever be solved?

    SKB was originally hired by Atty. Carol Caldwell, who represented Crystal Sheffield to help her obtain custody of Ronald Junior. They were, of course, successful in that endeavor. When Ronald was arrested the DCF filed a motion with the court to place custody of Junior with grandma Sykes. In...
  17. C

    Will this case ever be solved?

    Well, I happen to know that the PCSO is still working this case fairly aggressively. They're just not making public what they're doing. I also know that SKB is working this case and that there is another PI that is searching for a "live" Haleigh. SKB just posted a new blog at...
  18. C

    The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

    I don't know exactly what time she went to bed, but it wasn't her vehicle that was wrecked.
  19. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    Well, thank heavens our legal system doesn't work that way. You don't just "round up the usual suspects" and charge them all without proof. Geez, in this case you have as many people saying she's alive as saying she's dead. How can you prosecute someone without a provable case. People don't seem...
  20. C

    General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

    The deal would of necessity included that she or Tommy provide something that would corroborate their testimony. Their testimony alone, not being worth squat since Misty especially, but Tommy also, had told other stories before. <modsnip>

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