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DNA Solves
  1. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    This COULD actually be what happened. There is no way they planned to murder Gao. (CCTV etc) They were not stupid cops, this must have been something unexpected. But a 20 year old might not have thought of CCTV. He might have thought, "I can take the money and keep the ice, the old guy (Codger...
  2. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    The article actually says: A club spokesperson *refused to comment on McNamara’s alleged links to the club, or to confirm that police had contacted them. “I don’t think he ever had a gun,’’ the spokeswoman said. “And that is all I am telling you. Don’t...
  3. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    True. And also being seen as a straight, whistleblower would be the perfect cover for him to get away with all sorts of crimes. But then , what criminals would deal with someone perceived as a straight whistle blower? I know one thing.... If he 'suicides' while in protective custody, then I...
  4. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    Yes, Ausgirl. I have now got both McNamaras books. They are hard to read because of the sickening subject matter. On the face of it, this man was fighting some very evil and very powerful people. He appears to have been set up previously as a result of this. If it is true what he says in his...
  5. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    This could also be true, in which case he is a very bad egg indeed.
  6. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    And speaking of different angles... How about this: Jamie was not a drug dealer but an informant (as stated in media reports then quickly quashed) In this scenario, Mr Gao gives information leading to to the arrest of the ice dealers in Auburn the same day. They are a very powerful gang and...
  7. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    Maybe he did. Or maybe he decided to collaborate on another book that names names. Maybe he did not kill JM but someone who had a lot to lose made it appear that way. Honestly I don't know, I'm just trying to look at all the possibilities. We have to remember, this McNamara guy must have made...
  8. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    What if Rogerson and McNamara were working on a new book together? (as first reported in the media, then suddenly vanished) Maybe RR is tired of being the poster boy for bad cops and wanted to show that it wasn't just him. Maybe he wanted to redeem himself before he died and do ONE right thing...
  9. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    In 2013 on the Sunrise program, Glen McNamara said: "GLEN MCNAMARA, FORMER DETECTIVE (Sunrise, 2013): The real problem with the shooting and the gun culture in south-western Sydney - and it's nowhere else, but it's in south-western Sydney - the elephant in the room is drug dealing. We need to...
  10. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    Solving a crime is like solving a jigsaw puzzle, you need all the pieces to see he big picture. Here are more jigsaw pieces for you: Read Mr McNamara's two books: Savage Obsessions, and Dirty Work. If what he says is true, it adds a new dimension to this puzzle. It MAY be very significant...
  11. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    "The men, described only as Asian"..... Well THAT narrows it down.:banghead:
  12. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    I still "Vanna know" But I have to admit I'm too dumb too figure out what's happened here. Which is precisley why conspiracy theories arise. When only some of the facts are available, it's human nature to try and make sense of it all. For eg: After Oswald shot JFK, we were unable to find out...
  13. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    Thanks, Ausgirl. I like solving lateral thinking puzzles, but haven't tried to solve these sort of puzzles. My concern is it legal to publicly speculate on a case yet to be heard? Can someone let me know? I notice in the acknowledgments of GM's book, that he thanks RR for invaluable...
  14. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    actually I will make one final comment. the only thing I know for sure is that none of this adds up.
  15. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    BTW If someone asked me in a court of Law if I saw Jamie Gao on that video, I would have to say I think I see some people, possibly male, possibly asian... one of these men walks to a car, of an unidentifiable person.
  16. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    My friend just reminded me of a great quote that I believe is relevant now: 'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.' Sherlock Holmes Quote -A Scandal in Bohemia
  17. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    Dear St. Jude, I enjoy reading your posts although it was getting a bit technical for a layperson like me. (My brain nearly caught fire at one point) And while it's possible the drugs were planted, GM could also have stored them in the car with plausible deny-ability: EG: "If it WAS mine, Why on...
  18. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    "If I stole a snickers bar from my local Woolworths they'd probably throw the book at me! Is this really fair, and why on earth do we accept this, seems to me like as long as you're playing the big game you get a green light to carry on as long as nobody gets killed." #Jaded The message here...
  19. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    I have many unanswered questions about this case. How did they know what was in Jamie Gao's bag? He drove off in a car, presumably to somewhere driving distance away, so why did they know to check the storage facility? Was McNamara really a corruption fighter, or just getting rid of the...
  20. I

    GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

    McNamara had written 2 books about fighting corruption. How did he go from being a corruption fighter to corrupt so quickly? Or was he corrupt the whole time? And if that's the case Australia has a big problem when even the corruption fighters are corrupt.

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