GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

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DNA Solves

One of the reasons I think this case is very whiffy is that the ACC is involved, and they have a terrible history of corruption, as well as being a kind of 'stepping stone' to where law-keeping and politics cross paths. Ie, lotta people with a lot to lose.

Rogerson and McNamara are both *really* good at upsetting people on that level. I can't find it now, but there was an old quote I saw yesterday regarding Rogerson and his belief that there'd be some kind of 'payback' coming to him from police/govt ranks, I think that was in 2008. Don't quote me, I'll have to dig about for it again. But I was thinking as I read, "Isn't that interesting.."

And YES to those still eyeballing the 'dumb and dumber' angle, it just does NOT gel with ANYthing these men have done in the past, not their characters or decades of experience as lawmen and investigators.

I said on page 1 or 2 of this "I bet we'll never know" all of it. And I bet we never do. But somebody higher up's got poo on their shoe now, just look at how the media's being spun like an 80's nightclub hit.

Drugs in the car. I agree, too stupid a mistake for a stoned teenager, let alone these guys. Something's very very amiss here and it's driving me nuts trying to see what it is, exactly! But like I said, perhaps we will never know.
If you make a list of every mistake these two wizened old ex-cops made, from choosing to make the deal in the wife's storage unit of all places, to not checking for CCTV, to not weighing the body down correctly, to not using burn phones, to leaving a crapton of drugs in a car for DAYS**--

It's like a "How to Go Directly to Jail" manual.

And I'm not quite believing the 'dumb and dumber' spin.
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My friend just reminded me of a great quote that I believe is relevant now:

'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.'

Sherlock Holmes Quote

-A Scandal in Bohemia
My friend just reminded me of a great quote that I believe is relevant now:

'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.'

Sherlock Holmes Quote

-A Scandal in Bohemia

Then why are we here? (No Offence)
Then why are we here? (No Offence)

:floorlaugh: It's funny because it's true.

I agree with Ivana though, speculation can be a very dangerous thing indeed.

Mind you though, the media are speculating a lot on who killed who and why, we're simply exploring the alternative theories.
:floorlaugh: It's funny because it's true.

I agree with Ivana though, speculation can be a very dangerous thing indeed.

Mind you though, the media are speculating a lot on who killed who and why, we're simply exploring the alternative theories.

Speculation can be dangerous - BUT - this is a forum, the majority of us are not experts although some think they are. We are here to discuss theory's and opinions, assist when possible but not to solve the worlds problems.
Back on track thanks folks.

Discuss the case, not why we're here.
"It's the belief of most involved that it was planned," a police officer investigating the death of Jamie Gao said.

Mr Gao had previously met Mr McNamara but the meeting last week was always going to be their last, it will be alleged.

The officer said Glen McNamara had contacted the deceased on public payphones but it was not yet known whether Roger Rogerson had ever met Mr Gao before his death.

Read more:
:floorlaugh: It's funny because it's true.

I agree with Ivana though, speculation can be a very dangerous thing indeed.

Mind you though, the media are speculating a lot on who killed who and why, we're simply exploring the alternative theories.

I can think of a set up scenario for - ;)

The Hong Kong Nationals
Jamie Gao
Task Force Album

and then add in there was a connection somewhere between them all.

They say 'follow the money' - what money?
Where is there any news of actual money in this whole story. With the exception of the street value of the 'ice' - there has been no word on who was exchanging with who.

I guess due to the uncertainty of who held what role in the hierarchy in this deal - its harder to fathom the exchange - its also harder to fathom the motive - and why Jamie Gao was shot dead as a result.

As the Police seemed to stress in the msm report -

Nine msn news - read more:
... But police also said Gao broke the cardinal rule of dealing drugs &#8212; the drugs never go to the money.
"The one with the drugs has the power; you would want to see the money before you show the gear &#8212; then you do the deal," said one experienced detective.

So what if Gao had money in the bag instead of drugs? What if he was the pick-up man and not the drug delivery service.

That bag Jamie Gao swaggers down the street with could have had anything in it.
My grandmother balances better with 3 kg of tomatoes than Jamie did with a paper bag with 3kg of 'ice' in it... :waitasec:
She might swagger a bit with 6kgs though ;)

That would leave you with 3kg of your own ice and quite a bit of money.

McNamara was charged with 'supply'.

Thumbs up, Figgy, for yet another good post with a pertinent question: where IS the money, and who was actually giving it to whom? The media isn't much use for answers there, it seems, right now.

Also - wonderful work on that timeline on pg 15. Well done and thanks for that.
When people think of &#8220;supply&#8221; they usually only consider the situation where a person (such as a drug dealer) sells a drug to another. However, money exchanging hands is not an element of the offence and someone can be guilty of supplying a drug just by giving it to someone else. Further, buying a drug for someone else, or gathering money together with others and then purchasing the drugs and splitting them can be considered supply.

A person can also be charged with supply if they are charged with possession of a prohibited drug and the weight is such that it is &#8220;deemed&#8221; to be for supply; even if there has not been a transaction of drugs passing from the person to another. There are certain weight amounts for different drugs, where the courts &#8216;deem&#8217; them to be for supply. You can read more about these amounts in our criminal law articles.
Vulnerable people from students to gamblers are being recruited by organised crime |

A BRUTAL killing, a very public arrest and two high profile former detectives charged with murder — just how did Jamie Gao get caught up in such a dangerous world?

It’s a question that has had Australians talking for days ... but police are in no way shocked that a vulnerable young man could end up the victim of such a shocking crime.

What have they changed tact again? Now Jamie is a vulnerable immigrant.
From Hong Kong.

I'm still waiting to see the word "Triads" in print...
I still wonder if this bust on the same day is linked somehow

Four men aged between 22 and 24 years old were charged with supplying a large commercial quantity of prohibited drugs. Two men were released pending further inquiries and the woman was taken to Sydney's Villawood detention centre.

They discovered one kilogram of pseudoephedrine, one ounce of methylamphetamine, passports suspected of being counterfeit, half a kilogram of powder believed to be precursor drugs, mobile phones, cash and documents.

Read more:
Where is there any news of actual money in this whole story. With the exception of the street value of the 'ice' - there has been no word on who was exchanging with who.

Very good observation.

Rogerson and McNamara are loan sharks and debt collectors, that's a well known fact.

What if Gao had money in that bag of his, to settle an outstanding debt to someone that RR and GM were agents for? Was McNamara taking him to exchange it for some previously lodged security. Say 3 kgs of MA?

I just can't accept for a minute, that Rogerson and McNamara committed a premeditated crime in such an amateurish way. It just makes no sense, and everyone knows it.

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05 06 2014

smh - read more:

the heartbroken girlfriend of slain university student jamie gao has flown back to her home in japan to grieve with her family and friends.

a close friend of the couple said ms takebayashi had flown home after friends farewelled mr gao at a private service in sydney at the weekend.
The pair had been dating for a number of months. ''they were pretty close,'' said the friend, who did not wish to be named.

The night before the discovery of mr gao's body, ms takebayshi told friends she still hoped her boyfriend was safe and well.

In several posts she talked positively and said she knew he would be ''fine''.
But all of ms takebayashi's hopes were dashed when police charged mr mcnamara with murder and large-scale drug supply on monday last week.

Just expanding on my idea about the debt.

What if Gao had the idea on ripping GM off. Showing up to pay his debt, waiting until the drugs and the money were in the same place, and then pulling out a weapon with the idea of leaving with both.

So like this.

1. JG turns up to the meeting with GM with the cash to pay his outstanding debt
2. GM takes him to the unit to make the exchange
3. RR turns up with the MA, previously lodged by JG as collateral
4. JG pulls a piece and tries to leave with everything
5. RR, quick as he did to Lanfranchini, pulls out his weapon and plugs him twice in the chest

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Imagine how her parents must be feeling, sending their daughter to a posh school overseas, and suddenly she's tangled up in all this drugs and murder and dirty cops..

Major meltdown material.

What a waste of a smart, good-looking boy, a wonderful new relationship with a nice girl he'd liked for ages, imagine their futures if drugs weren't in their lives.

According to news, we are in an ice epidemic. My daughter's best friend became addicted to ice right before she hung herself. OMG Aussie parents, rein your kids in, stuff their heads with the consequences of meth and ice, the dirtiest of drugs.

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