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DNA Solves
  1. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

    Such a touching and classy letter from Hannah's parents. I would imagine that they asked for, and were granted, a delay before the public announcement to grieve privately and compose that letter. Perfectly understandable, and I would want the same in similar circumstances. Prayers for them and...
  2. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    Here is an excellent article from Forbes for anyone wishing to learn more about the costs of the death penalty vs. life in prison. As to the "delay" in releasing the identification of...
  3. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    To quote an article by Coy Barefoot regarding his surname: "The Barefoots came to the Virginia colony from England in the 1600s— which, I’m proud to say, makes it a very old Virginia name. That’s the short answer. " Hoping...
  4. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    Anything is possible of course, but IMO most bodies are found seemingly randomly - a farmer checking his fence lines, a hunter stumbling across remains, a dog bringing home a human bone, etc. It seems unlikely to me to be a ploy by LE when you have large numbers of folks scheduled to come in to...
  5. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    Thanks for pointing it out, fixed it! I think I, and perhaps most of us, need a reminder now and then that we need to always be aware of our safety and surroundings.
  6. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

    A couple of years ago (in my 40's) I was at a quiet church cemetery at the top of a hill out in the country. (I photograph gravestones for an online site as a hobby.) Two men drove up the hill and parked behind my jeep (with my Sheltie still in the vehicle) partially blocking the exit. They were...
  7. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

    If interested, here is a map with the average humidity for all of the US states: Virginia is quite similar to Florida. I used to work at a barn in Maryland with a gal from North Dakota. She said the winters here felt...
  8. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

    For those interested, here are the temperatures for September 2014 in Cville. You can click the arrow at the bottom of the page to see the temps so far for October. Source: Accuweather
  9. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

    I don't put any stock in numbers as such, but five keeps coming up - She was found 5 weeks after going missing, 5 years after Morgan's disappearance, approx. 5 miles between the properties where the girls were found. Prayers for all who are hurting tonight.
  10. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

    If the remains found are indeed those of Hannah, and IF it was an abandoned structure, I just pray that what happened to her was quick. I pray that she was not left there to suffer and I pray that he did not return to her on subsequent days. In regard to the abandoned property vs abandoned...
  11. Gully

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

    On CNN, they (Jean Casarez) are saying her body was found in an abandoned "structure".
  12. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #4

    I am praying that they have found her. I cannot even begin to imagine the thoughts of her family and loved ones. I had to wake up the hubby from his nap to get a hug, I was in tears. In such a beautiful world, how sad that there are monsters who take our happiness away.... (just my thoughts, as...
  13. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #4

    Which is why, for equestrians, foxhunting season begins in the fall. Damp days, cool with not too much wind allow for scent to be picked up more easily IMO. As to the problem of leaves falling - while it may temporarily cover the ground, it will be easier for objects to be seen from above...
  14. Gully

    JLM's car

    The photo with the area circled in red: Looks to me like a watch. Links are to the left of the circled area with the face portion of the watch to the right facing upward. JMO, of course. Of course it couldn't be as it is against a window it looks like. Ahh well, no idea.
  15. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    And sadly, if she was indeed killed soon after her abduction and left out in the open, the (please forgive me) vultures would have long since finished their work. "A vulture can eat up to 1 kilogram (about 2 pounds) in a single meal (that’s over 10% of their body weight)."...
  16. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    In some cases, businesses probably look at the camera itself as being a deterrent to crime (the visibility of the camera to those in the store) as opposed to what is actually being recorded. I agree with you that the quality of some of the video/pictures is horrendous! JMO
  17. Gully

    JLM: What Do We Know About Him?

    Actually he could be pretty darned slow academically. From an interesting article that looks at reading levels and SAT scores for college athletes: "As a graduate student at UNC-Greensboro, Willingham researched the reading levels of 183 UNC-Chapel Hill athletes who played football or basketball...
  18. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Some in this forum have speculated that it may coincide with the football season. That he may have rage about being expelled from the university and losing his chance of being a football star due to it being the fault (in his mind) of the young lady he "allegedly" raped. JMO
  19. Gully

    JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

    This is an interesting article on how it is determined when bones were broken in investigating a death.
  20. Gully

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    JMO, they may not want to have volunteer searchers out in certain areas due to the start of hunting season (starts 10/4 for bow hunting and 10/5 regular hunting). Could possibly be a liability concern. On the other hand, it will be good to have the hunters out and about searching as they hunt...

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