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DNA Solves
  1. M

    KY KY - Kathy, 48, & Samantha Netherland, 16, Botland, 21 Apr 2014

    It's hard to speculate on this case because of how few details there are publicly available. Have police said anything about items being stolen from the home? I could see this case as a burglary gone bad, or a case where the perpetrators went to the wrong house thinking that there were drugs or...
  2. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    It seems that only relatively recently is the DOJ actually stepping up investigations of law enforcement agencies, and even then it seems to be only after a series of high profile incidents. Hopefully with all of the attention that the documentary has brought to them there will be an...
  3. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    Not sure where I was saying that most cops are bad, but I am glad that you at least agree that there are some bad apples (which as they say, spoils the bunch) and that police misconduct can happen. This is not blaming the cops because I don't like the outcome, but holding people in power...
  4. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    Not commenting on the rest of your post, but this kind of police misconduct isn't uncommon. It's a form of noble cause corruption where the perpetrators justify planting evidence when they 'know' the person is guilty to make sure that the charges stick. According to the Manitowoc County...
  5. M

    Let's talk about the Kachinsky emails

    I'm guessing that it was some crocodile tears to get some sympathy because he knows that the report he was reading was going to be very damning towards him.
  6. M

    The Key: Planted or Not? Impact?

    My guess is that it was found in her SUV, along with her other belongings. It was a valet key and not the normal key she when AC found/called in the SUV they found the perfect item to plant.
  7. M

    The Key: Planted or Not? Impact?

    I believe that part of the lanyard was found in the SUV.
  8. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    ....And then sprinkling various parts of the burnt body in other parts of the property and the nearby quarry?
  9. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    I remember reading somewhere it filmed as a part of a church project, so it makes some sense that she was talking about her death and life.
  10. M

    Let's talk about the Kachinsky emails

    I think that there is a large degree of hubris and to an extent narcissism that plays a huge role as well. If your internal narrative is that you're a good guy in pursuit of justice, along with a huge dose arrogance that you couldn't be wrong, then things like the presumption of innocence and...
  11. M

    Brendan Dassey: Guilty of Teresa Halbach's rape, torture, and murder?

    It took until 2002 for the Supreme Court to decide that executing people with intellectual disabilities as cruel and unusual punishment, but each state can decide what constitutes intellectual disability for themselves. Other than this they have no other safeguards, and perhaps this is one of...
  12. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    I can absolutely see Brendan being coerced into helping with the clean up of a murder, but I can't see him keeping that a secret for this long under the amount of pressure he was under during the investigation, trial and now that he is in prison. The cops were looking for every opportunity to...
  13. M

    The Bonfire

    I guess I was underestimating how hot a tire fire could potentially get, but it seems that you would need a lot of tires to get a fire that hot even for just a few hours. I'd imagine that it would also create a lot of nasty smoke that other people on the property would notice, versus a normal...
  14. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    1. I believe that several of the other potential suspects were familiar with Teresa coming to the salvage yard to photograph cars and one of them had a known history of harassing women who came to the salvage yard. Even if he didn't know she was coming, she may have been a victim of opportunity...
  15. M

    Let's talk about the Kachinsky emails

    I agree with everyone that if there is one true villain in this case it is Len Kachinsky. It's so obvious that he couldn't be bothered to actually do his job to defend Brendan and just saw him as poor trash that didn't really matter. If anything, I think he saw this as an opportunity to cozy up...
  16. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    1. So looking at this map it seems that the van was at the very end of the long main road of the property, but in order to leave TH would have had to drive down it past several other Avery homes to get to Avery road, and then had to drive down that to get to the main highway. 2. Fair enough...
  17. M

    The Bonfire

    What I don't understand about the bonfire is that it takes at least two hours of extremely high heat (1400 to 1800 degrees) within a crematorium to burn a body. How is it possible that even with accelerants like tires that an open bonfire could burn TH's body without it being extremely...
  18. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    1. I think the other main suspects are other people who were on the Avery property at the time. This is a huge salvage yard so Steven could have seen her drive away from his location, but then she was stopped by someone else while still on the property. 2. I'm extremely confused on how this is...
  19. M

    Where the Avery Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart

    So through Occam's Razor we're to believe that a man who had spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit and had a potential windfall from a civil lawsuit murders a woman in cold blood. This man, who it's known to have a low IQ, is somehow a criminal genius on the level of Dexter...
  20. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    I think before any of that, I would ask myself 'Am I a Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department employee and would my involvement with this case be a conflict of interest?"

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