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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Some food for thought. What say you?

    I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say that it would be setting a very dangerous precedent if this case were to be overturned basically on a crowd mentality after watching a television show. This thought alone scares me very much, it would be an absolute travesty of a precedent...
  2. M

    Zellner Tweets

    I seriously have little respect for Zellner as a lawyer going so low to make this a whole media show. Seems like she has really jumped on the media bandwagon with all these tweets and dangling that letter from Kratz (however crappy it was of him to write) like a carrot on a stick. Yes, she has...
  3. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    No I don't see it like that at all, but that is only my opinion. I think the more that people try and pin the whole thing on LE, the further degrees into ridiculousness it becomes. If I'm LE and framing someone, I'm not making work for myself and my colleagues scattering a bit of evidence here...
  4. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    I don't believe they framed him. I am unsure on planting evidence (I mean the key, nothing else.) I cannot find it in myself to believe any LE would move bones etc to make up a burn site. I do not believe they would move and hide the Rav 4. My main issue with this is the plates being...
  5. M

    Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey get new representation

    Yes, as I mentioned, in my meaning of 'taking on a case is not always taking on a case'. In theory people believe you have taken on a case from the moment you request those documents, what I meant was as you quoted, that this is not always the case. It is not the definitive moment of the case...
  6. M

    Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey get new representation

    Happy to help. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
  7. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say I think I can spot him lying. I think he seems to be trying very hard not to LOOK like he is lying. I have seen people do it in action, unconsciously because they think they are trying to not look like what they are taught a liar looks like. I am not...
  8. M

    Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey get new representation

    Whilst it is different over here in the UK, my University Innocence Project ran (and still runs) alongside the Innocence Project over at Princeton. Some background: The innocence projects here took on Client's on a first basis after some initial correspondence between them and us, after which...
  9. M

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    I don't know where to fall on this side of the argument. I worked with Criminals for a year during University here in the UK (trainee Solicitor) and I've believed them until it has come down to the week before trial and video evidence has been dumped on my desk. It's a bitter pill to swallow...

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