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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. catsmeow

    GUILTY Puerto Rico - Sarah Kusak, 36, pregnant, raped, murdered, Fajardo, 4 Feb 2009

    chicago, MY sincere apologies it was this one that I meant to and should have gone back to: "I wonder if this might have been intended to be a kidnapping like what is going on in Mexico and in border towns of the U.S. I don't know why anyone would want to go visit any of these countries with...
  2. catsmeow

    GUILTY Puerto Rico - Sarah Kusak, 36, pregnant, raped, murdered, Fajardo, 4 Feb 2009

    Sorry, but I found it pretty offensive myself. First by stating 'these countries' when PR is not a country but a territory of the US, I know, I was born and raised there and am a US citizen, I speak perfect English (probably better than my Spanish)...secondly by saying that you don't know why...
  3. catsmeow

    Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

    I just hung up with my dad and I hope to God that this meter reader really just innocently came upon this and had his hinky-meter going off back in August when he was going about his route, because apparently he lives in my parents subdivision. My mom was trying to come into the neighborhood and...
  4. catsmeow

    The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

    You know, I think it's great to have a big family but I can't help but feel a little weirded out by this family. JMO. 18 is just tooooo much!
  5. catsmeow

    John Morgan to depose Casey

    Would NOT surprise me ONE bit! John Morgan is one of those attorney's that has a ton of commercials on TV. When I lived in Orlando (grew up there) he was always on advertising his old firm Morgan, Colling and Gilbert, and then I remember the big huge mess when he got his butt arrested for...
  6. catsmeow

    All things Meter Reader UPDATE: No Reward

    He was/is Caylee's hero...if these are indeed her remains (pretty sure they are) because she can finally be properly laid to rest. If not, he is still some other childs hero because either way, a child will not lay in a garbage bag with no identity any longer and maybe justice can be sought for...
  7. catsmeow

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    Hi David, peace to you too. I understand and appreciate that people can be as compassionate as you. However, I have absolutely zero compassion for this woman. I do not bow to those that call her a young girl, I feel it is a cop out. She had a child early in her life that that makes you grow up...
  8. catsmeow

    Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

    I am honestly in awe at the nerve of this 'motion'. I just cannot believe that they have requested such a thing. Yes, please, let's let KC have the freedom to 'look' for Caylee when she didn't even look or report her missing before! The only thing this could possibly serve for is to go find...
  9. catsmeow

    HOA Injunction limiting protestors-DENIED!

    I am glad that these protestors can keep on reminding the A's that they are not serving KC any good by keeping her there. BUT I can unequivocally say that I am darn glad I don't live in that neighborhood (even though I'm sure I'd be part of the protest on some days). My dogs would probably be...
  10. catsmeow

    George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

    Well...they 'have' been asking for donations...:waitasec: IMO, this WAS way out of line BUT I'm pissed as all get out that Casey is out period anyway, I know all about constitutional rights and all and that she IS free on bond, still, I just don't care. Put her back in jail, problem will...
  11. catsmeow

    GUILTY AZ - Katie Fujimoto, 6 wks, killed in street race crash, Phoenix, 13 Sept 2008

    I don't even know what to say. Sad. Incredibly sad, she never had a chance.
  12. catsmeow

    GUILTY LA - Andre Jenkins, 5 mos, dies in clothes dryer, Harvey, 11 Sept 2008

    Some people are just pure, pure evil. They should not even be sharing the same air. I can't even comprehend that I share the same molecular structure on ANY level as someone that can come up with something like this. I don't get it and I don't want to get it. If I ever get it, someone beat it...
  13. catsmeow

    WI - Mom Steals Daughter's Identity To Attend School & Be A Cheerleader

    You know...sadly I have to agree...sometimes I think my sanity level is a a little low but then I go...NOPE it's ok. Then again, sheesh, what if this crazzzaaazy woman would have stayed enrolled and started DATING or something, this could have really turned very scary. Put her away.
  14. catsmeow

    Support & Tips to help Cindy Anthony

    Go to your church and family for support. I support the search for Caylee. I can offer nothing to Cindy except to go to church and her family to support.
  15. catsmeow

    What is this costing residents of Orange County?

    Yes she did! She had to pay some money to I forget if it was the City of Duluth or if it was Gwinnett County, one or the other. I live near where she was 'abducted' and remember all the flyers EVERYWHERE for that woman!! She was all over the stores near the Mall of GA, Walmart, Target...
  16. catsmeow

    Identity Theft ...Anthony's

    I would be looking at Casey first.
  17. catsmeow

    Identity Theft ...Anthony's

    Isn't THAT the truth, I would not what to be named Cindy or Casey Anthony. If I were, I would be changing my name!
  18. catsmeow

    Don't think I can continue here if no Gen Discussion Thread...

    snipped: Originally Posted by poco Hey, I was being nice!!! I'm not trying to be mean, but no one is forcing anyone to sign on to here........ If anyone wants out, that seems to be a fairly simple solution to me. Nuh-uh! I'm Catsmeow.... :eek::confused::eek: I'm going off to have an...
  19. catsmeow

    Don't think I can continue here if no Gen Discussion Thread...

    LOL, that was so "O" wrong but so funny. Yes, I am having a hard time keeping up with all of these threads myself now. They go so quickly.
  20. catsmeow

    Tim Feels Caylee Is Dead....

    I am so flipplin sick of Cindy and her smoke and mirrors it's not funny. All of these insane stories really do make them look like accomplises to 'me' at least. If they do have credible information that Caylee is with a 'family' then GO GET HER! Or give the info to LE so THEY can get her. IMO if...

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