All things Meter Reader UPDATE: No Reward

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I'm not certain there is ANY valid current reward either. If there is though, I don't think Mr. Meter should have to indure any GUILT FEELINGS in accepting one if offered. He owes no body nothing. He did the right thing. Nuth said.
Dear Sir: You don't know what a hero you have become by having the decency as a county employee to actually walk back several yards to relieve yourself. You have changed the lives of millions and for that I thank you. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and think positive. Laughter is THE best medicine....
This man's curiosity, small bladder (kidding!) and sense to do the right thing is definitely appreciated by so many today. Gosh, it seems like no matter how big the search or how high profile the effort is, it is almost always goes back to someone just going about their business months later who discovers the remains.

He definitely deserves a reward and I hope the fact that he was on work time doesn't prevent that. I also agree, if he needs to, he should not feel embarassed or anything if he experiences PTSD or needs counseling for what he saw. I watched a somewhat recent video about the Riley Fox murder and the women who found her were still visibly shaken, breaking down into tears just describing what they saw. My God, I can't even imagine.
I wonder if he peed first, or found the bag first...

Hero is a bit strong of a word, alert & inquisitive maybe, but not really a hero.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on this one. God used this fellow bigtime and he did what he was supposed to do. I'm glad he responded the way he was meant to. He's not a "hero", but he did the right thing. WTG Bud!
Thank you for holding up a standard of integrity. You absolutely did the right thing today and God chose you for that reason, he knows your heart. I pray you are so blessed from this, as scary as it may be right now. I pray you will have peace and support from others as you grieve this day. However, don't forget to rejoice and also thank God it happened. You and your bladder deserve an applause :D
Thank you, sir. I hope you get the reward money of $250K, I believe it is.

Think that money will never be expired...and was for a live Caylee.

LP however offered $50,000 to anyone finding her didn't he?
From what I recall, the $50,000 was offered by LP on NG a month or two ago . The $225,000 or $250,000 was for an alive Caylee offered by Kidfinders or the Never Lose Hope Foundation. I hope LP's reward is still on the table and he makes good on it. This man really deserves it. If not for him, she may have never been found. It's really a miracle how God sent him into those woods today - to pee of all things.

Ooops. sorry Lex...I had not finished reading before posting my own about the rewards!
I want to tell you "Thank You" and give you a Starbuck's card!! If it weren't for that last coffee you had this morning...Caylee may not be with us tonight.

You did the right thing from the minute you found her and saw it through until she was safely in the hands of the right people. The scrutiny, the embarrassment, and the rest of what you will continue to endure by this action will be worth it. You were where you were supposed to be today. You deserve accolades and sincere appreciation. You may not feel like Caylee's hero, but rest are.

Well done.
So beautifully said SS and I second everything that you said. It's so hard to believe that people all over the country have been looking for Caylee and praying for her to be found, the searches that were done were so massive, but it took a man who needed to relieve himself in the woods to find her (it has to be her). So thank you from me too Mr. Meter Man for Caylee, who so wanted to be found. I don't think her little self could rest in Heaven until her body was found. You are Caylee's hero. In our psychic thread here, people kept getting messages from Caylee saying "I'm here, I'm right here." I guess that meant that she was so close to home and everyone was looking for her elsewhere most of the time. Thank God the waters receded and you were led to this spot to relieve yourself, thus finding our little Caylee. I will be forever sad that this is how this turned out and I will forever be scratching my head at all of the blatant lies told by Caylee's mother, but at least I can now stop by her grave if I ever am in the Orlando area as I would like to do that.
I wonder if he peed first, or found the bag first...

Hero is a bit strong of a word, alert & inquisitive maybe, but not really a hero.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on this one. God used this fellow bigtime and he did what he was supposed to do. I'm glad he responded the way he was meant to. He's not a "hero", but he did the right thing. WTG Bud!
I am sure that he doesn't feel like a hero, just someone who came upon a trash bag and decided to check it out, due to missing Caylee. I hope the reward money goes to Tim Miller and his team because they have done such wonderful work in this case and so many others and he does it so effortlessly. We all see what it is like to want someone missing to be found and we didn't even know her so what if we had a loved one who was missing, wouldn't we be wishing that someone would give Tim Miller some money to search for that loved one? Say yes because that is the only right answer.
I along with thousands of other people have spent the last 148 days searching pings, ping maps, reading thousands of pages of documents, listening to interviews with people who make very little if any sense, we've neglected our own families and our jobs, all for a precious baby girl. I personally have invested well over 500 hours of my life into finding this precious baby. For me, Hero does not even begin to define this man. He is without a doubt "Heaven Sent" and a simple "Thank you" seems far too inadequate to properly convey what I fell in my heart for him.

Mr. Utility Worker aka Angel,
May God bless you and keep you Sir, May HE make HIS face to shine upon you always. HE spoke, and you Sir, heard HIS voice. Well done good and faithful servant!

And YES, by all means, GIVE THE MAN THE MONEY!

I am in total agreement with you, mom. THANK YOU SIR!
You can be proud of what steps you decided to take... Because of you, Caylee will finally RIP and Casey will pay dearly.....

I hope they put her in general population....:furious:

Oh, forgot, take the money sir, you deserve it. If you feel bad about it, maybe you could give part of it back? But if you want to keep it, it's fine by me too...

Thank you.
Thank you so much for finding Caylee (and NOT calling the Anthonys first!!) I agree he deserves the reward money. It must have been devastating to make this discovery.
You are awesome for doing the right thing, and you have done your deed in this life. Thank you, meter man.
I think the angels led him to that place, it helped that he drank the second cup of coffee. Thank you Mr. Meter Man you gave us the very best Xmas present ever!
I wonder if he peed first, or found the bag first...

Hero is a bit strong of a word, alert & inquisitive maybe, but not really a hero.

He was/is Caylee's hero...if these are indeed her remains (pretty sure they are) because she can finally be properly laid to rest.
If not, he is still some other childs hero because either way, a child will not lay in a garbage bag with no identity any longer and maybe justice can be sought for them.
Thank you sir for being one of the great citizens of America. Without your forethought to call Law Enforcement this day may never have been. A very honorable act, and we hope you are not suffering too much from your discovery.
For the call of nature to come to this man at just that time, at the one place that lead straight to this precious child....I say it's a miracle.

My thanks and heartfelt thoughts are with this man. I am sure the experience has been horribly traumatic for him. May he find comfort in the knowledge that he is among Caylee's angels on earth.
I agree- you have to find humor wherever you can in this case. I'm glad the meter reader had to take a nature pee. I for one, am glad that this man answered nature's call in nature. (Do all men like to "nature pee" btw? An ex of mine would not even consider a house if he could not "pee freely" in the bkyd. I'm sorry-- that was an over-share).

I'm also sorry this man will have that horrific vision of a child's skull but glad that Caylee at last may be put to rest.

OK--Shiny shirt is on now-- let's hope WS server holds up! I keep getting kicked off!

Just want to add my thanks. Now Caylee can have a proper burial and rest in peace. She's an angel in Heaven. I am sure this gentleman was quite rattled yesterday so hopefully he is better today. What a terrible ordeal for him.
You are a special person for finding Caylee. I have prayed that she would be found soon, and you were that person God put there to find her. You were meant to be there, and I thank you for showing enough interest in the bag to find out what was in it. Some might just walk past it and not even consider touching it. Though not right now, you may eventually have nightmares about it, so please don't hesitate to get help when needed. That is a very traumatic event for anyone to experience, finding remains, especially a child...
At first, this seemed like such a random event, but after listening to the 911 call tonight, the guys who called were as good as searchers. The meter man didn't set out to find remains, but when he made the gruesome discovery, he stepped up and gave his voice to Caylee.

Without this pit stop in the woods, who knows when the next opportunity to come across that trash bag might have been?

Thanks to the meter man for doing what I never would have--opening an unknown bag and for being aware of one of your smallest customers, who went missing from a quarter of a mile from where you stood. Because one man took action, that body won't spend another day in a garbage bag, discarded in the woods. Thank you!!

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