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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. heavenlydaze

    Verdict is in

    George is absolved, but he is not at peace. Believe me. He killed someone, and he knows it. He is NOT OK...he won't BE ok. He will NEVER be ok. He will appear on talk shows, and he will talk to universities, but he will NEVER be Ok with any of this. Ever. He can't...and the only people that will...
  2. heavenlydaze

    Verdict is in

    No one wins. No one. Not one soul is happy that this boy is dead. Nobody wants to 'Have to Have guns'... The NRA (of which I am a member), is NOT 'celebrating' this 'victory'...believe me, they wish it could be otherwise...and this boys' family is devastated. The shooter is devastated. There is...
  3. heavenlydaze

    Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

    Casey was a child constantly criticized by her mother. She 'learned' to lie to avoid being punished. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. It was a crap shoot, but lying was an 'art' that she honed to perfection. She had a great teacher, because... Mother, wanting to 'prove' her...
  4. heavenlydaze

    Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #2

    I had to look this up because it was really bugging me (as an old ranch girl who has seen a few dug-up animal bodies and fairly certain that hair is attached to a scalp not a skull). After reading the following, I knew I had been correct, thinks the evidence hair was attached to the...
  5. heavenlydaze

    WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS** #2

    Oh, Brini, you mis-read me. It's not Casey I'm worried about. :frown:
  6. heavenlydaze

    WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS** #2

    We should stone her???? Oh, LETS!!! Let's drag her murdering *advertiser censored* out into the streets and stone her to death. No trial, no jury....let's just get it over with. Let's pretend this is the late 1600's and just do away with the formalities. We've tried her and convicted her right here. Do I...
  7. heavenlydaze

    MOO! Lady in cow suit charged...

    I think it's open in the back and ties at the neck like most costumes. Me thinks she simply untied it, slipped it off via the front and squated. What I find hard to believe is that I actually took the time to research this. I need to get a real...
  8. heavenlydaze

    ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony

    Pardon if this interview with ZG has already been posted....I can't keep up with all of this.
  9. heavenlydaze

    Michael Jackson's Used Briefs Up For Bids

    Apparently, the seller didn't check Ebay policy: Used Clothing Used clothing (except underwear) may be listed on eBay as long as the clothing has been thoroughly cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions. Listings that contain inappropriate descriptions will be ended...
  10. heavenlydaze

    Oprah balks at Hosting Palin

    I don't watch Oprah, but I'd like to be an audience member sometime. Who knows? I might get a new car or something. I want a baby blue one.
  11. heavenlydaze

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #160

    I'm sorry, I'm a little testy today...My daughter has an ocean front home in pardon me....but can we please start a separate thread for the darn dog chips? Peace & Love, Deb
  12. heavenlydaze

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #160

    My horrible suspicions are (at this point) that Caylee was placed in a dumpster. The odds of locating any body parts would be slim to none, and even if something were found, after all this time, determining a cause of death almost impossible. IF this is the case, and no body is recovered, will...
  13. heavenlydaze

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #160

    This information is sad, but not unexpected. The problem I see is this...without a confession, it only proves that Caylee is deceased, but not WHO killed her, or HOW (no body).We can speculate by everything we know, that it was Casey (either intentionally or by accident), but without a...
  14. heavenlydaze

    Hurricane Gustav

    You can watch Fox live coverage and satellite tracking here: you may need to download a small application...I did....but well worth the trouble. If this link doesn't work for you, go directly to and click the 'live' link in...
  15. heavenlydaze

    Hurricane Gustav

    You can watch Fox live coverage and satellite tracking here: you may need to download a small application...I did....but well worth the trouble. If this link doesn't work for you, go directly to and click the 'live'...
  16. heavenlydaze Domain Name For Sale On Ebay

    Just realized the link doesn't work very well....just use Ebay search for Caylee Anthony.
  17. heavenlydaze Domain Name For Sale On Ebay

    According to the listing, the money from the sale of this domain name is going to charity, however, at the bottom of the listing is a disclaimer. Someone is going to profit off of this and I find it disgusting. "Up For Auction Is The Domain Name: 100% Of This...
  18. heavenlydaze

    LP Now Says He "Wouldn't Have Gotten Involved"

    marleysmom, The Grandparents are doing what they SHOULD do under these circumstances. They're saying things that aren't appropriate, DOING things that don't seem right. How WOULD you know HOW to act? How COULD you? How in hell could you go from being a grandma, mad at your kid, to being in the...
  19. heavenlydaze

    LP Now Says He "Wouldn't Have Gotten Involved"

    'Noid, One of the things I love about you, is that you want to see the good in everybody. I sincerely hope you always do. In the meantime, we can always ask Tony if he wants to go fishing. A little R&R out on the Feather River. Just You, Me, Tony and whatever tweekers are hangin'...
  20. heavenlydaze


    If their past history is any gauge, they will simply take a good look at the case and make a determination to proceed or not. I'm hoping they do. The more minds delving into this, the better. Will the Anthony familie's attitude discourage them? Not. Won't happen.

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