WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS** #2

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Right and now she will be held accountable for her actions as everyone should be. The key word here is CHOICE. She made a choice.

Exactly. Regardless of whatever emotional or psychological problems KC has, her very actions since mid-July show she knows the difference between right and wrong. If Caylee died by accident, it was KC's job to call 911 and report it immediately. If she died because of something her mom did, well... KC's actions show that she is unfeeling and uncaring about the welfare of her child. And she needs to pay for that crime.
Exactly. Regardless of whatever emotional or psychological problems KC has, her very actions since mid-July show she knows the difference between right and wrong. If Caylee died by accident, it was KC's job to call 911 and report it immediately. If she died because of something her mom did, well... KC's actions show that she is unfeeling and uncaring about the welfare of her child. And she needs to pay for that crime.

yep. Regardless of what her issues are... if she was not "insane" at the time I believe she should pay for her crime.
yep. Regardless of what her issues are... if she was not "insane" at the time I believe she should pay for her crime.

yup! ITA! this 'thing' insane? Sorry, she doesn't deserve the title of human. Because being human is being humane!

Even more, I wonder what her IQ is. Probably quite high as many sociopaths IQ's are. Not sure what that's all about. She better pay. Personally, I'm a DP supporter but given her age, I'd rather she rot away in jail to be a very very very old bag. She'll lose her looks, her strut and her *advertiser censored* and then what will she have for the guards? Can't wait for the jury to say GUILTY. That will be justice for a baby killer.

Poor Caylee.
And I lived seriously mentally ill... psychotic, addicted to and selling prescription drugs, attempting suicide, writing bad checks, stealing from stores, crashing cars, being commited to psych wards, cheating on my husband then when I left him, working as an escort, moving in and out of mens homes that I hardly knew, arrests for assault, larceny, sale of narcotics and controlled substances, and finally, finally ended up living in the back of my car (my son slept at my mom's- she let him but not me), talking to the voices in my car stereo.

But ya know what? My child has never even had a spanking and I never lost custody of him and he never slept in the bed with me and any men I was screwing! So ya know, we make choices in life and disfunctional or not we have to draw the line at something. It seems to me murdering your child is as bad as it gets... I can come to terms with the other I have done.. just as Casey could have, she was no worse than me before all this.

But your child? To murder your child and then go on with life as if nothing happened, naw. no. That's just, No- we should stone her!

We should stone her???? Oh, LETS!!! Let's drag her murdering *advertiser censored* out into the streets and stone her to death. No trial, no jury....let's just get it over with. Let's pretend this is the late 1600's and just do away with the formalities. We've tried her and convicted her right here.

Do I think she may have killed her daughter? Yes, I think she did, or at the very least had a hand in it...but I'm reading some disturbing things here that bring a lynch-mob to mind. I thought we were better than that.
And I lived seriously mentally ill... psychotic, addicted to and selling prescription drugs, attempting suicide, writing bad checks, stealing from stores, crashing cars, being commited to psych wards, cheating on my husband then when I left him, working as an escort, moving in and out of mens homes that I hardly knew, arrests for assault, larceny, sale of narcotics and controlled substances, and finally, finally ended up living in the back of my car (my son slept at my mom's- she let him but not me), talking to the voices in my car stereo.

But ya know what? My child has never even had a spanking and I never lost custody of him and he never slept in the bed with me and any men I was screwing! So ya know, we make choices in life and disfunctional or not we have to draw the line at something. It seems to me murdering your child is as bad as it gets... I can come to terms with the other I have done.. just as Casey could have, she was no worse than me before all this.

But your child? To murder your child and then go on with life as if nothing happened, naw. no. That's just, No- we should stone her!

That is EXACTLY why KC apologists and sympathizers make me crazy, sometimes.

Many people deserve sympathy for many reasons. You were terribly ill, but you made sure that your child was staying in a safe place.

Killing a child, or neglecting the child so that she dies, because one doesn't want to work, or wants to party, is not in the sympathy ball park.

Caylee could have stayed with CA. CA would have adopted her, or even let her just stay there forever. To take a baby out of a safe home, then "lose" her, kill her, or let her die from neglect is utterly unconscionable.

That was a choice that KC made, knowing the legal and moral rights and wrongs, and knowing that her baby would never live to grow up.
She will rule the place! In no time we will be hearing she and a guard got caught having sex. Like Susan Smith. Just watch!

Yes, in fact she WILL rule the place. She, Smith, and Downs are a lot alike.
A short circuit away from the soul!

Yes---I have had a few people tell me over the years-females-who told me that they have never felt loved. They were involved with a succession of men and one related that her mother really didn't like her. So there is much with the bonding or emotional attachments in childhood that are related to this problem. I have read that some disadvantages kids do well if they find at least one adult who they can truly identify with. And with Autistic relatives, I know that there can be brain related and developmental issues that seem to interfere with bonding. There might be a problem with over-bonding that should be defined or looked at.

Doesn't matter whether it is nature or nurture, at this point. KC is an adult and responsible for her choices. She chose to take her baby away from a safe home, and the baby died. She understands right and wrong, and she is capable of controlling her behavior. She knows her baby is dead, and has not shown an iota of concern.

She also knows that she does not behave in socially acceptable ways. She and her family know that she commits crimes. Neither she nor her family have shown any interest in checking into any kind of help with her behaviors.

She is very dangerous, and needs to be off he streets. What if she gets pregnant, again? What is she marries a man with a large insurance death benefit, and decides that she wants the money?

She cannot be allowed to be free among normal people. She is a dangerous predator, not a victim.

A two-year old is uniquely defenseless. If she will kill her own, helpless, trusting baby, what will she NOT do?

I don't CARE what caused it. No sympathy. She can rot.

Exactly. Regardless of whatever emotional or psychological problems KC has, her very actions since mid-July show she knows the difference between right and wrong. If Caylee died by accident, it was KC's job to call 911 and report it immediately. If she died because of something her mom did, well... KC's actions show that she is unfeeling and uncaring about the welfare of her child. And she needs to pay for that crime.

Little kids often dial 911. DOGS can be trained to dial 911. Why couldn't KC?
We should stone her???? Oh, LETS!!! Let's drag her murdering *advertiser censored* out into the streets and stone her to death. No trial, no jury....let's just get it over with. Let's pretend this is the late 1600's and just do away with the formalities. We've tried her and convicted her right here.

Do I think she may have killed her daughter? Yes, I think she did, or at the very least had a hand in it...but I'm reading some disturbing things here that bring a lynch-mob to mind. I thought we were better than that.

She'll get her justice. Don't worry about her!
Doesn't matter whether it is nature or nurture, at this point. KC is an adult and responsible for her choices. She chose to take her baby away from a safe home, and the baby died. She understands right and wrong, and she is capable of controlling her behavior. She knows her baby is dead, and has not shown an iota of concern.

She also knows that she does not behave in socially acceptable ways. She and her family know that she commits crimes. Neither she nor her family have shown any interest in checking into any kind of help with her behaviors.

She is very dangerous, and needs to be off he streets. What if she gets pregnant, again? What is she marries a man with a large insurance death benefit, and decides that she wants the money?

She cannot be allowed to be free among normal people. She is a dangerous predator, not a victim.

A two-year old is uniquely defenseless. If she will kill her own, helpless, trusting baby, what will she NOT do?

I don't CARE what caused it. No sympathy. She can rot.


My thoughts and feelings EXACTLY. And I also think that CA and GA narrowly escaped being murdered at the hands of their daughter. I think Casey is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants...and she sure seemed to want to get her hands on the house CA and GA own.
My thoughts and feelings EXACTLY. And I also think that CA and GA narrowly escaped being murdered at the hands of their daughter. I think Casey is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants...and she sure seemed to want to get her hands on the house CA and GA own.

ITA, I think if KC had gotten away with Caylee's death, she would've gone on to kill other family members who stood in the way of her happiness and financial gain. Parents, her brother, her grandparents- KC doesn't seem to be one to care about anyone's feelings except her own.
Hi, I'm just butting in to say hello. I'm a newbie, and couldn't stand it anymore so I had to register! My husband is tired of me talking about this case, so I was happy to find this board of like minded people.
This case is driving me nuts!
Anyway, Hi.
Hi, I'm just butting in to say hello. I'm a newbie, and couldn't stand it anymore so I had to register! My husband is tired of me talking about this case, so I was happy to find this board of like minded people.
This case is driving me nuts!
Anyway, Hi.

Big welcome, Fay !!:clap::clap::clap:
ITA, I think if KC had gotten away with Caylee's death, she would've gone on to kill other family members who stood in the way of her happiness and financial gain. Parents, her brother, her grandparents- KC doesn't seem to be one to care about anyone's feelings except her own.
I feel strongly about this too. She just made too many comments about getting the house. Also I think she considered them as standing in her way of independence (conveniently ignoring the fact that she was a leech living off them). If she did away with the parents, she could have the house, money & the freedom of not having someone nagging her. Flawed judgement of course but she just might be nutty enough to reason that way. Any normal person would have just moved out, but with her...who knows? :waitasec:
Hi, I'm just butting in to say hello. I'm a newbie, and couldn't stand it anymore so I had to register! My husband is tired of me talking about this case, so I was happy to find this board of like minded people.
This case is driving me nuts!
Anyway, Hi.

Hey, Fay, and welcome! Love your avatar by-the-way. I guess it's time for me to get out my great pumpkin dvd for an annual viewing!
Little kids often dial 911. DOGS can be trained to dial 911. Why couldn't KC?

Cause you don't call 911 when you have killed your child

It was NOT an accident JMO

And I lived seriously mentally ill... psychotic, addicted to and selling prescription drugs, attempting suicide, writing bad checks, stealing from stores, crashing cars, being commited to psych wards, cheating on my husband then when I left him, working as an escort, moving in and out of mens homes that I hardly knew, arrests for assault, larceny, sale of narcotics and controlled substances, and finally, finally ended up living in the back of my car (my son slept at my mom's- she let him but not me), talking to the voices in my car stereo.

But ya know what? My child has never even had a spanking and I never lost custody of him and he never slept in the bed with me and any men I was screwing! So ya know, we make choices in life and disfunctional or not we have to draw the line at something. It seems to me murdering your child is as bad as it gets... I can come to terms with the other I have done.. just as Casey could have, she was no worse than me before all this.

But your child? To murder your child and then go on with life as if nothing happened, naw. no. That's just, No- we should stone her!

It's very disturbing to read a seemingly serious suggestion that we stone someone in this country. We have a justice system that relies on written laws, judges, courts, juries of our peers, and so much more. We do not stone people who are found guilty of crimes and we certainly don't stone those who are so far only accused of it.

I'm happy for you and your family that you have pulled your life together and that you remained a decent parent even during what seem to be very ill and troubled times, but if you take a moment to reflect, I hope you'll see that countries that advocate stoning people for crimes would have advocated stoning you for adultery or several other of the offenses you list above. Most places that advocate stoning women don't draw the line where you do. This is why we're all lucky to be living in a country with a justice system like the one we have--even with all its serious flaws. Luckily, we can reform the system as well.

Please, I know this case is frustrating and KC is infuriating and we all feel a lot of anger, but let's not even joke about stoning people in a lynch mob mentality like this.
We should stone her???? Oh, LETS!!! Let's drag her murdering *advertiser censored* out into the streets and stone her to death. No trial, no jury....let's just get it over with. Let's pretend this is the late 1600's and just do away with the formalities. We've tried her and convicted her right here.

Do I think she may have killed her daughter? Yes, I think she did, or at the very least had a hand in it...but I'm reading some disturbing things here that bring a lynch-mob to mind. I thought we were better than that.

Sorry if my feelings displease you.
Hi, I'm just butting in to say hello. I'm a newbie, and couldn't stand it anymore so I had to register! My husband is tired of me talking about this case, so I was happy to find this board of like minded people.
This case is driving me nuts!
Anyway, Hi.

Hi Fay. Welcome!!:martini:

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