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DNA Solves
  1. Zak

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia - 'Boy in the Box' - 4UMPA - Feb'57 #3 - Joseph Augustus Zarelli

    The search warrant for birth certificate’s for the mother was for the years 1944-1956. So, perhaps wrongly, assume Joseph had older sisters.
  2. Zak

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia - 'Boy in the Box' - 4UMPA - Feb'57 #3 - Joseph Augustus Zarelli

    Yes. Not sure how it is now, but back then the listed father had to sign the birth certificate. Another interesting fact about PA is that because we are a Commonwealth we have archaic laws still. If a man believes he’s the father of a baby and signs the BC then he is legally the father. Even if...
  3. Zak

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia - 'Boy in the Box' - 4UMPA - Feb'57 #3 - Joseph Augustus Zarelli

    One other thing in PA, back then, is that the father must sign the birth certificate. So if he’s listed he had to have signed it.
  4. Zak

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia - 'Boy in the Box' - 4UMPA - Feb'57 #3 - Joseph Augustus Zarelli

    In PA our birth certificate’s list the mothers maiden name and the fathers name. So looking at one you would never know if parents are married or not.
  5. Zak

    Allegations Against JS PRIOR to 1998

    Please allow me to make a correction. I've lived in Washington Pa all of my life and its the Brownson House. Here is a link to the website:
  6. Zak

    George Zimmerman's injuries #2

    I posted yesterday on page 1 of this thread about my husband breaking his nose around noon yesterday. The ER doctor looked up in to hubby's nose with a light and said I think it's broken. He said he could take an xray but it wouldn't show much. He said he could do a CT Scan if we wanted one...
  7. Zak

    George Zimmerman's injuries #2

    It was long sleeved. They had some pictures of his hands taken with just the long sleeved gray shirt and no jacket. Please let me know if you want a link to those pictures.
  8. Zak

    George Zimmerman's injuries #2

    Today my husband broke his nose at work and was taken by ambulance to the ER (he had other injuries). What I wanted everyone to know is that he broke it at noon today and as of 5 minutes ago still doesn't have black eyes and very little swelling. Not sure what it will look like tomorrow, but his...
  9. Zak

    Witness accounts

    BBM If I remember correctly, in the video taken the day after Trayvon died, BG said that this was Trayvon's first time there and something about him not knowing anyone there so he was bored. I don't remember where I watched this video, but its the one with Trayvon's dad and BG and they are...
  10. Zak

    Witness accounts

    Concerned Papa, have you come across a picture of the where the cell phone, flashlight and key's were found and how close they were to the sidewalk or T? I've seen pictures of the items with the LE markers, but haven't seen one along with the sidewalk. I think I remember reading in the docs that...
  11. Zak

    Witness accounts

    According to the pictures I believe that it happened right behind John's unit which is the 2nd from the end. The end unit has the enclosed porch. So when John says 30ft maybe he meant 30ft in front of him from his bathroom window looking down at them on the ground?
  12. Zak

    Witness accounts

    BBM If I remember correctly, at the bond hearing Gilbreath said GZ's flashlight was what he would term as a tactical flashlight. Below is the link to the picture of GZ's flashlight. I can plainly see that it is a normal LED flashlight complete with the wrist strap. I bought a package of LED...
  13. Zak

    Trayvon at 7-11: Surveillance Video

    When I watched the tape I, also, noticed when Trayvon seemed to touch his mouth or put something in it. I went back and watched again. I may be wrong, but I think he was adjusting the mouth piece for his headset to his cell phone. I am not sure what type of headset that Trayvon had, but it had...
  14. Zak

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    Thanks for posting the picture. By the time I found it I found out that I don't know how to post a picture. Then my computer started moving sooooo slow that my response to you was very late. Thanks again! I did read in the docs that the can came out of Trayvon's pocket during CPR.
  15. Zak

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread,0,6090406.photogallery?index=os-pictures-evidence-photos-released-in-the-sh-035 I'm sorry, but I have never posted a picture so I don't know how to...
  16. Zak

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    I found something else that isn't true, thanks to the crime scene pictures. Trayvon did not buy an Arizona Iced Tea. He purchased an Arizona Watermelon Juice drink. When I saw the picture of the can laying on top of the yellow blanket covering Trayvon I noticed it was a red can. I could see part...
  17. Zak

    What evidence does the prosecution have?

    BBM I feel the same way and I know my dad would have grounded me forever. One thing that I have been wondering is if Trayvon was in jeopardy of failing the school year because of all the days he was suspended? When a student is suspended, it is my understanding that those days are...
  18. Zak

    17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

    But what about the next day when she finds out that TM has been shot and killed? Wouldn't she then call someone to let them know what happened the last time she talked to TM? I mean, the last time she is talking to TM he tells her there is a man following him, she hears words exchanged and what...
  19. Zak

    17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

    I've not read anything that says Trayvon was doing all of those things at the same exact time.
  20. Zak

    17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36 UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But before you committed this crime on February 26th, you were arrested -- I'm sorry, not arrested. You were questioned that day, right, February 26th? ZIMMERMAN: That evening into the 27th. UNIDENTIFIED...

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