2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

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DNA Solves
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It all makes sense now.

I could not figure out why that can was put on top of the body and now we know why they did not get it right in the report.

No doubt it was placed there because of the watermelon. IMO

Somebody needs to get in serious trouble for that :eek: (not you Doc, the person who took the picture)

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You said it Sister No had the guts to help him when he needed it.

IMO She should have been run down charging that abused child who hurt his sibling who might be alive today if his own dirt bag of a mother took him to the hospital instead of letting him sit and die.The mother should spend her life in jail not a child that was insanity IIRC he is 10 yrs old and abused all his life.He hurt his sibling because violence was what he was taught from dear old mom.Seeking justice is one thing but she IMO is insane and I have no idea why the people in FL would want even vote for her after that.Oh wait she was voted in after appeasing the mob,IMO that is why she overcharged a man who should never have been in charge to begin with.Well those who love her won't when and if she does it to a loved one of theirs.Wonder how the voters will react if the right thing is done and the Judge follows the law and dismisses charges and OMG the money FL will owe GZ will be a very mighty sum IMO. I only hope he can legally sue Mr.Crump for his lies to the media.

I don't think he can sue Crump or Natalie Jackson, but he can sue others who had absolute knowledge what they were saying was untrue. Hopefully their money won't be spent by the time the suits are filed. JMO

Jackson and Crump were not even good at pulling all of this off. In fact, they are the main reason I never bought it hook, line, and sinker, in the first place. Of course this is a horrible tragedy, but it's a rare circumstance when an absolute monster meets up with an absolute angel and for no reason whatsoever, the monster shoots the angel down. JMO
For those who say this "crime" is about profiling...IMO you can criminalize "profiling" but you cannot stop people from basing their fears on common sense and the reality of wHERE THEY LIVE. If a Black community is being targeted by Whites in whote sheets, it is tragic if an innocent white kid is shot as he walks to show a friend his Halloween Ghost costume. But I would defend the right of thatBlack community to fear him...it is statistically honest.

It was statistically honest for GZ to watch TM that night. Even if GZ is made a scapegoat, people will continue to base their fears and suspicions on the reality of the descriptions of the Criminals victimizing THEIR neighborhood. This is not RACE specific...it is FACT specific. And it is a natural part of our human quality for self protection.,

While it would be most insensitive for a white kid to put on a sheet and walk through a black neighborhood under any circumstances, considering the history of the KKK, I see no comparison in that and Trayvon Martin walking through George Zimmerman's neighborhood.
IMO the costume which Trayvon Martin was wearing and the costume which seems to so have offended Mr. Zimmerman is the costume with which Mr. Martin was born----his black skin. IMO it cost TM his life.
Good for Trayvon, I am glad he broke GZ's nose before GZ was shot and killed. This just proves to me that Trayvon stood his ground against an attacker. There is still the possibility that the nose was broken from the recoil of the gun. The cuts and scrapes on the back of GZ's head don't look that bad to me. I don't remember facial hair in the police photos either, though they are prominent in these photos. The fact that he refused medical help (then there is no documentation from unbiased sources), but waited until the next day to go to his private physician is telling. Some of us have said that it sounded like he was trying to lay the groundwork for justification of shooting Trayvon before he ever got out of his vehicle in pursuit. jmo

I dont think that WAS GOOD for Trayvon as it appears to many that was the beginning of what lead to his death.
Does anyone have a quick link to the witness statements? TIA. Also, I'm guessing there is still alot thas was not released? GZ's dr. report, the text messages.......etc.
I found it, on page 41:

He states he and ... heard a 'scuffle' or 'rustling of bushes' coming from behind his residence.

It's actually a weird statement, because I wouldn't think a scuffle would sound like bushes.

Maybe he heard the dog that got loose rustling around in the bushes?
What evidence exists that Trayvon Martin instigated or started a fight with George? I've seen evidence that George got his azz handed to him by a 17 year old kid, but what witness or otherwise shows who started it, other than the "say so" of an accused murderer?

The fact that a witness says Trayvon was on top of George means nothing in regards to who the instigator of the confrontation was. All that means is "some can sing it" but "others can bring it". Kinda like this video.

Take 1:55 and watch what I mean:

Punk Takes on Gulf War Vet and Gets Humiliated.avi - YouTube

There is no evidence whatsoever that TM started the fight with the person who was harrassing him and following him on a dark, rainy night. No witness claims to have seen the start of the fight, nor is there a witness who claims to have seen the end of it, which cost TM his life. We have only Zimmerman's word for it, which IMO, can't be relied on because it is self-serving.
The video which you embedded illustrates perfectly what can happen to a bully when he tries to intimidate a man who appears to be standing on his porch minding his own business. He could just have easily been walking down a sidewalk in the dark when confronted by this bully. And if it were in FL the bully could claim he feared for his life, pull out a gun and shoot.
But... It can also help the prosecution in that a kid smoking some dope would be far less inclined to start an altercation under the influence of a little POT.

A resonable person understands the effects of smoking pot---mellows you out!

Let's see... ADHD guy vs. kid under influence of pot which one would be the aggressor???? I am not saying either tells us what happened... but for the love of ducks, lets not get hung up on the POT. Please!


I agree! Unless I've missed it, we don't know what was in GZ'z system. He could have been smoking weed also ????
He did... not even a minute into the altercation... when GZ shot and killed him.
I'll re-iterate... GZ was told NOT to follow TM and he was NOT LE. He had no right to question ANYONE and TM had no obligation to stop and answer a strange man's questions when all he was doing was coming home to watch TV and sleep.
Stalking/profiling and killed are all legal terms so not really sure how emotional they are. IMO it's what happened.
If TM was a kid with a sense of "entitlement" he probably would have been driving home in a SAAB and not walking almost a mile to get some snacks.... all MOO of course.

ETA: The TSA have a "LEGAL" authority to make you take your shoes off and search you

Actually, I believe this assertion to be false.

GZ was *not* told *not* to follow TM.

He was told that it was not *necessary*.

I believe the exact words were, "Okay, we don't need you to do that."

That is not very strong language. "Do not do that" and "I don't need you to do that" are not the same.

Consider that GZ had called in suspicious persons before, and LE arrived and was unable to locate them because of the time it took them to arrive and the fact that the suspicious individuals had left the premises (or hidden). IIRC, a crime or two occurred in the time it took LE to arrive after a called-in report of a suspicious person.

If I lived in a neighborhood that had been plagued with breaking and entering episodes, and had experienced LE not being able to arrive in time to detain people because they were gone by the time LE got there, if someone who was not present to see what I could see told me I did not *need* to maintain visual contact with a suspicious person, well...

My thought would be, "You aren't here. You can't see what I can see - that he just turned a corner and could end up going one of three different directions while he's out of my line of vision. You probably don't know that half the time when I call, the police get here too late to find anybody I called about. So *you* may not think me maintaining visual contact is necessary... but I'm the one with boots on the ground in my neighborhood - on the sidewalk where I walk my dog every single night - and I know that if the police are going to question the guy I'm watching, I *will* need to be able to tell them specifically where he is. I know from experience that I do *need* to keep watching him. If I don't, there will have been no point to my having made this call in the first place."
Respectfully snipped and BBM

And Trayvon had a right to walk home from 7-11 without being stalked/profiled and killed.

Well it is legal to follow and GZ was not charged with stalking.Sorry but we all have the right to criminal profile anyone we choose.TM would never have been killed if he did not confront(TM gf )GZ and assaulted him.It is 2012 many more people are carrying a gun and have a right in that state as well as many others to do so.It turned out deadly because the person TM assaulted had a weapon and was able to use it to save his own life.When my son was 15 I had the talk with him I call it walking while being a teenager of any color.He was told many people carry guns teens,and adults and in my state it is not legal to do so for 99% of the people.I told him to never assault anyone because unless they are naked they could be armed.To avoid confrontations at all cost.Be respectful to police even if they are harassing you just because your a smartazz teenager because they have a gun and can shoot you because your acting like a smartazz and say you went for it, your dead they get a promotion or a few days off. Everyone LE and all the rest of us do have a tendency to CRIMINALLY profile teens because most teens are usually up to something.HE also was given the driving at 17 continually be pulled over by police talk when he started to drive.My son was 15 exactly 15 years ago it was needed then and that talk is needed even more today.AS his parent it was my responsibility to at least try to make him understand that every action we do in our life causes a reaction.Unfortunately we can only control are own actions, the reaction is in someone else s hands that he was told as soon as he was school aged.
The watermelon can placed on Trayvon's body.

No other belongings stored on his body is there?


Thanks for posting the picture. By the time I found it I found out that I don't know how to post a picture. Then my computer started moving sooooo slow that my response to you was very late. Thanks again!

I did read in the docs that the can came out of Trayvon's pocket during CPR.
Actually, I believe this assertion to be false.

GZ was *not* told *not* to follow TM.

He was told that it was not *necessary*.

Jumping off of this comment here, has there been any proof shown that GZ continued to follow TM after this, or any proof that he stopped? I'm asking because I recall thinking I heard GZ answer the 911 operator with "ok". It's been awhile since I listened to the tape so I could be wrong but almost swear I heard that.

Also, didn't GZ say he was on his way to Target when this happened? If so, it makes having a gun on neighborhood watch moot. IMO.
Does anyone have a quick link to the witness statements? TIA. Also, I'm guessing there is still alot thas was not released? GZ's dr. report, the text messages.......etc.

I don't think the phone stuff has been released yet but I think it's on the way. Dr's report hasn't been fully released yet either.

IMO, the autopsy results showing no injuries other than GSW on TM are strong evidence that TM started the fight. Further, they support GZ's story that he was attacked by surprise, which is probably why he never got any punches in. If GZ had retaliated or punched first, there would be at least one mark on TM.



So the autopsy report shows who started the fight? LMAO

Like Concerned Papa said in the post you responded to, it just shows that GZ got his azz handed to him by a 17 year old..

How does those injuries show GZ was attacked by surprise? LMAO

I guess...

Still LMAO.
Where is the proof he was followed because of his skin color? Besides from Mr.Crump and the media?.GZ might have been undercover or an off duty policeman at 17 that would have been my first thought if someone followed me so openly.Why wouldn't that cross his mind?Why jump to the conclusion TM assumed it was because he was Black, IMO it that kind of thinking put into young children's minds that lead to these kinds of out comes.When I was very young about 7 in around 1966 I was sent to summer camp for 2 weeks in the Poconos.When I arrived at camp every child and every counselor was black the owners and their son was white and so was I.For 2 weeks we all played rode horses,hiked trails,caught salamanders,picked apples and we all became friends.I had the best time ever till the last few days after the owners son told me he liked me lol and hoped I would come back the next year then gave me flowers he had picked.Later when we all went to our cabin about 15 of us I was pushed down and beat up because about 10 girls liked him and they said I deserved it they blamed me because he showed he liked me.When our counselor heard me crying out she came in and rescued me.She sent the girls out of the cabin they were all in trouble.She then tried to explain to me the reason my 10 new best friends beat me up.She said they were upset because they felt he liked me more because I was white like him and I said no he likes me more because I climb the trees to the top like he does and I always play baseball with him and the others boys and am very good at it.After they said they were sorry and we went outside to play.I was so happy they liked me again. I lived in a town that was completely white but even at 7 I just saw everyone as people like me, I knew they were all different shades and I was white as a ghost but I remember when I first met my counselor she was a beautiful coffee color she had a small rose tattoo and I do remember saying I had never saw a rose look so beautiful not even a real one and it did against the color of her skin.She laughed and said when I grew up I could have one too!I remember saying I am so pale it would never be as beautiful on me as it was her.And yes I went back the next year.Now if my mom would have said to me Oh my God they beat you for being white I would have believed my mom and most likely I would have turned out racist thinking if black people hated me
maybe I should hate them too.Sorry to ramble on lol.

Interesting little story but what does it have to do with the subject at hand?
I don't think your experiences at a camp in the Poconos have anything to do with the death of TM. I'm glad you have no prejudice against African-Americans, but I doubt GZ could tell such a charming little story. Maybe you are saying "Some of my best friends are black?" I believe that's what GZ's family was contending with their claims of GZ handing out flyers.
Would bruising ever occur on a body that suffered injuries just moments - perhaps less than a minute - before death?

Once the heart stops, blood pools based on gravity. I wouldn't think bruising would have had time to appear prior to the cessation of his heartbeat.

Apparently reporter couldn't read handwriting on the diagram. What he thought says "bruise" actually says "brown" with an arrow pointing to an eye, as in "brown" eyes.
What he thought said "blood spot" actually says "black short" with an arrow pointing to the hair, as in "black short" hair.
There were only two injuries to Trayvon- bullet wound and laceration on a fourth left finger.
Thanks for posting the picture. By the time I found it I found out that I don't know how to post a picture. Then my computer started moving sooooo slow that my response to you was very late. Thanks again!

I did read in the docs that the can came out of Trayvon's pocket during CPR.

So in the process of CPR, the can came out of Trayvon's pocket?

I wonder how it managed to stay in his pocket during this life or death scuffle....doesn't make sense to me.


So the autopsy report shows who started the fight? LMAO

Like Concerned Papa said in the post you responded to, it just shows that GZ got his azz handed to him by a 17 year old..

How does those injuries show GZ was attacked by surprise? LMAO

I guess...

Still LMAO.

Nevertheless, how have you proven that GZ is the one that instigated the confrontation?

So the autopsy report shows who started the fight? LMAO

Like Concerned Papa said in the post you responded to, it just shows that GZ got his azz handed to him by a 17 year old..

How does those injuries show GZ was attacked by surprise? LMAO

I guess...

Still LMAO.

Me too.

No autopsy could show who started the fight. It's amazing what lengths people will go to to attempt to prove a point. I'm laughing too.
okay, anyone have any ideas about this: Sanford Fire Department at the scene for zimmerman: "Cause of Injury: Struck by blunt / thrown object. (9640) Mechanism of Injury: Blunt"

Could it have been from Trayvon throwing his Arizona Tea can at GZ while GZ was walking back to his vehicle???? I did not read this any where, I just thought this when I read your post.
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