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  1. A

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    JVM is having a hissy over an honest opinion......jeez, I think I'd rather hear from that lady over JVM any day ��.
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    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    When will the jurors be seen today? Their clothing could be a huge clue to if they really have reached a verdict.....most dress up on the final day because they will be in the public eye.....just a thought....
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    Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

    I'm probably going to be flamed here but I have to admit that I have a hard time not following what goes on with her. Although I will not seek out info about her, I can't turn a blind eye to things that involve her. I don't know if its that I followed this case for years or that I want to see...
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    Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

    One thing that has really stood out to me is how much she reminds me of Cindy Anthony in her gestures and expressions used in the video. They look alike but its the mannerisms that are such a close match to those of Cindy.
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    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    The first thing that came to mind when I was entertaining the idea of why she would speak of the burial of Caylee is because it ties into the book she is writing somehow. I don't know if would support the title or other ridiculous things she plans to include.
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    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    I've seen several people ask if and where the Dr. Phil show can be seen and I still haven't got any answers. When I search it all I come up with is tiny segments of the whole and I would really like to watch it for myself....any help is greatly appreciated :)
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    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    I had seen the question asking what demeanor would be normal for her to have coming out of prison and to me the only acceptable one would be that of a grieving mother because ultimately that would be the only thing on my mind. I would probably be weeping because I was entering a world that my...
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    2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    This is insane...why do people care so much. Bottom line....she's a murderer and will be walking free later tonight. She should've never seen daylight again and she will be wisked away like a celebrity and followed by paparozzi. There is something wrong here....I am so disgusted!
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    2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    One thing I've learned from these people is to trust no one or nothing as far as the Anthony's are concerned. Who actually knows if the Anthony's were against her or did they all play a part in the scheme for acquittal....who knows?!?! I think there is a good possibility that they have put up...
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    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    Just because you can't argue your point is not an excuse to acquit a murderer. They sound as if its a parking ticket and not a child killed by its mother. I am so sick of hearing how they regret and or are so sorry. They dropped the ball plain and simple and its really took me a few days to...
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    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    The whole Puerto Rico idea sounds about right. Somewhere yesterday I saw a video of Baez and his wife in an airport.....wonder if he's going where Casey is going when released? Hmmmmm?!?!
  12. A

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    She loved looking like an integral part of the defense team so much that she stated before that she wanted to go to law school and the really sad thing is that we all thought that was the most ridiculous thing we had heard of.....Thursday, she will walk free and may have that opportunity. Too...
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    I hope that there are a few curious Jurors

    You have no idea how many times I've thought the same thing today but this really isn't their fault.....the justice system in general is to blame. There are no winners in this game!
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    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    In the first few minutes LDB has ripped her to worries are fading and fading fast....LDB is the best prosecutor in the case in my opinion!! WOOHOO!!
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    What one subject or particular argument worries you from Closing Statements

    Closing statements are going to be fresh in the jurors minds when deliberating and I know one specific point that really worries me that they have heard from the defense. I'll tell you mine but I wanted to know if there are any of those for you all as well. The point that stands out to me is...
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    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    Glad LDB will be speaking because as good as JA seems to be doing, I think the DT really made way for resonable doubt yesterday....I'm concerned but waiting on LDB before I jump to conclusions.....not saying JA hasn't done well because he has. Maybe I'm a worry wart :)
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    2011.07.03 Defense (CM) Closing Arguments #2

    I'm hoping you're right and deep down I think the same but I would have felt better if he had fell on his face.....I'm sure we'll be satisfied with LDB's rebuttal because she's an awesome attorney that has went above and beyond to prove the Defense wrong......I keep telling myself that...
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    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    This has to end.....I'm beyond sick of the rambling and cannot take much more!
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    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    Have we not hit the 4 hour point about an hour ago?!?!?
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    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    I've stayed with this case for 3 years and never once thought Casey was innocent but Mr. Baez is most definately providing reasonable doubt.......I hope and pray KDB can finish this off with a bang and put the nail in her coffin.

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