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  1. SL_Zero

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    Is caylees death still being actively investigated (since there's no 'proof' she died in the pool)? If kc skeeps to her story under oath in the depo and later we find out the real cause, is that perjury? Just wondering if maybe that's why she's clamming up...
  2. SL_Zero

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    If she actually shows up somewhere will it be posted somewhere else, like new links, or will a new thread be created when she is sighted? I can't keep up with all this skimming.. :\ Sorry
  3. SL_Zero

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    That buddhist retreat sounds like a good lead. Anyone following up?
  4. SL_Zero

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    Is a lie detector admissable in court in fl? I guess due to double jeopardy it wouldn't matter as far as her crime, but it could ruin her precious image. I guess that's why not?
  5. SL_Zero

    Casey's appeal on the 4 charges of lying to police

    Agreed. Its carp. Pure carp. There's footage of her saying the baby is missing, and in court her defense states the baby was dead all along. No way she thinks it'll be appealed. Its just stalling. <modsnip>
  6. SL_Zero

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    Anyone else think KC will make a 'big' appearance on Friday so that she can be the 'big weekend story'? I also think it'll eventually come out that she and Baez were more than professionally involved. Maybe this is their little vacation getaway. Blech. Gag.
  7. SL_Zero

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    Well they're certainly creating a buzz. If thes holding the blanket up so it doesn't muss her hair (vain? Check.) then it would pull up the. Shirt as well as make her appear taller.
  8. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Paralegal@? Lol! Then she can dress up in important business clothes. Yay. I bet that's what she was fiddling around pretending to do at trial. Maybe she thinks she will meet & marry a lawyer. At least you can do paralegal studies online so she won't have to enroll in a campus-based college and...
  9. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    I agree that's a short deliberation. :\ I think they're still at masons office. I hope someone is posted up there watching. They probably won't leave until everyone is gone. Any info on any of her lawyers having vacation homes? Id bet that's where she goes for a while. I thought GA was seen in...
  10. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    You really think they flaked? :( That's awful. I hope not.
  11. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    I thought she was tracked to a garage outside CMs office? Maybe she's still there? Was anyone stalking it after she arrived?
  12. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    My goldfish went missing a month ago but she didn't mention it til now!! :floorlaugh:
  13. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    @katydid- Acquitted does = innocent. Under US law one is "innocent until proven guilty". Unfortunately KC way not proven guilty. :(
  14. SL_Zero

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    ....having a hard time keeping up. Thanks to everyone for their vigilance. :) I take it no one has figured out where she is yet? Legals, am I right in assuming she can't leave the country due to pending lawsuits? Sorry if this has already been asked.
  15. SL_Zero

    Potential Biorelatives of Caylee wanting to bring Wrongful Death Suit

    As Maury would say: ...JP, you ARE the father! Lol I showed the two pics to my 15yo who didn't even realize it was Caylee. All I said was "what do you think of these two pictures?" And she says, um that's her dad. I think KC and JPC met sooner and went their separate ways. Mutual friends...
  16. SL_Zero

    Jesse Grunds Dr Drew Interview

    *scary thought*: What if she's got jg bamboozled again and THAT'S where she's going after jail? Omg right? I've got to wonder. She's got no money in her pocket, for rent/dp on a new place or hotel or anything. I can't imagine she's just going to sleep on a park bench. Shes got to have someone...
  17. SL_Zero

    Jesse Grunds Dr Drew Interview

    So the video gone? Bummer. Wonder why...?
  18. SL_Zero

    Jury ends deliberations for the day.

    Anyone have a list of the charges they are deliberating over? I didn't realize there were so many. I'm confused how they can charge m1 and also child neglect/abuse? Doesn't one lead to the other? Did they discuss these separately? I imagine the jurors might be overwhelmed with so many charges to...
  19. SL_Zero

    REVISIT There wasn't a babysitter, Casey didn't have a job,What's going on?

    So far in this case this is the biggest mystery for me. I have a strong gut feeling that she was using xanax on caylee. I don't think she would have left her in the car, but she had to be leaving her SOMEWHERE. Abandoned house? Remember the fernandez and gonzalez house bit? Or maybe an empty...
  20. SL_Zero

    2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

    WOW Amity! Just WOW. I've been waiting for something like this to happen, but Id hoped it would come out in the trial. Wonder if/how it will affect.. But how will this prevent Caylee from resting. In peace? Just popped on to try and catch up again, and apologize for the earlier post in the...

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