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DNA Solves
  1. Duckley

    Can Casey benefit from therapy?

    Absolutely agree.
  2. Duckley

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    I know a woman named Zenaida - funny her nickname is ZENNY! Zanny the Nanny ... I don't think so!!!
  3. Duckley

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    Great list ... for me :banghead: I would add Casey's lying arrogrant sociopathic behaviour was reinforced (she must feel so empowered... Jose too!) Her family - with perhaps the exception of George - still doesn't seem to get it...
  4. Duckley

    Justice for Caylee

    Casey, like most spociopath, was a consumate actress. She knew how to play and look like a good mother er - especially for photos and videos... No one really knows what she was like behind closed doors, when the camera wasn't snapping, the video not running when there was no audience... My...
  5. Duckley

    What questions are still unanswered?

    My answered question - what the heck was that jury thinking?
  6. Duckley

    Potential Biorelatives of Caylee wanting to bring Wrongful Death Suit

    Dang! Thanks for your response - :maddening:
  7. Duckley

    Potential Biorelatives of Caylee wanting to bring Wrongful Death Suit

    I am hopeful the Anthony's themselves will bring forward a suit. Perhaps relatives of Cindy or Georges? If not, can we launch a class action suit???
  8. Duckley

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    The comments that I have heard from the jury seem only to reflect that they did not understand the jury instructions and the case that was presented. It is as though because there was no smoking gun, no video of the crime, and a couple of witnesses that they did not think presented well... they...
  9. Duckley

    Witness tampering alleged

    Oh my - such mystery surrounds this family..... denial, dysfunction and secrets ... such toxicity -
  10. Duckley

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    I haven't watched any of the interviews with the jurors - just catching snippets here and there.... can anyone tell me if the interviewers are knowledgeable enough to challenge the jurors and their thinking. So many interviews that I have seen with people spouting off don't seem to know the...
  11. Duckley

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    As per Bill Maher... If you go outside in the morning, and pick up your newspaper and it is wet, and then you look at your driveway and walkway, and notice that the pavement is wet and that there are puddles... and then you look at the grass and see it is is safe to say othat it...
  12. Duckley

    2011.07.12 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Can she be sued for wrongful death?
  13. Duckley

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Interesting - what do you think the outcome would be. I am very liberal - however, I firmly believe that she is guilty and that there was more than enough evidence to substantiate this. I do not agree with he DP so would have given her Life without the possibility of parole ....
  14. Duckley

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    I hope I don't offend - but this picture that someone posted on facebook says it all for me
  15. Duckley

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    or that she wanted to open the door - whether she could or not is a different story and you are right - doesn't porrve drowning
  16. Duckley

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    After hearing some of the reasons the jurors found her not guilty - my anger has increased. There needs to be some way to hold jury accountable when the do not deliberate in a proper and productive way. If they do not understand their task then their deliberations need to be moniored by a...
  17. Duckley

    Verdict Suggests Juries are Tired of Theoretical Justice & Circumstancial Evidence

    I agree that the deliberations should be taped. This jury has a lot of explaining to do IMO. From the snippets I have heard about their rationale - it seems like only a confession or a videotape of the actual crime would have convinced them of ICA guilt. It appears they eleived much of the...
  18. Duckley

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Isn't that the tragic irony!
  19. Duckley

    The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

    The Anthony's have been so enmeshed for so long, they do not seem to know where one family member ends and the other begins. Even ICA refered to Caylee in many of the jail house tapes as "our" Caylee. Finding ICA Not Guilty for Cindy could mean for Cindy that she is also Not Guility.
  20. Duckley

    The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

    What evidence did they have that George lied on the stand. The jury apprarently felt there was no evidence that Casey murdered her daughter - so they set her free cause they think George is lying.... OMG

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