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DNA Solves
  1. D

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

    Your post is thought-provoking, Little Bitty 35. We'll never know how the Anthony family behaved when they were alone (with family only), but your description and theory probably comes close to some of their behaviors. I'm reminded of a close friend of mine. She and I were friends even as...
  2. D


    Thanks for reminding us that Casey once told JG that Lee had come into her bedroom. You asked if JG's statement--that Casey told him Lee had come into her bedroom--would be admitted under hearsay rules? I think that statement would be excluded for reasons other than hearsay rules. Wasn't...
  3. D


    Virtually anything said by Casey to another person will be admissible. Thus, if CA or GA testifies, whatever Casey told her/him would be admissible. As an earlier poster pointed out, what Casey said is different from hearsay, because of Casey's special position as the defendant. As the...
  4. D

    2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

    I haven't read this whole thread. However, I saw CA's gum-chewing ("like a horse") mentioned on the thread about imaginary Zanny's imaginary white dog. Since we were to stay on the topic of the "white dog" on that thread, I thought I'd mention here that I think CA's gum might be nicotine gum...
  5. D

    Zanny's White Dog

    Okay, I've read this thread. I am well aware that posters here are well aware that George and Cindy have, or had, two small dogs. Someone on the thread said they were Yorkies. I saw those dogs in that footage of the elder Anthonys getting in their car, early on, during the time when Casey was...
  6. D

    ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony Part 2

    I wouldn't go quite so far as to call it frivolous. But the timing of the suit, and the timing of its depositions are, IMO, rather suspicious. It seems all I've heard all my adult life, generally speaking, is how "people suing about everything is costing us all money! That's why your...
  7. D

    2008.08.21 Shirley P (Cindy's mom) Interview

    Okay, she's stupid. I agree with that. But I think she's as good a criminal as any. It's strange how such people can be stupid, but also cunning. She also knew enough to prey only on those persons connected to her--persons who, IMO, she thought were her very own suckers. These were people...
  8. D

    2008.08.21 Shirley P (Cindy's mom) Interview

    My first thought was that maybe there was more than one incident--maybe both stories are true. Maybe Casey once used a tracking number on a birthday check to steal money, and also lifted a check out of grandma's wallet while poor Shirley was there for Caylee's party. I mean, with someone...
  9. D

    2009.03.18 Nancy Grace

    I pretty much agree with this. I don't think she cared much for her children in the past, either. I also don't think Ron cared much for his children in the past. Crystal alleges he abused them? I am completely willing to believe that he neglected them. With occasional rages or whatever...
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    2009.03.18 Nancy Grace

    Thanks for the info, harleysnana! So I guess that means MC is also staying with her. (?)
  11. D

    2009.03.18 Nancy Grace

    I don't admire either of Haleigh's bio parents. It seems little Haleigh and her brother had the misfortune to be born to two people who are, IMO, not good parents. Crystal has allegedly had a drug problem. RC? He left the two little children at his home at night with a young girl who...
  12. D

    Casey and TonE Chat Logs

    Good insights. Yes, I think image is very important to CA. Like other posters, I've been baffled by the way she seems unwilling to accept that her daughter might have done this crime. But just this moment I began to wonder if there's also another component to CA's diehard support of KC. I...
  13. D

    Defense What is their strategy? #1

    As it stands now, I think the defense will, first of all, decide not to put the defendant on the witness stand. KC, I think, will go along with this plan. So that leaves the state putting out all its many bits and pieces, which it will try to weave together so the jury gets the same picture...
  14. D

    Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case had/has more evidence?*POLL ADDED*

    I agree with all the other posters who said that there is more evidence against KC than against Scott Peterson. To this day, I still don't know exactly how he killed Laci, and that drives me crazy. IMO, it is obvious that he is the one who killed her and the baby. In this case, I think...
  15. D

    Procedure and legal questions

    Those are good questions. Is he in over his head? Well, here's what crosses my mind: in some states, an attorney is required to have at least 3 years experience before he/she can be defense counsel in a capital case. Now, in this case, IIRC, "the death penalty is off the table"--for now...
  16. D

    Procedure and legal questions

    First, IIRC, a person accused of Murder One can be denied bail. So, yes, I think she would have to stay in jail till the next trial.
  17. D

    Procedure and legal questions

    It's the same here (USA)! Cindy's statement to the 911 operator: "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!" That statement will (IMO) probably be admitted regardless of whether Cindy testifies or not. It would be an exception to the rule prohibiting hearsay, either due to...
  18. D

    Procedure and legal questions

    1. This is something Cindy would be asked about if/when she testifies. If she were to deny that she posted that msg, whoever wished to show that she posted it would have to authenticate the msg and prove that it was she who posted it. 2. I think all of this will come in. As for "Miranda"...
  19. D

    Procedure and legal questions

    If Casey is tried for Murder 1 and the jury believes Casey is guilty but of a lesser charge... then the jury can at that time find her guilty of the lesser charge. That is, IF the lesser charge is a sort of subset of the greater charge (Murder 1). Such a "lesser charge" would have to be a...

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