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DNA Solves
  1. DebC

    2008.07.22 Shirley P. Interview (Cindy's Mother)

    Oh my. Poor SP. She's still as sharp as a tack though, and gives us a lot of insight into KC & CA.
  2. DebC

    Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

    I don't believe any of it. I think it's BS, & NG had nothing better to say that night. JMO
  3. DebC

    CA Refused To Watch Caylee for PR Trip Around Same Time KC's Googles?? Motive!

    I agree with you Princess. But, on top of it, she could have mentioned the trip to CA, and when CA said she would not watch Caylee, maybe KC just resented that so much as well that she went with making money/punishing CA just as far as she could. Who knows with KC?
  4. DebC

    Misty C. #3

    Good catch Lady. Does 'making' the bed have a different meaning in Florida than it does here in England? Sort of like, over here we say cook dinner, but over there you say fix dinner.
  5. DebC

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    Excellent work JWG. Here we see KC being her usual self: Sneaky. Enough to fool her parents. Lazy. Couldn't be bothered to find out about how files are deleted - she could have googled THAT and worked it out. She is intelligent enough. Arrogant. Thought that fooling her parents would be enough...
  6. DebC

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    FBI do have agents like that. They would make us look like amatuers. BTW Windows XP home edition doesn't have limitations on accounts. You can do the same as you can with XP Professional, and a bit more.
  7. DebC

    Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

    I thought she was going to burst into tears too. But if JB and LKB apologised to her, it must have been about losing the motion to have sanctions applied. That must have been what the expression on her face was about as she left the courtroom. Thwarted again. Can't throw a tantrum till out of...
  8. DebC

    Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

    I'd need a dog, and a nice handy row of prickly cactus plants to lob at will.
  9. DebC

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    I think KC used IE7. Not 100% sure about that though. You can delete your browsing history, but the files created are still in their sectors on the hard disk. (see my posts above). This link tells you a bit about secure deleting and what it involves:
  10. DebC

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    If an account is deleted, then all the files in that user's profile would be deleted, but the sectors they used on the hard drive would still be recoverable to a computer forensic person. When a file is deleted, it is not actually removed, just the pointer to it. What was in the file could be...
  11. DebC

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    Just deleting the file would not be good enough. It can be retrieved as long as that part of the hard disk has not been overwritten with another file. However, there are plenty of freeware programs available on-line which do just that. The software I have does a Gutmann delete (overwrites 35...
  12. DebC

    2009.03.14 Geraldo - Dr. Baden, Slip or Not on Chloroform In Caylee's hair test?

    I've always wondered if they found Caylee's little nails. I do believe that nails can be tested for drugs. I think arsenic being one, but I'm not at all sure about chloroform.
  13. DebC

    2009.03.10 - Hand Written Note From Tot Mom in Response to Pros. Motion

    I wondered about that too. Does the Judge have to address each and every point? Will Mr A have to be there?
  14. DebC

    Former Defense Attorney,Todd Macaluso *Merged*

    Given his area of expertise, maybe he is just there to poke holes in the prosecution's case. Just enough to raise doubt about premeditated murder. He may just tell JB what direction to attack in and whose testimony to go after.
  15. DebC

    didnt casey claim to have been robbed at gun point?

    How do you do that? Isn't the deposit slip supposed to have some sort of stamp or signature from the bank on it?:confused:
  16. DebC

    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #6

    Oh, thanks. I thought I had the dates wrong. LE has not located ZFG, her mother, her sister, her sister's children or her room mates. No trace of any of them. No photos. No phone calls. No text messages. Nothing on Myspace. And, no-one has ever seen any of them. (Except for KC).
  17. DebC

    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #6

    I don't know all the answers, but I'll give you what I can remember: George said in his LE interview that he suspected KC did not have a job. Cindy, in hers, just talked as though KC did have a job. There was something about Casey going to produce pay stubs, but never did. Cindy was paying...
  18. DebC

    The Anthonys think we're the crazy ones

    The A family live in the A universe. Of course they think we are crazy. We all live on planet earth, without Zanny the nanny.
  19. DebC

    Former Defense Attorney,Todd Macaluso *Merged*

    Does this mean that everyone knows what everyone else is going to say on the stand before the trial even starts?
  20. DebC

    CA and GA too "Fragile" for Depo?

    Fragile? No, I don't think so. More like a stalling technique so they could get to hear what LA said and take their cue from him. Remain united. IMO

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