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DNA Solves
  1. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY NY - Garnett Spears, 5, dies of salt poisoning, Chestnut Ridge, 23 Jan 2014

    I think the key is that they found a bag of tube feeds (that LS was trying to get someone to dispose of) with "extremely high salt levels" in it. His sodium wasn't elevated because of issues with lack of (or not responding to) ADH. It was exogenous salt...
  2. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

    So let me get this straight.. RH was: 1. So worried about Cooper dying in a hot car that he "researches" it on the internet. 2. So worried about having an accident that he kisses Cooper every time he straps him into his car seat in case he dies. 3. Yet, didn't care enough to buy the...
  3. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

    Geez.... Now I know why the site is so difficult to use!
  4. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

    I assumed they would need a hard surface. Was there soft ground there..? I didn't know.
  5. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

    Right.. I could see where abrasions on the back of the head might be caused by attempts at CPR in the parking lot. But, not the facial scratches. Nevertheless, we can be pretty certain that the poor child must have struggled. :anguish:
  6. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

    All this about being the family "leader" and then being such a philandering narcissist. He reminds me somewhat of Bob Bashara... JMO. :eek:
  7. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #5

    I found this inability to see the child in the rear facing car seat incredibly frustrating when my children were in them. I even pulled over from time to time just to check on the baby in the back because I hadn't heard him/her make noise in a few minutes. It's amazing I ever got anyplace...
  8. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #5

    So, I've been thinking about LH's statements, and there are several red flags, as I see it. First, there is that statement about RH being "a good leader" This strikes me as being indicative of a very unequal relationship, where RH had all the power. (JMO) Then, she states that she...
  9. Synaptic Cliff

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4 This quote makes my blood run cold. The ME only gives info about the body. It's no surprise that the COD was hyperthermia. But it would take more than that (IMO) for the ME to...
  10. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY OH - Barb Williams for child abuse, Hancock County, 2014

    I'm always one for seeing the complexity and gray areas of an issue. Really. However, this case does not seem to leave much room for interpretation. An adult (esp a teacher.. But really, any adult) is expected to be in control of her behavior. At all times. In a professional situation this...
  11. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY OH - Barb Williams for child abuse, Hancock County, 2014

    Bottom line as I see it.. She is the adult. It is her responsibility to control her behavior. I don't care what the child did. He is the child! Nothing he could do makes it ok for her to hurt him. She had a responsibility to keep him safe, and that does not include slamming hid head...
  12. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY NY - Garnett Spears, 5, dies of salt poisoning, Chestnut Ridge, 23 Jan 2014

    It just gets stranger the more I read. I didn't see why he had a feeding tube except "nutritional problems"? He doesn't look malnourished in the pics. But maybe I'm missing something? 23 hospitalizations? In five years..that's 4-5 per year at least. And this piece...
  13. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY NY - Garnett Spears, 5, dies of salt poisoning, Chestnut Ridge, 23 Jan 2014 This is my first time starting a thread, so please correct me if I've done it wrong. (Or if it's already started, and I didn't see it.) I just wanted to get this little guy's story out...
  14. Synaptic Cliff

    GUILTY PA - Kent, 2, & Brandon Schaible, 7 mos, die as parents rely on faith healing, 2009

    Though the defense attorney is quoted in the above-linked article as saying that the bacteria "is drug-resistant and that medical intervention would not have saved the child." This is not necessarily true. While Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) has some resistance to penicillins, it can still...
  15. Synaptic Cliff

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

    The only link I can find between diabetes and fluorescein is fluorescein angiography (used to detect damage to the retina caused by the diabetes). But the procedure was not developed until 1961. And the dye is given IV so it would be unlikely to show up in only one eye. (More thoughts later--I'm...
  16. Synaptic Cliff

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

    Right Skeet, the dye would likely be absorbed or washed away by tears within a few hours. But--I think if the circulation were stopped (if the person died), it would maybe not be washed away as fast. Still--I think it must have been placed within hours of his death. I cannot come up with...
  17. Synaptic Cliff

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

    Is there more evidence from the autopsy? I'm thinking of a young boy who has just been examined by a physician for a complaint of eye pain, tearing, or vision change, or maybe trauma. What could cause these things? Trauma, accidental or otherwise, likely. And why would someone who hurt the boy...
  18. Synaptic Cliff

    As Nurse Lay Dying, Offering Herself as Instruction in Caring

    That is truly inspiring. What an amazing gift.
  19. Synaptic Cliff

    Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

    Surely this must be Fluorescein dye, which has been used for many years to diagnose abrasions etc on the corneal surface. The dye is yellow in color, but fluoresces blue under UV light. Normally it doesn't stay in the eye very long (a couple hours is the most I would expect from my...
  20. Synaptic Cliff

    IL - Alexus Smothers, 8, drowned, body hidden in crawlspace, 19 July 2011

    There. Is. NO. Excuse. For. Killing. A. Child. Period. (MHO)

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