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  1. L

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    i read the pdf of the complaint! very well-worded and to the point. i hope he gets something back for this. he is one of few who isn't just trying to profit off of this; his organization lost time and money that could have gone towards other families who actually cared about their missing loved...
  2. L

    Tracy M. (girl from Leonard P. team who lived with the Anthony's) Speaks out

    well, it was more that they found that she was competent to stand trial (even people who manifest as WAY more insane than KC, like andrea yates, have been found competent and even denied an insanity defense). she was evaluated, but the defense did not want the state's professionals to evaluate...
  3. L

    Professional Jurors

    i'm not sure about professional jurors, but i think that this shows that some changes need to be made. people keep saying that the great thing about our justice system is that it would prefer for the guilty to go free rather than the innocent to be imprisoned. well, there ARE innocent people...
  4. L

    Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

    to those who feel that if she was abused she would have left.... i know a pretty decent number of abuse victims/trauma survivors through group therapy (since i am one of them). staying with your family through that kind of thing is not uncommon. many blame themselves or believe there really is...
  5. L

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    ohhhh, how unkind (even if she didn't intend it that way - or if she did - in any case i don't mean any offense to your MIL). i think a lot of people simply don't understand why or how any of us could care so much. someone sent me a rather rude comic about implying people who care so much about...
  6. L

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :sick::sick::sick::sick:
  7. L

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    respectfully snipped by me! this stuff is what makes me feel sickest of all. i wasn't sure they had enough evidence to convince the jury of murder in any degree beyond a reasonable doubt. but manslaughter at the very least. and that these jurors just caved makes me feel ill. this is not...
  8. L

    Casey Anthony Gets and Loses *advertiser censored* Offer From Vivid Entertainment

    :floorlaugh: we should change the thread title to say that she gets - AND LOSES - an offer from vivid!
  9. L

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    hmmmm, both said page not found.... maybe this is a sign that i really don't want to know anything else about this.... :sick:
  10. L

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    omg..... really??? anyone have links on this? i never heard anything about this at all!
  11. L

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    sclark - i respect and appreciate your opinion, thank you! just wanted to point out one thing. using chloroform as a sleep aid on a child, resulting in the child's death, IS felony murder in FL! just as an FYI!
  12. L

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    seriously!!! this is my thinking too! i am willing to bet a huge percentage of felons/criminals come from SOME sort of dysfunction... they aren't created in a vacuum! and plenty of people from dysfunctional families don't go around killing their children (OR neglecting them to the point of...
  13. L

    Enter new thread ideas here! (All new threads must be approved)

    i was thinking of making a thread - thoughts on what the pleseas, and KC's extended family in general, think of this outcome. are they happy? sad? both? will they welcome her to family events? will they exclude her? are they even on speaking terms with CA & GA as of now?
  14. L

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    ITA lyndy... caylee anthony was not the only "missing" child at the time. resources could have gone to help others who were actually searching for lost loved ones, not to this zoo. the work done by TES was completely in vain and if that was known from the beginning, how DARE they allow him to...
  15. L

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    good. he absolutely should. when i think of all the money that has been poured into this when they themselves admitted she was never missing, i feel that tim miller *and* the state of florida ought to get some of that money back.
  16. L

    Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

    thanks for this. i have seen a lot of religious viewpoints on KC and justice, but the problem is that i am not of that belief. i have much respect for all the people i know and love with varying religious beliefs, but unfortunately i can't seek out much warmth or comfort because i don't believe...
  17. L

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    on a personal level, as an abuse survivor, the verdict feels like a slap in the face to me. child abuse goes unpunished so frequently. i don't care if ICA was an angelic mom to caylee the rest of the time (which i highly doubt anyway), those pieces of duct tape amount to horrific child abuse...
  18. L

    Did Jurors Talk About Case during Trial Against Judge's Orders?

    i don't even begin to understand... so even if there was misconduct, it's just... okay? how is this justice? i am so confused and disappointed and upset.
  19. L

    What else can she be charged with

    thread - new charges for casey?
  20. L

    Any suggestions for constructive things to do ....

    find a charity/organization dedicated to children that you find reputable and good, and donate to them. help encourage others to, for example maybe in your siggie here, reminding people that every little bit helps and if we all chip in a little bit, we can raise a whole lot. i am looking into...

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