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DNA Solves
  1. A

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    I think that Caylee's paternal grandparents (and possibly father if he is, in fact, alive) will come forward and will sue ICA for Wrongful Death in a Civil Suit and ICA will lose and have to turn over all proceeds from any future publicity/books/movies/etc. to the grandparents that never got to...
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    I'm very concerned about George Anthony

    When I saw his reaction to the verdict, it struck me that, aside from Casey, he is the only other person in the world who KNOWS 100% that her defense theory is not true. We can all believe it and be convinced that what the defense stated never happened, but he KNOWS because he WASN'T THERE when...
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    2011.06.21 - SA investigating if Casey got defense theory from inmate.

    It gave me chills when I first heard this in the morning session, but in thinking more about it, I am not sure it is going to lead anywhere. First, people were talking about the possibility of drowning since the beginning. I am sure most of us remember the reference in the jail tapes to the...
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    T-Shirts-I survived....

    I like that idea! And I think the back should say "I am not a chemist." :floorlaugh:
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    Order in the Court -a profile of Judge Perry

    I have had a "judge-crush" on HHJP since I first saw him in action in jury selection, but those articles and the video (and especially the idea of him in junior high playing chess and carrying a briefcase) just make me *heart* him even more! :great: Thanks to all who posted!
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    Who do you believe? Dr. G or Dr. S?

    You are absolutely right. Dr S bears the brunt of the responsibility. I just get the impression that another defense team would not have let that happen to that extent. If Dr S had been a prosecution witness, I believe he would have had all the relevant information and his memory would have been...
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    Who do you believe? Dr. G or Dr. S?

    While I agree that Dr S's direct testimony was severely undermined by the cross examination, I disagree with some of the critiques. I think calling Caylee "Casey" is understandable given the similarities of the names and the stress of the situation. Heck, I am borderline obsessed with this...
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    Judge Perry admonishes Jose Baez

    The Cliffs' Notes version (I'm not a lawyer, so please correct me if I misstate anything) is that HHJP had ordered in January that all of the experts in this case submit reports which contain EVERYTHING they will potentially testify to. And with the witness this morning, Baez began to ask his...
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    Legal Questions for our VERIFIED Lawyers #3

    This question struck me when watching Dr. Spitz testify about his critique of Dr. G's autopsy procedure. I remember hearing about his critiques a long time ago about Dr. G not "following protocol", and it really surprised me that Dr. Spitz could only tell the prosecution that "somewhere" the...
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    Judge Perry admonishes Jose Baez

    I am continually amazed at how professionally HHJP is able to handle these issues. He has the patience of Job and the wisdom of Solomon in situations where (especially those springing from the shenanigans of the defense, imo) a mere mortal would understandably lose it!!:banghead:
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    Is Casey A Skillful Liar?

    My opinion is that, while the talking heads are calling her lies "skillful," what they are usually alluding to is her commitment to the lies that is astounding. To literally be at the end of the hallway at Universal before admitting that she doesn't work there shows a level of commitment that...
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    From Whence to Casey's Tears Flow?

    I think there were a couple of "actual" tears yesterday, though I believe mostly it was just eye-poking. But I have a theory about why she was more upset yesterday than other days, and it has nothing to do with the graphic pictures (that she wasn't even looking at). I could be totally...
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    2011.06.08 Today show

    I saw that segment, too, and I thought "What trial are THEY watching??!" :banghead: But Wendy Murphy did say one thing on another show (JVM maybe?) that I totally agree with: trials are like a mosaic. It is only after they are completed and you step back from them that you see the whole...
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    Just one more day, mom...

    I agree with the folks saying that she was just stalling and would not have tried to go far away. Based on some of her other behaviors, I have a few guesses about what she might have done with "just one more day": - I think she would have gone right back to Tony's place. Since her only...
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    Do you think the Jailhouse Videos will seal Casey's fate?

    I also believe that the videos will help seal her fate. I think it will be in combination with all the other evidence, but I think that the jurors will have certain "sound bytes" etched in their memories - Casey's anger at her parents who seem to be truly grieving/scared and fishing for any...
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    Mitigation: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

    BBM I voted no, because I think that it is possible that the entire DT strategy is to keep ICA off death row. I have heard that in some cases, the lawyers see a Not Guilty as so unlikely, that they just focus on mitigation, even during the guilt phase. IMO, it seemed like a majority of the...
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    Q & A for our NEWCOMERS! Ask a question and leave an answer! *NO DISCUSSIONS*

    Thank you! That does help. Sorry - newbie mistake of not properly searching before I posted the question! Heading over to the lawyer thread. :seeya:
  18. A

    Q & A for our NEWCOMERS! Ask a question and leave an answer! *NO DISCUSSIONS*

    Hi everyone! Long time lurker, but I just registered right before the trial started. I am in awe of all the amazing observations and sleuthing that goes on here! My question is: how did the defense get GA's medical records? Would they not have to subpoena them? And if they did, wouldn't...

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