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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    Once again, the appeal is for help from the public -- no tip is too small. No unsolved case is "closed." From the good folks at, continue-relentless-pursuit-of-sonia-varaschins-killer-9455902: "It has been 14 years...
  2. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    Thanks, whiterhino -- I'm still meaning to follow up on KF's case, and am indeed hoping it has been closed. We're on the eve of another terrible 'anniversary.' FWIW: I just watched a short video on youtube (/watch?v=6dlwxoS5VS8) of a woman who is a "medium for missing children"; she posted in...
  3. 2

    Found Deceased Canada - Kera Freeland, 20, pregnant, Toronto, March 2011 *Arrest*

    Sorry -- I can't seem to edit my post above for correction. I see there's a photo of CA clipped for us right above in post #149 (thanks as always, dotr!!) and of course CA appeared in O-ville court. Kera was found not far from where was Sonia was....
  4. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    I believe LE still has Sonia's car in its evidence lot -- does that sound right to those of us here who may remember better than I do? Would it be worth investigators taking another sweep for evidence? (I'm not suggesting LE didn't do a careful search already; I'm just grasping, I guess, for...
  5. 2

    Found Deceased Canada - Kera Freeland, 20, pregnant, Toronto, March 2011 *Arrest*

    Does anyone local/close (either geographically or otherwise) to Kera's case have any information??? There seems to be no info on conviction nor sentencing of the man, CA, who was charged in 2013 in her murder. He appeared in Orangeville for court! (I'm always wondering about links to Sonia...
  6. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    I was also looking again at the OPP video on Sonia's case () -- and scrutinizing the interior of her car at the 1:57m mark. It's obvious the front driver and passenger seats are in different positions, which was probably typical: Sonia was not tall and her bf was. It strikes me (does it you...
  7. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    I'm also wondering (again!) if Sonia had a cell phone -- does anyone know? And what cell data for her townhouse complex may have been available in summer 2010? Is there any way to know if there was a number pinging close to her phone or to her home that night which might be unexpected or...
  8. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    Yes -- surely technology (which is ever-developing) can yield some answers? There was talk a while back of STR tech for the "mixed" DNA in Sonia's case. Have we had ANY updates on the re- submitted sample(s) -?? It feels like a long while waiting :(
  9. 2

    Found Deceased Canada - Kera Freeland, 20, pregnant, Toronto, March 2011 *Arrest*

    Has ANYONE found any information on a conviction in Kera's murder? I was just posting on Sonia Varaschin's thread and suddenly realizing I don't actually *know* that Kera's case was solved. It would be great if someone has that info to post it here :)
  10. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    Small correction to my post above: I *believe* KF's case has been solved (her roommate Chris A was charged) -- but I'm not actually sure if he was convicted.
  11. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #4

    Let's hope 2024 brings answers! I've lost a bit of touch in terms of what has already been posted here in the last while. Here's an encapsulation from The Inquisitor on youtube that covers a lot of what also appears on Sonia's 4 threads: -- might be helpful for any folks new to her case who'd...
  12. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    Today is a very hard day, I'm sure, for Sonia's family and friends (and for many here, too, searching for justice for her). Today we mark the 13th "anniversary" of Sonia's murder and, devastatingly, her case remains unsolved. Today, especially, my thoughts, condolences, wishes are with everyone...
  13. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    I heartily add my appreciation, Lexiintoronto!! I'm not sure we ever had that info about basement (-only) access to the garage! (Apologies if we did and I somehow missed it or have forgotten now.) I recall a LOT of debate as to whether or not these townhomes were built without (any) indoor...
  14. 2

    CANADA Canada - Shelley Loder, 44, Mono, 7 Dec 2010

    This 2019 article contains a composite sketch but sadly no physical description to accompany the image: Shelly and her family are no...
  15. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    .... I recall there was a LOT of discussion a while back (here and/or on the now-defunct Canadian UC which had a thread for Sonia) regarding exit via the highly visible front door. A number of posters felt sure that the builder for Sonia's townhome complex did not include access to interior...
  16. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    That's a GREAT point about the workboots as reasonably unlikely for an arranged date, NSU. So let's say if we ruled out an arranged date and go with (as perhaps next most probable) unexpected intruder: what does that contribute to our understanding of timeline? BF says he called and spoke with...
  17. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    Yes, I agree! :) I'm wondering if we can reasonably conclude Sonia did not invite him in (if, for example, we knew she typically required guests to remove their shoes prior to entry). I know that's not the only potential answer; he could have put on his boots before exiting. But in the absence...
  18. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    Was Sunday night by any chance/luck garbage night on Sonia's street? If so, was her garbage out that night? Was she someone who always put it out, every week? Or if not Sunday night, was LE able to see what were the contents of her garbage from that night? (I know it's not likely any of us can...
  19. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    I have assumed the 'bloody bootprint' found at one of the crime scenes was found inside her townhouse (although I know this isn't the only possibility. Was it in her car?) -- IF the print was inside her home (say, BR or LR): does this tell us anything? Would Sonia typically require visitors to...
  20. 2

    CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

    W-H-E-R-E is Sonia's car key???? Was the car key/key ring found in the car, discarded nearby, or IS IT STILL MISSING? *IF* the latter: did Sonia have anything specific or unique for a keychain? Could LE *PLEASE* give us something to keep an eye out for, if indeed her car key/key ring is still...

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