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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. T

    Attention Posters!

    YooHoo! :croc: Would y'all just post something on this thread to let us know that you have read the 'Topic thread'...? :doh: :dance: :clap: :clap: :woohoo:
  2. T

    Attention Posters!

    Hi all. PUHLEEZE re-read this thread. Lest we forget that any story involiving any form of crime goes to the Crimes In The News Forum. :clap: :clap: :clap:
  3. T

    Friendly topic reminder....

    Please all, read this thread. THANKS!
  4. T

    Astral Projection/Remote Viewing?

    HappyChic......Thanks for sharing that. I don't remember the source but I think? I saw something on a late night show that mentioned something about JMK asking IF anyone believed in seances? Of course that would just be another part of the 'psychic equation'....I also had a dear friend...
  5. T

    Astral Projection/Remote Viewing?

    Hi Kalypso...Here are some thoughts agout Remote Viewing. Could it fit in here somewhere? Remote viewing (RV) is the alleged ability to perform clairvoyance under controlled conditions. Somewhat similar to astral projection, the phenomenon...
  6. T

    Astral Projection/Remote Viewing?

    Listening over and over to the 'confession' supposedly made by JMK, he alludes to being with JonBenet but never says he was physically there. Could he be referring to Astral Projection and this will eventually be his defense? Or, I am going nutz trying to analyze his words? :banghead...
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    Patsy Ramsey has died

    Wudge, et al. The moderators at WS are walking a fine line between posts that are opinion vs. posts that are bashing. We have no Moderating 101 book that spells this out so it is up to each moderator to decide when to edit, when to delete, and when to let a post stand. Please feel free to PM...
  8. T

    Please Note

    Thanks, Amra, for the reminder. I hope everyone has read this sticky at the top of this forum and please feel free, y'all, to ask questions about where threads should go as sometimes it gets confusing.... :clap: :D PS...Please...
  9. T

    Friendly topic reminder....

    Hi...I moved several threads from this forum to the Crimes in the News Forum. These are the topics for Up to the Minute... Up to the Minute News, Weather , Sports and Entertainment These are the topics for Crimes in the News. Crimes in the News Read and comment about current...
  10. T

    Posting articles,pics from other sites or email???

    Hi itsreenw...In order to post images here, first the image has to be uploaded to a site that will store your pictures/images and will allow you to post them here. I am in the dark ages and still store my images at Homestead, but it costs money to store them there. Other posters here may have...
  11. T

    Thread deletion?

    tompettyfan...I have seen threads deleted by posters before. Have you tried the edit button at the bottom of your post on the thread you wish to delete? Hopefully there is an option there to delete or to edit the post and IF there is only one post on the thread, deleting the post might/could...
  12. T

    China - Typhoon forces evacuation of over 1 million...

    I need to do more research on this but the Threadline which is the topic for this thread makes me wonder HOW China could evactuate one million people? Snippets.....More than 1 million people fled their homes along China's southeast coast as Typhoon Haitang slammed into the mainland yesterday...
  13. T

    A question for all our WS posters...

    Who among you would be willing to open your home to the refugees of this horrible disaster? I am living in a town in Central Texas and today there were over 700 registered refugees needing homes. I have mixed emotions about this and would like input from all of you. We have enough room for...
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    General Discussions #4

    Sorry, ya guys. I closed the thread, started the other one, and now deleted the one I started as I see Golfmom was really on the ball... :) :truce:
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    How do I get an image in my post?

    Hi PrayersForMaura...I went to the Missing Forum and saw that the IMG option is turned off there. I will ask Admin IF it can be turned on or if there is a reason it is not on. I copied this from that forum, from the bottom of the page. :twocents: :doh: :) Posting Rules You may...
  16. T

    7 years

    Thank you many years ago, so many of us still here, still waiting.

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