Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #3

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Hey Han- I listened to the video you referenced re 911 call and didn't hear her say anything about blood.

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Neither did I, but it was reported in the video that she did so.
Was this all a clue? I'm coming from left field. I will try to be brief.

What if Papaw realized, in time, that something was going down? He appears to be in fine shape, and probably still has his training instincts. And maybe he offered the money in his wallet, setting the wallet down; not returning it to his pocket? Whoever visited him, wouldn't have worried about the keys. They were not coming back.

I certainly hope this is not what transpired. MC is relaxing somewhere. Amnesia from his accident in his shop.

Did LE ever advertise for anyone picking up hitchhikers in that area of the State? I'm sure that was asked back in the last 200 posts. It just stuck in my mind. Of course, the driver would need to be on the up & up. Just saying. MHO IMO and a smack if I have said anything out of line. It will never be my intention. Make Peace & Love, Not War!
Not saying your theory is impossible but being a local, with the goings on in that area from drugs and some pretty surly groups of people ( just glance at the local paper if you need verification)...I can pretty confidently say that its not an area that people would feel safe picking up a hitchhiker.
I feel like if he had been injured and wandered off the neighbors working in their yard might have noticed. But then again, the argument could be made that quite obviously SOMETHING happened there that day that they failed to notice ( not in any way blaming the neighbors, just thinking IMO LE put too much weight in the fact that they reported nothing out of the ordi9 that day)

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Not saying your theory is impossible but being a local, with the goings on in that area from drugs and some pretty surly groups of people ( just glance at the local paper if you need verification)...I can pretty confidently say that its not an area that people would feel safe picking up a hitchhiker.
I feel like if he had been injured and wandered off the neighbors working in their yard might have noticed. But then again, the argument could be made that quite obviously SOMETHING happened there that day that they failed to notice ( not in any way blaming the neighbors, just thinking IMO LE put too much weight in the fact that they reported nothing out of the ordi9 that day)

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This leads me back to surveillance.

Did any of our hard working LEAs pull all camera feeds, for all locations MC would have traveled? Even if they got him going the 'correct' way home, also check those other directions. Just to verify nothing out of the ordinary going on around the area.

Also, Tomnod was recently mentioned in another case. I wonder how much they would charge for this section of TX, on that specific day, and that specific geographic area? Do they charge LE? Or is it total crowd-sourcing?

We have so many underutilized tools that weren't around for all the souls, Young, and Old, that we have lost to the evil in men's hearts.

I would hope we could use them.

Peace & Love, to ya'll.
I think MC is in one place, his phone in another, this was well planned but mistakes were still made, I agree that surveillance videos going in different directions from Walmart should have been looked at. Why don't the police do a reenactment with MC's truck from when he left Walmart, take many different roads, it might jog somebody's memory! The drivers license may have been used as a way to identify MC if it was a hit, so it could have been taken from his wallet before that fateful day, or someone could have pulled him over pretending to be a cop and asked for the license before doing something awful. Nobody had seen him stop at any other business so somebody either had to pull him over or it was planned for him to meet in a certain location. Do we know how much gas was in the truck when it was located at his home, and if he normally used a credit card or cash to fill up, did he have a regular gas station that he used, it would be useful to when he last filled his tank and how many miles were travelled that day. I hope the truck is in a secure location it could contain some important clues!!

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So today is my Pop's 70th birthday and it hit. me PaPaw was the same age. My heart just breaks for his children.
So today is my Pop's 70th birthday and it hit. me PaPaw was the same age. My heart just breaks for his children.

Happy birthday to your Pop.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
On the note of surveillance cameras, every possible camera footage in that town, both business and private homes should have been checked.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Do we know if she called his cell phone before calling people to help her search, and calling the police?
I am trying to find the sequence of events which occurred when looking for MC, can anyone find them?

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I think MC is in one place, his phone in another, this was well planned but mistakes were still made, I agree that surveillance videos going in different directions from Walmart should have been looked at. Why don't the police do a reenactment with MC's truck from when he left Walmart, take many different roads, it might jog somebody's memory! The drivers license may have been used as a way to identify MC if it was a hit, so it could have been taken from his wallet before that fateful day, or someone could have pulled him over pretending to be a cop and asked for the license before doing something awful. Nobody had seen him stop at any other business so somebody either had to pull him over or it was planned for him to meet in a certain location. Do we know how much gas was in the truck when it was located at his home, and if he normally used a credit card or cash to fill up, did he have a regular gas station that he used, it would be useful to when he last filled his tank and how many miles were travelled that day. I hope the truck is in a secure location it could contain some important clues!!
So many great points made in your post, knowthings.

I agree this was well thought out and planned well in advance, which only makes it that much more heinous and repulsive. The perp(s) had plenty of time to change his/her mind, but they didn't, and for reason, sadly, I do not expect them to start talking any time soon (though I do hope I am wrong on this).

I don't think we know for sure whether or not LE has reviewed any video footage from area businesses. The only information I have seen about surveillance videos comes from our VI:

"The camera from the neighbor was not useful. It captured kind of 'blobs' on the footage, from my understanding. It wasn't there to focus on the street, but to focus on their own home/property, you know? So you can see that a vehicle passed by, but not any identifying info other than maybe truck vs car and red vs blue."

"It [information provided by HCSO about the video] was more general, and honestly they didn't tell me where the camera was (which property). They did explain that it was grainy/blurry and they couldn't make out anything of use, but I didn't actually see the video." (RBBM)

Personally, I'm not sure if I believe HCSO's explanation, especially given the fact that they did not show the video to our VI.

The missing driver's license is one of the most puzzling aspects of the case, IMO. One possibility I've thought of is that the perp(s) did take it intentionally for the purpose of copying PaPaw's signature from it. Does LE know when he last wrote a check before he went missing, and if so, to whom, for how much and whether it has been cashed?

It is also possible that the DL fell out of his wallet, as the perp(s) was taking the cash out of it. I have been leaning towards the scenario of PaPaw having been harmed and left away from home, and if so, IMO, the DL will be found at the same location.

I have felt for some time that the "scene" inside the shop was staged, with the blood, keys, wallet and even the bloody dowel planted by the perp(s), in order to confuse the investigators. Here is our VI's description of what she saw:

"I saw the blood in the days after he went missing (I didn't know about it until Saturday and couldn't get there until Sunday). On Sunday, when I first saw it, it was dried. OVer the next couple of days, I can't remember what day because I didn't think it would matter... it was crystallizing. To me, that says that it was fresh on Friday and not from an old wound.

There are no drag marks or smears at all. The pool is made up of many gathered drops - not like he had been laying there or like it had dripped down his leg, more like it had fallen from a distance off his arm or ear or nose or something higher than his leg. The blood drops are like big splats (a little smaller than a quarter) - no direction or teardropping to them, straight down - all of them in the pool look that way and all of the ones on the way to the door do as well. The ones on the way to the door are more than 2 feet apart each, and stop completely about 3~ feet from the door. There are no drops on the concrete pad outside the shop, none on the deck surrounding the concrete pad, none in the dirt either.

I'm sure I'm not supposed to share all of that, but at this point, I don't care. Hopefully some of you are able to help given this information.

-RSBM for space-" (RBBM)

[side note: I find it interesting that the blood wasn't cleaned up sooner - did LE ask BC not to until further notice, in case they needed to return?]

I don't think I've ever heard of a perp planting victim's blood. So why in this case? Maybe because so that the investigators -at least initially- would focus on the "fake" crime scene? And perhaps also so it would appear more likely that PaPaw was indeed deceased (as opposed to missing) :(?

If the "scene" was indeed staged, whoever responsible was lazy, overconfident or both, IMO: There was blood, yet everything was in its place, and there was no sign of struggle. Cash was taken, but no credit cards or valuables. Definitely planned and executed well, but not without mistakes, IMO.
So many great points made in your post, knowthings.

I agree this was well thought out and planned well in advance, which only makes it that much more heinous and repulsive. The perp(s) had plenty of time to change his/her mind, but they didn't, and for reason, sadly, I do not expect them to start talking any time soon (though I do hope I am wrong on this).

I don't think we know for sure whether or not LE has reviewed any video footage from area businesses. The only information I have seen about surveillance videos comes from our VI:

"The camera from the neighbor was not useful. It captured kind of 'blobs' on the footage, from my understanding. It wasn't there to focus on the street, but to focus on their own home/property, you know? So you can see that a vehicle passed by, but not any identifying info other than maybe truck vs car and red vs blue."

"It [information provided by HCSO about the video] was more general, and honestly they didn't tell me where the camera was (which property). They did explain that it was grainy/blurry and they couldn't make out anything of use, but I didn't actually see the video." (RBBM)

Personally, I'm not sure if I believe HCSO's explanation, especially given the fact that they did not show the video to our VI.

The missing driver's license is one of the most puzzling aspects of the case, IMO. One possibility I've thought of is that the perp(s) did take it intentionally for the purpose of copying PaPaw's signature from it. Does LE know when he last wrote a check before he went missing, and if so, to whom, for how much and whether it has been cashed?

It is also possible that the DL fell out of his wallet, as the perp(s) was taking the cash out of it. I have been leaning towards the scenario of PaPaw having been harmed and left away from home, and if so, IMO, the DL will be found at the same location.

I have felt for some time that the "scene" inside the shop was staged, with the blood, keys, wallet and even the bloody dowel planted by the perp(s), in order to confuse the investigators. Here is our VI's description of what she saw:

"I saw the blood in the days after he went missing (I didn't know about it until Saturday and couldn't get there until Sunday). On Sunday, when I first saw it, it was dried. OVer the next couple of days, I can't remember what day because I didn't think it would matter... it was crystallizing. To me, that says that it was fresh on Friday and not from an old wound.

There are no drag marks or smears at all. The pool is made up of many gathered drops - not like he had been laying there or like it had dripped down his leg, more like it had fallen from a distance off his arm or ear or nose or something higher than his leg. The blood drops are like big splats (a little smaller than a quarter) - no direction or teardropping to them, straight down - all of them in the pool look that way and all of the ones on the way to the door do as well. The ones on the way to the door are more than 2 feet apart each, and stop completely about 3~ feet from the door. There are no drops on the concrete pad outside the shop, none on the deck surrounding the concrete pad, none in the dirt either.

I'm sure I'm not supposed to share all of that, but at this point, I don't care. Hopefully some of you are able to help given this information.

-RSBM for space-" (RBBM)

[side note: I find it interesting that the blood wasn't cleaned up sooner - did LE ask BC not to until further notice, in case they needed to return?]

I don't think I've ever heard of a perp planting victim's blood. So why in this case? Maybe because so that the investigators -at least initially- would focus on the "fake" crime scene? And perhaps also so it would appear more likely that PaPaw was indeed deceased (as opposed to missing) :(?

If the "scene" was indeed staged, whoever responsible was lazy, overconfident or both, IMO: There was blood, yet everything was in its place, and there was no sign of struggle. Cash was taken, but no credit cards or valuables. Definitely planned and executed well, but not without mistakes, IMO.

So can we assume that the door was open at the point that the blood stopped, as if someone was backing out of the door?

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Well I guess we need to know if the door opened inward or outward, or was it a garage door?

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The blood evidence is so interesting, big splats, little smaller than a quarter, 2 feet apart, stop completely 3 feet from the door. IMHO it seems as if a dropper was used to place the blood and either perp ran out of it or wanted to make sure they didn't step in in when they were leaving. Even in the pool of blood they were the same shape and size.

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The blood evidence is so interesting, big splats, little smaller than a quarter, 2 feet apart, stop completely 3 feet from the door. IMHO it seems as if a dropper was used to place the blood and either perp ran out of it or wanted to make sure they didn't step in in when they were leaving. Even in the pool of blood they were the same shape and size.

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I don't want to muddy up the blood here, but I'm wondering (speculating) again if MC may have purposely walked away. He may have realized some unpleasant truths.

He bought his wife her mascara and the other unidentified object, took his d.l.,
the remainder of any money he may have squirreled away over time, left her a brief but very telling note, staged his own "accident" and off he went.

Perhaps BC is aware of this plus the reason he left so she knew getting a death certificate would go unchallenged. She also sold (again speculating) the car as if to publically thumb her nose at MC knowing that somewhere he would see it.

If the above were to be true, there would have to be a lot of hidden hostility. Maybe some are better dealing with truth by walking away from it and never speaking of it with anyone.

Or, speculating again, he plans on returning at some point as a "big surprise". As hard as that is for those close to him to believe that he could be capable of this sort of subterfuge, why not? It has only been about 6 months.
He can hide for another 6 months while all the lies continue to spin, knowing full well he'll be returning to take back his rightful place as father and grandfather and his beloved cars. I don't believe those "things" can be sold.

While all the above is highly speculative, it leaves a small bit of hope that PaPaw is out there somewhere,
waiting for the right time to reappear.
Even though he is portrayed as a gentle giant, maybe he's a wily fox as well.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
I don't want to muddy up the blood here, but I'm wondering (speculating) again if MC may have purposely walked away. He may have realized some unpleasant truths.

He bought his wife her mascara and the other unidentified object, took his d.l.,
the remainder of any money he may have squirreled away over time, left her a brief but very telling note, staged his own "accident" and off he went.

Perhaps BC is aware of this plus the reason he left so she knew getting a death certificate would go unchallenged. She also sold (again speculating) the car as if to publically thumb her nose at MC knowing that somewhere he would see it.

If the above were to be true, there would have to be a lot of hidden hostility. Maybe some are better dealing with truth by walking away from it and never speaking of it with anyone.

Or, speculating again, he plans on returning at some point as a "big surprise". As hard as that is for those close to him to believe that he could be capable of this sort of subterfuge, why not? It has only been about 6 months.
He can hide for another 6 months while all the lies continue to spin, knowing full well he'll be returning to take back his rightful place as father and grandfather and his beloved cars. I don't believe those "things" can be sold.

While all the above is highly speculative, it leaves a small bit of hope that PaPaw is out there somewhere,
waiting for the right time to reappear.
Even though he is portrayed as a gentle giant, maybe he's a wily fox as well.

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That would be wonderful if he came back[emoji120]

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After a much needed family camping trip, I'm back today. I'll start with some questions from Thread #2 and work through this Thread as well. I was without internet access almost the entire time, so I'm not caught up on Facebook yet. I do know some of the more inciting posts because I've discussed them with other family members, but am no 100% up on all the comments. I'll answer what I can, then review FB, then answer more here. Also home with the kids today, so might be some lags between answers. Patience is a virtue. Not sure if I'm directing that at myself or at y'all, ha.
How do I quote something from a previous Thread??
From Thread #2: Pmerle00,

Did HCSO take the dowel as possible evidence? Im thinking if he were attacked in the shop, the dowel could have been part of a weapon. Do you know if it was a thin, long dowel or if it was pretty thick and heavy?

They took the dowel, but not the first day. I believe my uncle noticed it, or maybe one of the car show guys, and brought it up so they came out and collected it. They missed it in their "processing" of the scene.
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