Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #3

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Could someone tell me how to find the remarks of a person on a thread? I know there's a way to search a thread but I'm drawing a blank today. TIA

I find it easier to click on the persons name in blue and it will bring up a box where you can click 'view forum posts'.
I find it easier to click on the persons name in blue and it will bring up a box where you can click 'view forum posts'.
Thank you. I'd forgotten that way; I know there are a couple of ways. :)
The locked shop puzzles me a lot. Forgive me if this has already been talked to death here. There is so much reading involved with this case, I forget some of it. Or I can't remember if I read it, or just thought it.

I can't think of a reason for MC to have locked it himself, unless he was purposefully leaving with someone else. Like if he had called someone to take him to the ER because of his shop injury, or someone dropped by and they decided to go somewhere. But in either case, he would have taken his wallet.

But if the shop had been staged with his blood to look like either an accident or a crime scene, it doesn't seem like the person doing the staging would lock the shop up, because that doesn't really make sense, does it?

Just my confused opinions...

Your puzzling thoughts were the exact same ones that have kept me awake :) I have been wanting to say that the only person, IMO, who could possibly have had a reason, and it's a huge stretch, to purposely plant the blood, would have been MC himself. No perp would have had any reason on earth to do that and I haven't been able to come up with a single other person who might gain from doing something like that. MC MIGHT have IF he did walk away on purpose. His reason could have been to yes, protect his wife. Since I don't believe he walked away, it's really " out" there.

I've thought all along that most likely MC locked the shop door, and the house and truck, himself. I can't come up with any reason for anyone else to have done so, or even think about doing so. If he did lock his shop, he did it knowing his keys would be locked inside and he would have no way to unlock the house, truck, or shop if and when he returned home. That is one of the puzzles for me. Was he leaving a clue behind, or was he not able to think clearly?
It seems like thr locks were discussed a few pages back I think. I'll look in a bit. I thought only one locked. The lock was one that locks on exit by simply closing the door. Darn. I know I read something about locks!

On Post I think it was 57 or 59 is the answer. Posted by Razz

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I'm going back thru Thread #1 to see if there are any details we may have overlooked along the way. Found this Mar 13, 2017 MSM article interesting:

"Some items, including cash, were taken from his home, the sheriff said. His pickup truck was not taken, but Chambers's cell phone is missing.

Meeks said investigators were able to get a ping off the cell phone, but declined to elaborate."

I must have missed the above way back then as I don't remember anything about a) cash missing from the home and b) other items missing from the home .....wonder how much cash? where in the house the cash was located? (eg: in a place not hard to find like a cookie jar was money in a non-obvious place like a hidden money-box, small safe, hidden dresser drawer, shoe box up in the closet, etc

Curious where his phone pinged, what location. Wonder if our VI knows? (but of course maybe can't say)

Also from the same article:

"The search for a missing retired Dallas firefighter in Hunt County now includes the FBI and Texas Rangers."

Curious why so early on FBI & Texas Rangers were involved?
I've read the thread as throughly as I can and here is my speculation:

Before leaving for WalMart to get his wife's makeup he puttered around in the shop a bit. This is when he cut his finger, grabbed a towel and then discovered he needed some first aid item he didn't have or something was needed to clean blood up. He kept this small cut wrapped in the towel and headed to store. After getting items he throws the bloody rag in the trash at the store and heads home. He goes into house to put items away and returns to garage where he intends to clean blood up. There he begins putting his personal items away...removes his wallet and keys. At this point he is interrupted (meaning hat still on head, cell phone in pocket). Someone either convinces him go with them or forcibly removes him to go with them where something is done to Papaw. I feel it was someone known to him or at least someone who wasn't presenting as dangerous which explains lack of struggle in shop. He might have even walked right out to meet them in drive way. Phone might have been discovered by perp and turned off or destroyed. The drivers license? It was either lost that morning or at some other time and its loss had not yet been discovered by Papaw. Or, it was at some point purposely removed from his wallet by some one who visited him at home or shop and returning it used as a ruse to come see him and carry out the plans someone had.

i don't really see how this scenario might lead to anything investigative at this late time. Seems the case was mishandled in ways to me.

This is just a scenario i thought up which explains the pieces of the crime if indeed one happened. Papaw just leaving doesn't fit to me. He might need his DL if he left to start a new life but I think he'd take his whole wallet out of habit. And I don't believe he'd leave his family by committing suicide unless there was some grave, terrible secret and nothing has been revealed so far.
So here is something I am thinking about:

Why haven't we heard where the cell phone pings were? If I knew a persons cell phone pinged close to my house and they were missing I would have a heightened awareness while out and about in that area. I would look for the missing person. If I found a cellphone on the ground I would be curious and call LE.
So here is something I am thinking about:

Why haven't we heard where the cell phone pings were? If I knew a persons cell phone pinged close to my house and they were missing I would have a heightened awareness while out and about in that area. I would look for the missing person. If I found a cellphone on the ground I would be curious and call LE.
In the question and answer session following the press conference, the sheriff said they followed up on pings in a couple of places and [found] nothing.
In the question and answer session following the press conference, the sheriff said they followed up on pings in a couple of places and [found] nothing.

I know thats what they said - but I am still curious where the pings were. And quite frankly, Im not sure I trust this sheriffs office.
As per my post on the previous page, the excerpt from the Mar 13 news article.......I want to know how much cash was "missing" from the house and what the other "items" were that were missing as well. I think these are critical pieces.

1. How much cash? Petty cash? Good sum of cash? Where was cash missing from in the home? Was it in a out-in-the-open spot that friends/family would know about? (eg: cookie jar on the kitchen counter, etc)......or was it a wad of cash that only MC and BC would know the location of (eg: safety deposit/money box hidden under boxes in their closet, money kept hidden in a dresser drawer? or some other place that would be difficult for a perp to easily find?).

2. What other items were missing? Were they items of monetary value? (TV? dvd player? electronics? stuff someone could sell easily for cash?)....or where they items of sentimental value? We'll probably never be told, particularly if HCSO feels disclosure of these missing items could jeopardize ?ongoing investigation........ I wonder if VI would have their permission to tell us?

If I'm not mistaken tho....wasn't his wallet found in the shop with cash in it (but missing his DL)? So it would seem strange that a perp would take cash from the house but leave cash in the wallet (tho perhaps MC had a certain place in the shop he'd put his keys and wallet when working in there, that wouldn't be obvious to a random person so a perp who didn't know him wouldn't even think to search for his wallet and keys in the shop?).....of course we don't even know if a perp was ever even IN his shop.
As per my post on the previous page, the excerpt from the Mar 13 news article.......I want to know how much cash was "missing" from the house and what the other "items" were that were missing as well. I think these are critical pieces.

1. How much cash? Petty cash? Good sum of cash? Where was cash missing from in the home? Was it in a out-in-the-open spot that friends/family would know about? (eg: cookie jar on the kitchen counter, etc)......or was it a wad of cash that only MC and BC would know the location of (eg: safety deposit/money box hidden under boxes in their closet, money kept hidden in a dresser drawer? or some other place that would be difficult for a perp to easily find?).

2. What other items were missing? Were they items of monetary value? (TV? dvd player? electronics? stuff someone could sell easily for cash?)....or where they items of sentimental value? We'll probably never be told, particularly if HCSO feels disclosure of these missing items could jeopardize ?ongoing investigation........ I wonder if VI would have their permission to tell us?

If I'm not mistaken tho....wasn't his wallet found in the shop with cash in it (but missing his DL)? So it would seem strange that a perp would take cash from the house but leave cash in the wallet (tho perhaps MC had a certain place in the shop he'd put his keys and wallet when working in there, that wouldn't be obvious to a random person so a perp who didn't know him wouldn't even think to search for his wallet and keys in the shop?).....of course we don't even know if a perp was ever even IN his shop.
Money from his wallet, his driver's license, and his cell phone were all that was missing
Money from his wallet, his driver's license, and his cell phone were all that was missing

But as mentioned, in my post here (#86), a news article of Mar 13, 2017 claims Sheriff Meeks reported that "cash and other items" were missing from the home:

"Some items, including cash, were taken from his home, the sheriff said. His pickup truck was not taken, but Chambers's cell phone is missing."

Based on the above, I'm not prepared to just assume that the "items taken from the home" refers to the wallet cash & driver's license missing from the wallet, both found in the shop. Based on the above, how do we know for sure there wasn't also cash and other items taken from the actual home?
But as mentioned, in my post here (#86), a news article of Mar 13, 2017 claims Sheriff Meeks reported that "cash and other items" were missing from the home:

Based on the above, I'm not prepared to just assume that the "items taken from the home" refers to the wallet cash & driver's license missing from the wallet, both found in the shop. Based on the above, how do we know for sure there wasn't also cash and other items taken from the actual home?
If you want to know what Sheriff Meeks says about it he talks about it in the 3/13 press conference. Or you could look back through Pmerle's comments to see if she has addressed it.
But as mentioned, in my post here (#86), a news article of Mar 13, 2017 claims Sheriff Meeks reported that "cash and other items" were missing from the home:

Based on the above, I'm not prepared to just assume that the "items taken from the home" refers to the wallet cash & driver's license missing from the wallet, both found in the shop. Based on the above, how do we know for sure there wasn't also cash and other items taken from the actual home?
Unfortunately, that was only 3 days after MC went missing. The reporting was.....lacking. If you go back and read all of Pmerle00's quotes, especially in the beginning, she clarifies that nothing was taken from the house. Also, Pawpa always carried cash so they weren't sure how much was missing from his wallet.

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Your puzzling thoughts were the exact same ones that have kept me awake :) I have been wanting to say that the only person, IMO, who could possibly have had a reason, and it's a huge stretch, to purposely plant the blood, would have been MC himself. No perp would have had any reason on earth to do that and I haven't been able to come up with a single other person who might gain from doing something like that. MC MIGHT have IF he did walk away on purpose. His reason could have been to yes, protect his wife. Since I don't believe he walked away, it's really " out" there.

I've thought all along that most likely MC locked the shop door, and the house and truck, himself. I can't come up with any reason for anyone else to have done so, or even think about doing so. If he did lock his shop, he did it knowing his keys would be locked inside and he would have no way to unlock the house, truck, or shop if and when he returned home. That is one of the puzzles for me. Was he leaving a clue behind, or was he not able to think clearly?

Was this all a clue? I'm coming from left field. I will try to be brief.

What if Papaw realized, in time, that something was going down? He appears to be in fine shape, and probably still has his training instincts. And maybe he offered the money in his wallet, setting the wallet down; not returning it to his pocket? Whoever visited him, wouldn't have worried about the keys. They were not coming back.

I certainly hope this is not what transpired. MC is relaxing somewhere. Amnesia from his accident in his shop.

Did LE ever advertise for anyone picking up hitchhikers in that area of the State? I'm sure that was asked back in the last 200 posts. It just stuck in my mind. Of course, the driver would need to be on the up & up. Just saying. MHO IMO and a smack if I have said anything out of line. It will never be my intention. Make Peace & Love, Not War!
On the other end of the line the 911 operator hear's the wife report, "[FONT=.SFUIDisplay]But I did find his wallet and keys in the shop that's locked, which is just not like him." Her tone is incredulous.

The shop may be as it is because it looks as if something is seriously wrong. The scene is confusing and difficult to interpret. Exactly the effect desired by this perp.

You can find the 911 call on this page, third video down.
[/FONT] at about the 30 sec. mark.
On the other end of the line the 911 operator hear's the wife report, "[FONT=.SFUIDisplay]But I did find his wallet and keys in the shop that's locked, which is just not like him." Her tone is incredulous.

The shop may be as it is because it looks as if something is seriously wrong. The scene is confusing and difficult to interpret. Exactly the effect desired by this perp.

You can find the 911 call on this page, third video down.
[/FONT] at about the 30 sec. mark.
One thing I've always wondered about the 911 call: Had BC already mentioned to the operator the blood on the shop floor before she talked about finding the wallet and the keys? Or did she tell them about the blood after she told them about the other items? Or did she forget to mention the blood?

Our VI said:
"She had been home for 45 minutes, searched house and land then shop (because it had been locked, so she assumed he wasn't there at first). Saw blood in the shop and called ASAP."
One thing I've always wondered about the 911 call: Had BC already mentioned to the operator the blood on the shop floor before she talked about finding the wallet and the keys? Or did she tell them about the blood after she told them about the other items? Or did she forget to mention the blood?

Our VI said:
"She had been home for 45 minutes, searched house and land then shop (because it had been locked, so she assumed he wasn't there at first). Saw blood in the shop and called ASAP."
It's in the video that she had mentioned the blood.
It's in the video that she had mentioned the blood.
Hey Han- I listened to the video you referenced re 911 call and didn't hear her say anything about blood.

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Hey Han- I listened to the video you referenced re 911 call and didn't hear her say anything about blood.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Pretty sure the snippet of the 911 call from BC is just that, a snippet....obviously not the entire conversation
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