‘Mother hen’ to media villain: The life of Debbie Bradley - Kansas City Star 11/5/11

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Here is one article from after his conversation with LE:


It says he confirmed that she drank enough to have passed out, not that he actually saw her pass out. Maybe he did see her pass out, or it might just refer to (1) what he saw her drink in the half hour he was there, (2) the amount he knows her to drink on a regular basis, (3) what she told him, or (4) how much alcohol he knew her to have available when he left.

Also, it mentions he was asleep (not passed out) during the time Lisa is thought to have disappeared, but does not say he was in the Irwin home at the time, though perhaps that is implied by mentioning it in reference to the kidnapping.

Aha,IMO this isn't a firm confirmation that he saw D pass out. However he 'thinks' she drank enough to pass out. Will it ever be told if DB passed out? :waitasec: Anyone know if the brother slept at D and J's home the entire night?
Thanks DeAnn!

So, from your experience, the story on the local Fox affiliate tv station last night about searchers finding clothes must be false? I would think that would be as big or bigger news than Phil Netz being at the house that night and yet not a peep in MSM (even if it's a busy sports day in the area, still seems the story would be out there by now, and not just locally - it's big). TIA!

Thanks for the question. I do apologize for my tone in that post you quoted. I got emotional and shouldn't have. It just bothers me an obvious mistake is taken as gospel but still.....anyway I outlined my thoughts in the MSM media thread for yesterday re the clothes. I understand the TOS but my FB times out so I can't read the supposed comments by the searcher who is suppose to have found the clothes. Being able to read those would be quite helpful I think. If there's not some mention by Tuesday, then that's another story. But I do think Mizzou leaving the Big 12 and what that means to Kansas City is a bigger story today than possible clothes being found. And obviously no media outlet has video of this or at least locally. I wonder if some even know about it since it's not on Fox's website. I will be curious if Good Morning America has something tomorrow. I also wonder if GMA and/or Today show will attempt their own version of the KC Star article or something similar re Jeremy Irwin. I wouldn't mind seeing a profile of him and hearing from his Starbucks coworkers. One of my questions is did he work alone the night in question or not and what time was he scheduled to work the next day.
Aha,IMO this isn't a firm confirmation that he saw D pass out. However he 'thinks' she drank enough to pass out. Will it ever be told if DB passed out? :waitasec: Anyone know if the brother slept at D and J's home the entire night?

The official story is he left the home shortly after returning from the Festival Foods around 5 p.m. He didn't sleep at all at the home.
The official story is he left the home shortly after returning from the Festival Foods around 5 p.m. He didn't sleep at all at the home.
Deann, I really appreciate your knowledge of the case. A:)
Going to listen to the radio show now.
Thanks for the question. I do apologize for my tone in that post you quoted. I got emotional and shouldn't have. It just bothers me an obvious mistake is taken as gospel but still.....anyway I outlined my thoughts in the MSM media thread for yesterday re the clothes. I understand the TOS but my FB times out so I can't read the supposed comments by the searcher who is suppose to have found the clothes. Being able to read those would be quite helpful I think. If there's not some mention by Tuesday, then that's another story. But I do think Mizzou leaving the Big 12 and what that means to Kansas City is a bigger story today than possible clothes being found. And obviously no media outlet has video of this or at least locally. I wonder if some even know about it since it's not on Fox's website. I will be curious if Good Morning America has something tomorrow. I also wonder if GMA and/or Today show will attempt their own version of the KC Star article or something similar re Jeremy Irwin. I wouldn't mind seeing a profile of him and hearing from his Starbucks coworkers. One of my questions is did he work alone the night in question or not and what time was he scheduled to work the next day.

No apology necessary, imo, your post was very clear and I understand exactly what you were saying. It's good to have someone with media experience weighing in. Honestly, understanding how and why facts and statements are reported in these cases is becoming a much bigger part of the sleuthing process. There are more kinds of media reporting on the cases (internet news, blogs, entertainment news...) and it does seem that fact checking and source verification standards have changed in the last few years (just from my experience). Even for the traditional media types, the standards seem lower to me as they try to keep up with the increasing real time competition. Thanks again.

ETA: Not meant to imply that some media sources don't have the highest standards (which is why we gravitate towards them), just that there are more sources of "news" than ever before and we seem to spend a lot more time discussing what is verified and what is not. JMO.
If LE really talked to DB like this, you don't cut off all law enforcement, you turn to the FBI or even the sheriff's department. How is cutting off LE helping to find their daughter in any way? Obviously, it hasn't helped a bit.
Do we know or have a link stating that they are not talking to the FBI or sheriffs department? They haven't said yes or no. To my knowledge only KCPD is stating that they aren't talking to them.
If LE really talked to DB like this, you don't cut off all law enforcement, you turn to the FBI or even the sheriff's department. How is cutting off LE helping to find their daughter in any way? Obviously, it hasn't helped a bit.

Short, a veteran criminal defense lawyer, said Bradley and Irwin have continued to have regular and productive contact with investigators, have permitted numerous searches of their property and have willingly provided DNA, fingerprint and hair samples to investigators.

They stand ready to do more for police, said Short, who is working on the case pro bono.

“We’ve told them, if you need anything we can provide it,” Short said.

The couple also receives five or six calls a day from investigators, said Short, who estimated that Bradley and Irwin each have spent about 40 hours answering police questions since Lisa disappeared.

Young acknowledged that the parents have been helpful.

“They’ve done other things, but when I say we’re not getting full cooperation, I’m saying we’re not getting what we need,” Young said.

Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/10/20/3220223/baby-lisas-lawyers-say-police.html#ixzz1cyfnz5ZJ

Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/10/20/3220223/baby-lisas-lawyers-say-police.html#ixzz1cyfc3h6g
The official story is he left the home shortly after returning from the Festival Foods around 5 p.m. He didn't sleep at all at the home.

I'm confused by this. Wasn't the story something to the effect that Dad was at work and the uncle was sleeping? Was this somehow not correct and maybe misrepresented by the press? I feel like I missed something. TIA

ETA-Just read the Was DB's brother there that night thread and it looks like it might have been an error in reporting. I was not aware of that. Doh!
Well, the wording was more like "now I'm back on the fence" or "now I'm off the fence again".

But if you ask me to go find those posts to prove it to you, I'm gonna throw this tomato right at your head, Nancy. ;)

I am one of those that said I was on the fence starting to slip off. I think the article added humanity to DB and JI, which is what I saw from the beginning. Flawed though they may be I just have a difficult time seeing either of them as heartless demons which they would need to be to do something to Lisa and then cover it up. I haven't seen any proof yet and don't think drinking, changing timelines or lawyering up are proof. I am not 100% sure yet on the dog hit in the room yet, but that is one fact that I haven't forgotten.

I'm confused by this. Wasn't the story something to the effect that Dad was at work and the uncle was sleeping? Was this somehow not correct and maybe misrepresented by the press? I feel like I missed something. TIA

I think the story is that dad was working and brother was sleeping. Brother was sleeping at his home.
BBM: here is one for starters... I haven't enough time righ tnow to search for more...

At a press conference on Thursday evening, KCPD spokesperson Capt. Steve Young says that parents Jeremy Irwin and Debbie Bradley are no longer cooperating with the investigation into their daughter's alleged kidnapping. Capt. Yound did not elaborate, and it remains unclear as to the reason why, or what this means for the direction of the police investigation.

On Thursday night, FOX 4 attempted to contact the family at their Northland home, where an unidentified woman claimed that the family had "a deal" with a national news network and refused to talk to the media

This link doesn't work for me. Is anyone else having trouble with it?
I am one of those that said I was on the fence starting to slip off. I think the article added humanity to DB and JI, which is what I saw from the beginning. Flawed though they may be I just have a difficult time seeing either of them as heartless demons which they would need to be to do something to Lisa and then cover it up. I haven't seen any proof yet and don't think drinking, changing timelines or lawyering up are proof. I am not 100% sure yet on the dog hit in the room yet, but that is one fact that I haven't forgotten.


This post made me realize something that may explain why perceptions of the case differ. It's the premises we make.
If only heartless demons can hurt their children, any proof that someone is not completely heartless will clear them.
But if we think parents don't have to be heartless demons to do something to their children it's a lot less clear cut.

I don't think parents have to be heartless demons to do something to their children. People are mostly not completely black and white and there are lots of people who made horrible decisions who have not been complete psychopaths through all their life.

I am not sure if these parents did anything, but just because there is a human background doesn't say anything to me one way or another.
I am one of those that said I was on the fence starting to slip off. I think the article added humanity to DB and JI, which is what I saw from the beginning. Flawed though they may be I just have a difficult time seeing either of them as heartless demons which they would need to be to do something to Lisa and then cover it up. I haven't seen any proof yet and don't think drinking, changing timelines or lawyering up are proof. I am not 100% sure yet on the dog hit in the room yet, but that is one fact that I haven't forgotten.


See, I don't see it at demonizing DB and JI at all. I have never felt that way about them. I think DB's story is tragic and sad, and I have a lot of sympathy for her. I do believe she took good care of those kids. I do believe she was a loving parent. However, I believe she is hiding something. I think. . .all MOO she made a small error in judgment that had a tragic result and she panicked. I don't think it has to be more sinister than that.

It's interesting to me that so many people seem to think this article helps to either prove or disprove anyone's innocence. To me, it's just an interesting background piece, and not a whole lot more than that. But I am fascinated by the responses everyone has to this article. It's an interesting study in human nature. :)

(Or something like that.) ;)

I totally agree. A very interesting study in human nature.

Also, a study in cognitive dissonance.

Sorry, I'm a psychology geek. ;D
The article says that Hazel was promised that if she signed an exclusive agreement with one show she wouldn't be bothered by other media. Perhaps to shelter themselves from media onslaught Deborah and Jeremy made the same deal.

I took that to mean she was talking about DB/JI being offered the deal. Not sure though. I will have to go read the article again. :twocents: moo
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