‘Kate Plus 8 Series Finale: Kate Gosselin Says “This Is Not Goodbye”

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I try to do a lot of that too. It just seems the basics are so darn high now.

And I don't do organic.

I guess I should. I just never have.
I try to do a lot of that too. It just seems the basics are so darn high now.

And I don't do organic.

I guess I should. I just never have.

I wish I could afford organic! I just follow the old adage that "if you don't eat the peel, you don't need to buy organic." For the things with peels that we eat, I just wash it well, and hope for the best.

I was buying organic milk for a while (I was concerned about the hormones) until I noticed that all of the milk at the store had a disclaimer on the label saying that the cows had not been fed hormones, and the milk was "hormone-free". As for the meat....well, again, I just hope for the best. My kids aren't really bg meat eaters, and my husband and I could probably lay off it, as well.
I try to do a lot of that too. It just seems the basics are so darn high now.

And I don't do organic.

I guess I should. I just never have.

Chickens ,people !! They are fun and give you an organic tasty protein . Just don't feed them something with meds and chemicals and don't put chemicals on your lawn.
They are great pest control,too.
I wish I could afford organic! I just follow the old adage that "if you don't eat the peel, you don't need to buy organic." For the things with peels that we eat, I just wash it well, and hope for the best.

I was buying organic milk for a while (I was concerned about the hormones) until I noticed that all of the milk at the store had a disclaimer on the label saying that the cows had not been fed hormones, and the milk was "hormone-free". As for the meat....well, again, I just hope for the best. My kids aren't really bg meat eaters, and my husband and I could probably lay off it, as well.

We are getting OT,but I HAVE to add that ,commercial non-organic farmers usually use feed with antibiotics in it for chickens and cows . The animals are wormed with chemicals routinely,also .Milk and meat are very susceptible to the chemicals.
Even animal feed (we have chickens,goats and sheep) at the feed store can have it ,so you have to check. It's given to chicks and kids as a matter of course .
We believe if they don't have anything wrong ,don't treat them. :seeya:
Jon and I believe that every life, whether seconds old after conception or a full forty-week term, robustly healthy or horribly sick, fully developed or severely challenged ? every life is designed and ordained from God. We would therefore never consider choosing to end that life in any way at any time. Period.

My father always said put your money where your mouth is.
I don't believe in abortion ,But I can say I have taken many of the babies that some believe should have been aborted . We fostered around 50 (some short and some long term) and adopted 4 from the Dept of Social Services.
Rather drastic ,but if everyone did something.......................

We didn't do it because we oppose abortion,but it helps . I don't preach to others about it ,either.

I'm glad Kate kept the babies . I didn't have a problem with them doing a reality show early on to help the family,BUT they have both gotten caught up in the celebrity of it ,and the BIG BUCKS.
Okay if it's just the two of them ,but it affects the kids negatively .It went from a once in a lifetime event to everyday existence.
I can discuss it here as my opinion,but I wouldn't tell Kate what to do. That's her choice .
Where in the above exchange did I say they couldn't afford twins???
Please. Point it out.

If not, please just move on.

You misquoted me.
Actually he /she didn't ,but maybe you meant it in a different way than it appears.
It's the first post stating Jon never supported the entire family with his IT job.

When they had twins Jon and Kate both worked.That's what I assumed you were referring to. That it took two paychecks and not Jon, alone.

I'm just responding to your question to the other poster .Don't kill the messenger :truce:
Two points from two different discussions were taken and mixed together to say I said something I DID NOT say.

I never said they could not support the family of 4.
Chickens ,people !! They are fun and give you an organic tasty protein . Just don't feed them something with meds and chemicals and don't put chemicals on your lawn.
They are great pest control,too.

But they stink!
Two points from two different discussions were taken and mixed together to say I said something I DID NOT say.

I never said they could not support the family of 4.

Just chalk it up to a misunderstanding . I saw what the OP saw,but you said that's not what you were referring to. Point taken.
It was their right to try for more children after the twins.

She didn't ask for 6. It's how it worked out.

And thank God you don't have to sign something agreeing to selective reduction. That would be horrible for so many women who want children and don't believe in abortion.
Sorry, God didn't hyperstimulate her ovaries, that was her choice in modern science. :snooty:She shouldn't have taken the risk of the IUI drugs then, I've also done that route!
Why not be content with twins? That's what the Lord did provide her with, she wasn't "barren".
And thank God you don't have to sign something agreeing to selective reduction. That would be horrible for so many women who want children and don't believe in abortion.
Ethical doctors often do make women make these commitments or refuse to do the procedures!
Ethical doctors often do make women make these commitments or refuse to do the procedures!

Doesn't sound ethical to me.

I guess it just depends on one's opinion of ethical.

I think selective reduction is unethical.
Sorry, God didn't hyperstimulate her ovaries, that was her choice in modern science. :snooty:She shouldn't have taken the risk of the IUI drugs then, I've also done that route!
Why not be content with twins? That's what the Lord did provide her with, she wasn't "barren".

She had the twins the same way as the others.

I know God didn't stimulate her ovaries.

By saying thank God, it's a personal statement.

I will not get into a religious discussion because we are not supposed to.

They have every right to choose not to kill their babies.

Thank God they have that right.

I wish I could afford organic! I just follow the old adage that "if you don't eat the peel, you don't need to buy organic." For the things with peels that we eat, I just wash it well, and hope for the best.

I was buying organic milk for a while (I was concerned about the hormones) until I noticed that all of the milk at the store had a disclaimer on the label saying that the cows had not been fed hormones, and the milk was "hormone-free". As for the meat....well, again, I just hope for the best. My kids aren't really bg meat eaters, and my husband and I could probably lay off it, as well.

Hi oh_gal, was this purchase at a chain grocery store? We've been buying organic milk for the same reason (the one with DHA added) for the baby.

DD also buys organic fruits, which from what I understand is not really better for you than any other fruit as long as you wash it.
Ethical doctors often do make women make these commitments or refuse to do the procedures!

From what I understand they can ask women to sign them but there is no way to enforce it when the woman says OOPS! changed my mind! IIRC Octo had this verbal agreement with Dr K when he implanted the tups but once she was pregnant she just refused his phone calls...

Fortunately it doesn't seem to happen too often or those women who it does happen to must be making the decision to have selective reduction.
Gee, I was hoping for some light-hearted, irreverent discussion about a reality tv star that really gets on my last nerve at times :loser:
Gee, I was hoping for some light-hearted, irreverent discussion about a reality tv star that really gets on my last nerve at times :loser:

I hear you, we should resurrect one of the old J&K threads. They were a great place pass the time waiting for an Anthony doc drop back in the day, and with J&K's love/hate relationship with the media we never ran out of fodder!
Gee, I was hoping for some light-hearted, irreverent discussion about a reality tv star that really gets on my last nerve at times :loser:

:blowkiss: Thank you, only speaking on behalf of an occasional poster, I find it crazy how something so silly can turn so serious. :peace:
Or maybe she should just be Kate. She loves her family and is doing what she thinks is right for them.

That's all that really matters isn't it?

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