100 jury questions: what is YOUR prediction? *no discussion*

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Why should we believe any of your story when there is no one to verify it?
You have stated in your testimony that Travis was a pedophile and he physically abused you, however, this has not been corroborated by any other source and/or entity. You have given three different versions of the murder, why should we believe you are telling the truth now??
What did you use to help you stay awake during your trip since caffeine is not allowed ?
How did you manage to stay awake and all peppy for your late night phone sex.

Do you not know that when a person is yawning repeatedly on the phone
you don't giggle about how cute they sound... you tell them goodnight?
-was the sex consensual?

-where is the travis' underwear that you took a picture of?

-how did you take another picture if the camera was in the delete mode?

-why did you tell Burns that you got lost driving the wrong way when you really were headed to Brewer's?

-if you only had 200 dollars with you how could you make all those cash deposits?

-if you asked for the cans to save money on gas why did you buy it in the more expensive place?

-if you were tight on money and in a time crunch to get to Burn's house why did you stop and visit with other friends while lying to Burns?

-have you ever shot a gun before?

-how can you jump up on a shelves of shoes and not disturb one item?

-how can you remember that you took the rope with you and threw it away when you claim that you couldn't remember anything from the stabbing?
Who were you trying to get a message to with the magazine messages?

If you don't remember murdering him and it is self defense as you claim, why would you need someone to change their testimony?

If you were so abused sexually, morally, and threatened physically, and had gotten counsel from your bishop, why would you travel over 1000 miles to that person?

You testified about an august 2007 event that was so tragic that you called your sister to talk to about it instead you talked with your father, so you were suggesting that you went to them to offer support with his suggested infidelity, why than would you not tell them of any physical abuse?

You took a picture of your finger when it got hurt, why wouldn't you document any of his abuse? Especially if he tried to take your life?

What did the remote belong to that you brought back to darryl's house on June 3?

Did you receive money from either Darryl or Matt on your way to Mesa? If so for what?

When did you change your story from ninja attack to self defense?

Gas cans were filled before or after you spoke with Travis?

You said that the gun in closet when you jumped up to get it, was in a holster; where is the gun holster?
Where is the remorse for what you did to the man you loved?

Did you ever seek anonymous help for the domestic violence you claim you suffered?
Does the "Law of attraction" allow for an exception when recording and keeping
negative things about your lover?
When you came out of your fog, saw blood on your hands, why would your first reaction be to get rid of evidence, and not to go to authorities about your self defense?

Why should we believe self defense claim when you have lied before and you have no proof?
You mentioned that the bullet casing "shouldn't have been" where it was found. Where did you expect it to be?
Regarding your lost phone. When did you find it and where?

Did you send yourself text messages from TA phone?
What brand of food did Travis feed Napoleon?
What was the name of the vet/practice Travis took Napoleon to?
What was Napoleon doing while you were killing his master?
Why didn’t you just say “Lets see if the camera still works?”
Why did you take the gun if it belonged to Travis?
If you were fearful for your safety when you jumped back in the car after grabbing the tag why didn’t you ever look for her phone charger?
When was the shower turned off?
Why couldn't Travis order his own KY discreetly off the internet? Where did he buy astroglide?
Why wasn't rope cut closer to the bed where it was to be used?
If Travis was violent why didn’t he hit you or disarm you to stop you from stabbing him?
Did you drop the knife before or after Travis was in the shower?
Where were your fingers placed while holding the gun if they weren’t on the trigger?
Why didn’t you make a call for someone to check on Travis anonymously?
Why didn’t you throw the rope away at the same place you threw the gun?
Is your left ring finger double-jointed? Is that why you can make it look broken when you want to?
1. Was Travis running after you or walking. You describe yourself and every step you took, how fast you were running, what steps you took to turn the corner, run into the closet, leap up, grab the gun, jump down and run into the Bathroom and turn and point it at Travis. You are very clear, not foggy, why can't you recall anything about where he was, what he was doing, if he was running or walking, was he behind you, how come he never touched you in this small space if you need to run and never saw him. Where was he?

2. Have you ever taken gas cans on any previous road trips?

3. Have you ever rented a car for a road trip?

4. Did you throw the Holster away, where is it?

5. What is on the missing, torn out Journal pages

6. You testified that you did not know that being thrown to the ground is violent until after your arrest.
How did you come to understand what Violence was?

7. Did you consider being knocked unconscious violent?

8. Would you consider hitting a person in the head with a bat violent?

9. Do you consider shooting someone in the head violent?

10. Do you consider stabbing someone violent?

11. Prior to your arrest and understanding of what violent was, did you previously think that shooting or stabbing was a violent act?

12. Were you asked to take a lie detector test? If yes, did you take it?

13. How many times did you move in the 18 months prior to and right after meeting Travis Alexander?

14. Have you ever used Travis Alexanders last name as your own on any legal documents or other documents?

15. Do you understand what trespassing is?

16. Have you ever been referred to anger management?

17. Have you ever been questioned in any previous incident for Stalking?

18. Had you ever surprised Travis with a visit in which he was not expecting you prior to 1-4-08?

19. Do you have a sealed juvenile record in California? if yes, were the charges related to Stalking?

20. Body slamming always results in serious injury to the person slammed. Concussion, fracture vertebrae. How did you get up so fast, uninjured, and begin running through the house so fast that Travis, uninjured, could not catch you even though he was wet and naked and running on tile? How did you recover so fast? IF your answer is that he was wet and naked and could not run fast at first, then why didn't you just run out of the house?

21. You did not complete High School. Did you drop out voluntarily or were you expelled for "Stalking and Harassing" certain male students. And if you were, is that related to a criminal record.

22. Shooting someone in the head/face leaves them incapacitated, why didn't you run out of the house after the first attempt to subdue him? Or even the second, oh hell the third? He would still be alive and you could have run to Utah?

23. How well has the Law Of Attraction worked for you and would you recommend it to others?

Were you ever scared Travis might shoot you when walking in his backyard late at night?

1 If you felt your life was in danger, weren't sure Travis was following you, knew the angry murderous man kept a gun in his closet which he could access quicker than you directly through the bathroom, and he was naked and you were not, why didn't you just turn left at the end of the hall and run away?

2. If Travis, naked and wet on tile, bodyslammed you and was standing over you, and you had the wind knocked out of you, and he intended to kill you, how in the hell did you manage to get away and run down the hall?

3. Not remembering the stabbing and neck-slitting does not prove it was self defense. Do you agree this is a stupid defense?

4. Did you eat the tolblerone?

Why didnt you shoot yourself

These made me laugh :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I'd only like to ask one question: Do you wish you'd taken the fifth when brought in for questioning by police, not done any interviews, and not taken the stand during this trial. Do you kick yourself for it at night and know that you signed your own death warrant with all your ridiculous stories?
If you loved him unconditionally, why didn't you call 911 after Travis was injured and no longer a threat to you?

Why did you continue to stab and slash him after he was no longer a threat to you?

Why did you chose to run into a closet rather than out the door and out of the house while fleeing for your life?

Why should we believe a word you have said over the past 2 weeks?

You testified you had a limited amount of money for your road trip. Why would you spend money renting a car when you owned one?
How does the Law of Attraction, or the Mormon temple allow you to write down about suicides and sexcapades in your journals to be passed down to your future children???
Given the time of the last photo of Travis alive and the last photo of him deceased, how is it that you : reviewed photos with him, deleted them, dropped a camera, struggled with him, ran down a hallway, grabbed a gun, went back to the bathroom, shot him, stabbed him, slit his throat, drug him down a hallway and back into a shower all within that timeframe ???
If Travis slept until 1:25pm did you send the text from his phone to Chris Hughes ?

Travis tested Chris Hughes at 12 (whenever) pm.
Why did you say he awoke at 1:25pm.

Are you sure you didn't arrive at Travis' at 1:25 pm?

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