100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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TA never said on the tape that he was aroused by children. He was aroused by the phone sex & the memories of what he & JA had done/were gonna do. I believe he just chose his words poorly in the heat of the moment. I have done it myself in the past to be honest and shudder to think that someone could judge my sexual mental health/history based on a couple of cringe-worthy comments made in the throes of passion. IMO, she took that one comment, twisted it, made up the story about him masturbating to photos of a child, embellished it, and sadly, has managed to convince some people that TA was predisposed to pedophilia. She has used society's outrage towards pedophiles to manipulate people because she knows that people accused of being pedophiles are usually presumed guilty in the court of public opinion. And even if it were true, EVEN IF... there is no law against masturbating while thinking about deviant sex and there is no proof at all that he ever did or ever would actually abuse a child. And as you pointed out, nothing he did justifies or excuses how she butchered him. Just sayin'

YES! I agree. I imagine that the whole pedo story came into play after the defense heard this tape.
I completely agree. How can she have memory of emotions while stabbing him but not stabbing him? :waitasec: It clearly told me she does remember, she just chooses not to.

That left me shaking my head - one does not remember actions but they remember emotions ? Since the question was specific to when she was stabbing Travis, which she claims she does not remember, how can she possibly remember an emotion associated with an unknown event?

Her answer was self serving - she did not want to admit she was angry. Low key, no anger, too trusting, everyone abuses me.
OK people, I think we have our guilty person. It is very clear. Everyone knows it. I think we are on the verge of making this into a grand spectacle. What is it about bloody murders that draws so much attention? Would we be here if she ran over him with a car? I don't think so.

Depends on if she braked after running him over, back up and ran over him again and again. Like the crazed wife did to her cheating husband in the parking lot of some fancy hotel in Florida. She went round and round in a circle in her car turning the guy into moosh. Oh and she decked the girlfriend in the lobby. One very angry woman.
IMO and I've said this before, Arias is far more tech savvy than she's leading us to believe. I stand by my statement before that this monster knows to how to use proxy servers, spoof email addresses, change the timestamps on photos, and install keylogging software.

The ONLY reason that she left the memory card in the camera was because she FORGOT to remove it in her haste to get the heck of our Travis' house. She had limited time to clean up the scene before Enrique came home from work.

The whole story about the scratched CDs is a crock as well as anybody that's been taking photos and trying to make a living at it would protect those CD(s) with some form of jacket or sleeve.

In Arias' fable, every tech device she touches either gets lost or breaks down, i.e. hard drive failure, lost cameras, cell phones in hot chocolate, etc. I've been in the systems business for 30+ years and only had one hard drive failure from which I was able to recover the lost data.

I'd like to hear JM ask her about the sequence of phones in her time with Travis, month-by-month. Which phone did she have and when ? There are so many lies embedded deep in her story it would take an army of investigators to unravel them.

Fortunately for us, the monster speaks English and is contradicting herself at every twist and turn.

You don't think she could have been dumb enough to think "bleaching" a hard drive means using actual bleach? I wondered about that when I heard the camera had been put in the washing machine with bleach. We do refer to bleaching a hard drive (using "bleaching" software of course). I just didn't think someone could be that unsavvy.
Everyone - we and the lawyers - keep debating the evidence. Did he? Did she? To me, it boils down to the fact that JA brutally murdered Travis. Yes, she needs to save her skin. But, if she really loved him and respected him the way she claims, first of all, she would not have killed him. Secondly, if it was in self-defense, or even in the heat of the moment, JA would be throwing herself on the mercy of the court, asking for forgiveness and begging for a light sentence. Actually, if she did care the way she said, she never would have let the trial happen. But, the truth is, JA only cares about herself and has never cared for anyone but herself.
Anyone struggling with the "12 yr old school girl" comments...watch a Brittany spears video , specifically ( oops I did it again)
It's nothing but a fantasy ponytails knee socks and plaid skirts
IMO your taking "12" too literal.
wow, maybe JODI'S the pedophile! :floorlaugh:

seriously, a comment like this one or the one he made is just that---a comment. it's not 'evidence' that someone has a sexual attraction to children. that's just ridiculous. this is sexual fantasy talk and as far as i know, it's not a crime.

I don't think this is a far fetched idea at all.
Travis was commenting on Jodi's voice sounding like ..... not being anything "for a 12 year old girl". She did sound squeaky on the phone. The whole time she talked to him her voice sounded like this little girl voice. Travis did not say he got off on it. He just said how Jodi sounded a metaphor to describe that squeaky voice.


"The way you moan, Jodi, sounds like a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm -- So hot," Alexander said."

it sounds to me like he got off on it.

I just want to preface what I'm about to write by saying that I do not intend to blame the victim.

Travis Alexander did not deserve to die, but he was recorded on audio saying that 12-year old girls arouse him. And it's pretty clear that he was, with all due respect, kind of a creep towards women.

I just feel like the coverage of this case is so black in white, painting Travis as a saint and Jodi as the devil itself.

To be clear: I believe that Jodi Arias should be locked up forever and have the key thrown away. Travis Alexander did not deserve to die, he did not deserve to be stalked. She mutilated him. I find it incredibly hard to believe that she killed him in self-defense.

But I do believe that Jodi is telling the truth about his pedophilia and abuse, based on the evidence. Just because he was also attracted to full-grown women does not make him less of a pedophile. The victim was obviously not some kind of angel or saint. Can we stop portraying him as one? It is demeaning to abuse victims everywhere to minimize the danger of pedophilia.

Is there any room for someone with my opinion on this forum? Everyone is baying for blood >>

At times I think he was but for the most part (my hubby excluded) men are creeps. I don't however think he physically abused her though, mentally YES!

He was not a saint by any means!! But again very few people are, the majority are not. What she did has no validation regardless if he beat her every single time they saw each other. She did have on many occasions the option of completely eradicating him from her life. I have done that to many men, it's easy... block numbers, change emails, throw away any crap that reminds you of him and get counseling on ways to move forward. She did none of that.... none.
Also I highly highly doubt that he was a pedophile.....Unless he burned his computers hard drive every time he looked at *advertiser censored*, there would be traces of it.
He was something that she loved and hated and couldn't have no matter what she did and so she finally snapped. Mental abuse is not a reason to kill someone.... kick in the balls would seem more fitting... :what: But thank you for bringing your point on him not being an angel
Does the jury know JA had a chance to review their questions before she took the stand yesterday?
When you compare murderers in cases, she does stand out as one that the Death Penalty was written for. It's not often I say there is not one thing worth saving about a person, in all the crime and horror I have seen, It pains me not to say, I will have no emotion when they put the needle in.
There's a huge difference in context. Your husband was making a joke. TA was in the middle of sex and aroused and mentioned in the audio of the sex tape that he was turned on by Jodi sounding like a 12-year old. That is a massive difference.
Travis is not on trial, although Nurmi probably wishes he was ...
Why the need to forge letters attributed to TA where the writer admits his attraction to children?

At the risk of this being misunderstood, I want to say this;

I think men fantasizing about young girls is normal. In the *advertiser censored* industry, school-girl fantasy is extremely popular.

Not that long ago (a few centuries anyway) people married young so this attraction might be primal in nature!

Besides if you think about it, nature started the menstrual cycle at a certain (young) age for a reason! It's not so girls would have 10-15 years of cramping to get used to!! We were intended to procreate at a young age!

I think when society started academia/educational system----the marrying age got pushed back a decade or so. And slowly society got used to this.
But certainly as early as the 1800's young girls got married very young!

My own Italian grandmother (who is deceased) was only 15 years older than my father!!

If you also notice, Jodi was wearing pony-tail braids and was shaven. If you ask me, she resembled and was playing a very young girl.

Men-liking-younger-girls has been villianized to the point of being creepy but if you think about it, it's very natural.
Why do we spend so much money on looking young then?
I agree.
Did he even say he liked 12 year old girls?
I don't remember evidence of that.
And pedophiles would have a collection of kiddie *advertiser censored* somewhere.
Jodi's a liar.
She wants to paint him off as a monster to gain sympathy.

Just going off memory here....

In the sex tape Arias squeeled or something during sex talk and he said something like...you sound like a 12 year old girl.

That's it. That, and Arias' "word" on the "young boy pictrure(s) that some base their beliefs that that is evidence of pedophilia:waitasec:
Do convicted pedophiles receive the death penalty?

Having suffered at the hands of one, I believe that if they abuse, they should.

However, there is no evidence that TA abused any children.

The only reason I am bringing this up at all is that it supports Jodi Arias' allegations of his pedophilia, and that affects the case.

It doesn't change that she murdered him and needs to be punished for that, either.
I cannot believe that anyone is seriously considering her accusations of pedophilia? I mean COME ON? I can't believe how willing people are to go along with this line of thinking.

Her squealing like a 12 year old wasn't a reference to OTHER 12 year olds, he was saying she sounded like a little girl, not that she WAS a little girl and it turned him on.

Many women act "babyish" with men. It's not sexy because they are visualizing them as a kid, but because it's a flirtatious woman acting a specific way.

There is NO evidence beyond this one time statement to back up this claim.

He was a normal guy who got mixed up in a sexual relationship with her and it is only an issue because he was Mormon. If he wasn't supposed to be celibate it would not matter in this case at all.

I can't believe people are actually listening to anything this flat out liar is saying. She stalked and killed him with a gleeful vengence and took pictures of it because it turned her on.

Who takes pictures of someone while they are murdering them? Serial killers do crap like that.

She premeditated this all the way back to when her house was burglarized and the stereo and gun were taken. She planned it all.

I can't even believe the debates I see about this. No wonder Casey Anthony got off.
I thought of this as well, but didn't Jerry Sandusky have a wife AND children? I know a wife is not proof that there is sex in a marriage, but kids prove otherwise---at least there was enough sex to get a few kids started.

I think sometimes TRUE pedophiles do marry and have kids to cover their arses.

Jerry Sandusky and his wife claimed that they could not have children of their own and adopted six children.
Good morning everyone :) I wish the jury would ask JA since she is having trouble remembering her lies, why doesn't she just tell the truth. The truth never changes, the truth will be the same in 2013 as it was 2008.


Maybe her lawyers should've gave her a clue as well. This reminding her during testimony has gotten way too OLD!!
My biological father abused me. My mother never suspected he was a pedo until then.

:( thats very sad, I'm so sorry. That has to be the worst kind of betrayal for any child :cry:

I hope that you were able to get counseling and help :tears:
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