100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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My biological father abused me. My mother never suspected he was a pedo until then.

I am truly sorry for you and anyone else that has had to endure that kind of abuse. Please forgive me for asking, but once your mother discovered your father was a pedophile, did she continue to have sex with him? Did she wear children's underwear to try to arouse him? Would she have driven 1000 miles out of her way to spend time with him, and then waxed poetic about how cute he looked sitting as his desk with his dog by his side? Did she murder him three times over? As a victim yourself, I would think you would be offended by someone like JA exploiting the pain you and other real victims have endured.
Do normal healthy people have fantasies about children, though? I think not.

I believe that Jodi is guilty of murder. But I also believe that we shouldn't dismiss that as "just talk".

Coming from a 'Catholic School Girl' myself, I will say that guys loved that. When I was in college & if it came up in conversation that I had gone to Catholic school, guys would joke about that being hot or whatever.

IMO it's not b/c they were into young schoolgirls...it's b/c a guy may think of a schoolgirl as prim & proper, & that's the turn on for them. Kwim?

Just my 2 cents fwiw. :)

There's a huge difference in context. Your husband was making a joke. TA was in the middle of sex and aroused and mentioned in the audio of the sex tape that he was turned on by Jodi sounding like a 12-year old. That is a massive difference.

How do we know Travis was in the throes of sexual arousal? Maybe he was faking it so that she would let him get off the phone and get some sleep? Only women can fake it? Maybe he didn't know how to shake off this parasite and played along because he was at his wit's end? He sounded so tired on the phone. Jodi couldn't even let the poor guy sleep.
Jodi also blames Travis for everything. Abusers blame the victim, always. Blamed men for buying a new gun and knife too. Why go?
And, just to add, even though I've never mentioned any of MY personal experience regarding BOTH of JA's accusations, doesn't mean it hasn't happened to ME.
I choose not to speak about it.
IMO, it's an even GREATER crime to wrongfully take things out of context and almost label someone any of the despicable things JA is accusing Travis of.

Sorry, but a liar and accuser such as JA makes the REAL survivors of BOTH DV and child abuse be taken less seriously AND, furthermore, it diminishes MY feelings of the horrific acts myself and others have been subject to.
If you just ignore what other people say, how will you ever have a discussion? And I can tell that this is directed at me. I'm starting to want to leave this site..

Don't leave! The best thing to do is use the actual 'ignore' feature. Then you don't even see that particular person's post.
Good morning!


(Whenever I see a post that starts off with "I'm not blaming the victim, BUT...", I just scroll right by. As katiecoolady would say, just keeping it real. LOL)

ETA: Happy birthday Hopeful One!!
There is rock solid evidence, right here.

Alexander: ""The way you moan, Jodi, sounds like a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm -- So hot."


source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/12/jodi-arias-travis-alexander-sex-tape_n_2673013.html

As a victim/survivor of a pedophile, I find your comments insulting. If what he said pointed toward that direction, there would be evidence to back it up - in many more places...
How can you judge TA with only "one" audio tape to back up this horrific act?
Hello all- bless your passion here. Seriously. :seeya:

BBM- this was the part that pushed my fat butt to delurk. It was a metaphor, blurted out at like what....2 am? We've all been slap happy late at night, not choosing words/phrases as we would during the day. I knew squat about this case prior and I listened to the tape in its entirety. Not a chance imo that he's attracted to children.

My childhood bestie was repeatedly abused by her father- it was unspoken, stealth, hidden. Like some sinister primordial ooze existing within the shadows.

From everything I've seen, again, not knowing word one about Travis Alexander or the killer, nothing whatsoever leads me to believe any of the killer's claims are true. IMO, accusing and/or fabricating this type of thing is beyond comprehension.

My :twocents:

:greetings: :goodpost:
Having suffered at the hands of one, I believe that if they abuse, they should.

However, there is no evidence that TA abused any children.

The only reason I am bringing this up at all is that it supports Jodi Arias' allegations of his pedophilia, and that affects the case.

It doesn't change that she murdered him and needs to be punished for that, either.

It most certainly does not as it was in the context of phone sex between adults. Besides, Jodi claims that he was into little boys, not little girls.

I'd still support a death sentence for her even if he did molest children. She didn't butcher him for that.
Did anyone catch the fact that Jodi admitted on the stand that she fantasized about Travis "raping" her? She referred to it as being "ravished" but in the context of kinky sex, the ravishment fantasy is synonymous with rape fantasy.

The whole "rape"comment bothered me. Because to me they were trying to portray it to actually mean RAPE. I think its used more of a way to tell someone that they are going to sexually devour you. IE: "When you get home from work, I am going to rape you" Meaning... I want you, and I don't want to take no for an answer. Not that they want to take you against your will.
I think the younger members of the jury will see it the way it was intended.
:doh: Exactly, there is no evidence.

I'm sorry for what you have gone through, but as a victim, doesn't it bother you at all that she is lying? That there is zero proof of anything she is saying? I certainly can't speak for true victims, but it seems disturbing to me that she is discounting true victims.

I've already stated that if she is lying, I am very upset about that. I believe she is lying about most things, but I'm aware that my opinions are not necessarily facts. Same with my thoughts on TA. And my belief that JA is guilty as sin. I have never claimed to be stating facts, only my opinions. :twocents:
There's a huge difference in context. Your husband was making a joke. TA was in the middle of sex and aroused and mentioned in the audio of the sex tape that he was turned on by Jodi sounding like a 12-year old. That is a massive difference.

Hey commspecialist. :seeya: I just wanted to say first and foremost you ARE welcome here. And don't take the replies as hate. A lot of these posters have been following the case for a long time. Discussion isn't hate!

That being said, it's hard to tell what state TA was in when he said that. Guys say stupid things. Once i put a hoodie over my husband's face and he told me I looked much better. He didn't mean it, and it hurt, but I knew he just said something stupid.

IMO, it is possible that TA said "you sound like a 12 y/o girl" and then suddenly realized that could hurt her feelings and added the "that's so hot" to soften the blow so to speak. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying one instance without any other evidence is kind of a stretch, just my :twocents:
Okay, first of all: I am a survivor of abuse myself. I agree that if Jodi Arias is lying, she's demeaning all abuse survivors everywhere, that makes me angry.

Second: I am not saying that we should judge Travis to be a pedophile based on one comment he made.

I am saying that that comment he made could corroborate Jodi's testimony that he exhibited signs of pedophilia.

I am saying it is possible and that instead of immediately condemning her to death we, as 'web sleuths' SHOULD be examining every possibility. I thought that's what this site was about. not about rage.

I am sorry you have been abused. Giving her twisting credence -- is demeaning and only sets the stage back to years gone by for TRUE REAL abuse to be minimized.

On your second point - I must not understand your communication style, as it sounded that way to me.

Your third point, the optimal word is right there by you - COULD.

I notice you just joined in Feb - so I can only speak for myself, but there have been years of examining every possibility. Believe it or not, there was every bit of grace given as to what would lead a woman to slash a man 29 times, the largest slash almost decapitating him then shooting him. I honestly almost wanted her to have been abused as a child, or raped or something to explain this - as to think this type of pathology can manifest from a seemingly normal (and much better childhood than many!) defies my mind.

I will not reply again, as I think my position is clear; but what kind of monster kills a man, sends his grandmother who raised him 20 white Irises in replacement? Did she like that the grandmother in her grief would have to watch the flowers die too?

Sorry, I got nothing for your point of view - and please don't miss-characterize the evidence; and then dismiss the words of JA that are far more compelling as not what you were talking about.
My dad has a hearing problem so I've always been a hand talker. I notice JA also talks with her hands... not that I want to have anything in common with that monster... But, I've noticed when she is talking about the alleged violence she doesn't use her hands to describe what was going on. For example, she doesn't put her hands around her neck while saying he strangled her, and so on.

Also, I think it's WORSE for her that she didn't get paid for her tv interviews. It shows she just wanted to be on tv for the "glamour" of it.

And, I hope the jury notices how calm she is. I told my husband last night if I was in her seat... which I never would be... But, if I was I would be shaking, sweating, my voice would be quivering, and so on. She is cool as a cucumber.

As I said in my first post, I was emotionally abused by a long term boyfriend. I know JA was the abuser because she talks exactly the same way he would. She plays word games and is arrogant and has the guts to talk back to men in authority. No way. When you are emotionally abused you are so scared you jumble your words and can't think straight.

The gun... REALLY? She stated Travis told her it wasn't loaded. If she thought that than why in the world would she think an unloaded gun would stop a violent out of control abuser? He would have just laughed at her!

One more thing and then I promise I'm done. Travis is a lot like my husband. Everything is in place and very organized. So, if he is so neat and organized why would he just haphazardly put his alleged gun on top if his closet. No way. It would be locked in a case.

Thank you everyone for reading my post. My poor husband listens to me, but I know he's tired of hearing about this case.

I'm sure ill post more when I think of it!

you hit on a critical problem for her. except for a snotty nose a time or two talking about the actual murder, she's not a shaking mess remembering what she describes as 'the most traumatic day of my life.' she's just NOT able to pull it off. and one thing i believe is very clear----she backs down from nobody. she's no victim.
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