17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #8

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Trayvon had as much right to be in the complex as Zimmerman did. Why did Trayvon need to go home? Why didn't Zimmerman go home? Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his vehicle as he was told to do by the dispatcher?

Zimmerman had a right to follow Trayvon, as well as have a loaded gun. I thought we were discussing what any reasonable person would do.
I'm not sure throwing money at instances of willful negligence makes it go away.

No but they are having to pay for a hotel. So IMO Spike Lee with all his millions should pay for it.

GZ chose to carry a loaded gun
GZ chose not to simply wait for LE, GZ chose to follow TM,
and ultimatley GZ chose to fire his gun and as a result TM is dead

ultimately every choice that night was GZ's he could have prevented any of this at many many different points along the way and he chose wrong each and every time. So forgive me if I DON'T find it unfair that he have to Prove that he had a REASONABLE FEAR FOR HIS LIFE when he pulled that trigger.

IMO JMHO and stuff

He had a permit to carry a gun
We don't know if GZ saw TM trying to break into a house, etc. just speculation.
maybe because he had to because GZ was getting attacked by TM who at that point clearly had the upper hand.

< mod snip >
Somewhere along the way he did some stopping and lingering. From the time he left the clubhouse to his own front door, his path of travel was 600' +/-.

If I understand these transcripts correctly, 7 minutes lapsed between Zimmerman telling the operator he was running and the time the shot was fired. I don't care if he was running, walking fast, walking slow, or skipping along, somewhere along they way he stopped.

How else is this fat guy gonna run up behind and catch a 17 year old athletic kid with a head start?

I don't believe Zimmerman's bs either about walking back to his car after losing sight of the boy, but anyway you look at it, 2/3 of this 600' had been traveled before Zimmerman ever lost sight of him at the sidewalk turn.

I don't have any more of a clue than the rest of you exactly how this went down, but there's no way I can see that Zimmerman walked back to his car when he lost sight of him OR that the boy didn't stop.
Exactly. The fight occurred in what appears to be a very short distance away from where Zimmerman lost him.
GZ chose to carry a loaded gun
GZ chose not to simply wait for LE, GZ chose to follow TM,
and ultimatley GZ chose to fire his gun and as a result TM is dead

ultimately every choice that night was GZ's he could have prevented any of this at many many different points along the way and he chose wrong each and every time. So forgive me if I DON'T find it unfair that he have to Prove that he had a REASONABLE FEAR FOR HIS LIFE when he pulled that trigger.

IMO JMHO and stuff

Amen Sensei. Zimmerman wasn't going to pay attention to what the dispatcher told him because he was so determined that this a$$hole wasn't going to get away. He was going to make sure that the *advertiser censored***** c**** paid for being in his "neighborhood." We've already seen the type of person that Zimmerman is. He has been arrested for shoving a police officer, he had a restraining order issued against him and for the life of me, I still can't understand how he was issued a concealed weapon permit. Trayvon's fate was sealed the moment that Zimmerman decided to take the law in his own hands.

After director Spike Lee erroneously re-Tweeted their address as belonging to Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman, a school-cafeteria lunch lady and her husband were essentially forced to flee their home amid unwanted attention.

Death threats, hate mail, swarming reporters and fearful inquiries from neighbors were all too much for the woman, 70, who has a heart condition, and her husband, 72, who temporarily moved to a hotel to avoid the spotlight and possible danger.

Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2...zimmerman-address-elderly-coup/#ixzz1qQ4m0i9K

WOW! and if some mad man walked into that house and killed everyone in it he sure would have a lot of blood on his hands. :what:
I strongly feel that GZ, in his zeal to keep this [insert A word used in call with dispatch] from getting away with "it" like they always do, is responsible for the wrongful death of TM.

However, I also feel that there are no angels and devils in this situation. GZ was angry (maybe rightfully) about the crime rise in his neighborhood and was over the line in his actions as citizen on a grocery run OR neighborhood watch captain. GZ is no saint saving the neighborhood IMO. TM is no perfect child, no spotless angelic innocent. TM is far from deserving of being killed IMO. GZ is far from deserving a pass from the scrutiny he now faces IMO

I feel that TM was doing nothing wrong, was in an unfamiliar environment, it is dark, rainy, and a strange man is following him and giving him undue, unwelcome attention.

Teenage boys are full of hormones and the need to be men. Teenage boys place a lot of value on "face" and how others perceive them. Particularly other males. From my own experience with teen boys, they often, when feeling unsure or threatened will puff up and get their swagger on, hoping to appear manly and not like someone weak, to be further messed with.

I think this explains his alleged response of confronting GZ with words to the effect of "what's your problem?" or "Do you have a problem?" - Posturing. An attempt at showing he was not frightened or intimidated by this strange man. I guess, for me, I hold the adult in the situation to a higher standard of thought, consideration, understanding of possible consequences of the actions they take.

I find it illogical to debate why TM did not call 911 or run from GZ. Teenagers are not yet adults and do not always act in the manner a reasonable adult would.

Too bad the adult TM encountered that night did not act in a manner I feel a reasonable adult would. :(
so where is the person you speculate he met up with? Why didn't we hear about this "person" at all?

I don't think anyone - if there was anyone - meeting up with him on that drizzly unpleasant evening was planning to go get skittles also. I don't know what kind of activity turned up on Trayvon's phone. I guess it will come out in the investigation.

Having teenage boys, and some brushes with marijuana, I can tell you that when a boy uses marijuana enough to own his own - that he brings to school - they don't just stop using within a week of that. If they leave in the unpleasant drizzle to go out for an undetermined amount of time (and the family covers up for it) and someone who is alert believes they've behaving suspiciously - they are. Sorry I'm knowledgeable about this, but being older and wiser, I always firmly believed that Trayvon didn't leave that condo to go to skittles and tea, although he did that also.

He did have $22 with him. Much more than he needed for skittles and tea.
I strongly feel that GZ, in his zeal to keep this [insert A word used in call with dispatch] from getting away with "it" like they always do, is responsible for the wrongful death of TM.

However, I also feel that there are no angels and devils in this situation. GZ was angry (maybe rightfully) about the crime rise in his neighborhood and was over the line in his actions as citizen on a grocery run OR neighborhood watch captain. GZ is no saint saving the neighborhood IMO. TM is no perfect child, no spotless angelic innocent. TM is far from deserving of being killed IMO. GZ is far from deserving a pass from the scrutiny he now faces IMO

I feel that TM was doing nothing wrong, was in an unfamiliar environment, it is dark, rainy, and a strange man is following him and giving him undue, unwelcome attention.

Teenage boys are all full of hormones and the need to be men. Teenage boys place a lot of value on "face" and how others perceive them. Particularly other males. From my own experience with teen boys, they often, when feeling unsure or threatened will puff up and get their swagger on, hoping to appear manly and not like someone weak, to be further messed with.

I think this explains his alleged response of confronting GZ with words to the effect of "what's your problem?" or "Do you have a problem?" - Posturing. An attempt at showing he was not frightened or intimidated by this strange man. I guess, for me, I hold the adult in the situation to a higher standard of thought, consideration, understanding of possible consequences of the actions they take.

I find it illogical to debate why TM did not call 911 or run from GZ. Teenagers are not yet adults and do not always act in the manner a reasonable adult would.

Too bad the adult TM encountered that night did not act in a manner I feel a reasonable adult would. :(

Yet, that's how people want him portrayed. Neither one are innocent.
Somewhere along the way he did some stopping and lingering. From the time he left the clubhouse to his own back door, his path of travel was 600' +/-.

If I understand these transcripts correctly, 7 minutes lapsed between Zimmerman telling the operator he was running and the time the shot was fired. I don't care if he was running, walking fast, walking slow, or skipping along, somewhere along they way he stopped.

How else is this fat guy gonna run up behind and catch a 17 year old athletic kid with a head start?

I don't believe Zimmerman's bs either about walking back to his car after losing sight of the boy, but anyway you look at it, 2/3 of this 600' had been traveled before Zimmerman ever lost sight of him at the sidewalk turn.

I don't have any more of a clue than the rest of you exactly how this went down, but there's no way I can see that Zimmerman walked back to his car when he lost sight of him OR that the boy didn't stop.


Good to see you Papa! Could Tray have been still and trying to "hide" to see if GZ was still following him at some point? And as for fat, the newer picture of GZ shows someone in better shape than the old mugshot.
He had a permit to carry a gun
We don't know if GZ saw TM trying to break into a house, etc. just speculation.
maybe because he had to because GZ was getting attacked by TM who at that point clearly had the upper hand.

Let's blame him for the entire thing because TM can do no wrongs.

Don't cha think that GZ would have mentioned to LE that he caught him breaking into a house? Seriously folks I am all for being open minded, but lets not get so open minded that our brains fall out.

if you start a fight and someone is wiping the floor with you, you cannot then shoot them and call it self defense....Just because Trayvon might have been getting the better of him (and I am not convinced that is a fact) does not mean that he was justified in shooting him.
Exactly. The fight occurred in what appears to be a very short distance away from where Zimmerman lost him.

That's true, but equally important is that the fight was in the OPPOSITE direction from Zimmerman walking back to his car after losing sight of the boy.
He had a permit to carry a gun
We don't know if GZ saw TM trying to break into a house, etc. just speculation.
maybe because he had to because GZ was getting attacked by TM who at that point clearly had the upper hand.

Let's blame him for the entire thing because TM can do no wrongs.

Who cares that he had a license to carry a gun??

FGS, everyone who has a license to carry a gun can just go after who they please? People who carry loaded weapons have a responsibility.

GMAB here. HE made these choices, HIS choices have consequences.

And if GZ isn't smart enough to have known that when a 911 dispatcher that HE just called for help and assisitance, says "Ok we don't need you to do that", means back off, then he never should have been allowed on the streets let alone carry a loaded weapon.

But yeah, let's blame the parents for the pictures they chose, thsoe pictures that weren't even all that old to begin with, because we all know that black 17 year olds are so so scary and criminal looking. Then let's blame Trayvon for not getting home fast enough.

The victim blaming, twisting, stretching and excuses for this adult man have gone way beyond the pale.

That's true, but equally important is that the fight was in the OPPOSITE direction from Zimmerman walking back to his car after losing sight of the boy.
Are we assuming that he parked where the truck is on Google Maps? Or somewhere else?
GZ nor his family not any else etc. deserves to have death threats made against them.
He had a permit to carry a gun
We don't know if GZ saw TM trying to break into a house, etc. just speculation.
maybe because he had to because GZ was getting attacked by TM who at that point clearly had the upper hand.

Let's blame him for the entire thing because TM can do no wrongs.

Good post...

I doubt TM would try to break into a house with GZ following him. :waitasec:
But I do not doubt that GZ probably did size him up.
(based on them finding Jewelry and a screw driver in TM locker - suspension occurred)
BUT TM had not done anything that required for GZ to follow him. I still say GZ is overzealous.
but overzealous does not make a killer.

If he got out looking for the house # is not clear either since he told them on the phone
to make sure they call him and he will come out.

Good to see you Papa! Could Tray have been still and trying to "hide" to see if GZ was still following him at some point? And as for fat, the newer picture of GZ shows someone in better shape than the old mugshot.

I don't know, my friend. I just know that sidewalk's straight as a string to his back door. Seems to me It would have taken some really creative effort to hide almost in plain sight.
Who cares that he had a license to carry a gun??

FGS, everyone who has a license to carry a gun can just go after who they please?

GMAB here. HE made these choices, choices have consequences.

And if GZ isn't smart enough to have known that when a 911 dispatcher that HE just called for help and assisitance, says "Ok we don't need you to do that", means back off, then he never should ahev been allowed on the streets let alone carry a loaded weapon.

The twisting, stretching and excuses for this man have gone way beyond the pale.


People act like GZ sought out TM just so he could kill him.
He did have $22 with him. Much more than he needed for skittles and tea.

Your point being? Is it grounds for suspicion that someone is carrying more money than they need to make their next purchase? <mod snip>
GREAT POST that is how I feel too.

But I also feel that it is not a racial case, and his parents made it one, by whom they pulled in. I AM SORRY FOR THIER LOSS :(
SADLY if 3 weeks go by and they do not see anything done that makes sense to them, they did not know what else to do....

I also feel Obama&#8217;s presence in this is fuel for fire.
Al Sharpton does not need fact to make things racial... Just look at all his previous cases.
He does not need to know the information, and is often wrong about all the information before he starts million people on a tyrant.

Once again, the statements that the parents brought in, pulled in, called in Al Sharpton. Could you please provide a link that this is, in fact, what happened? Otherwise, it's your speculation and should be noted as such.

I don't always agree with Rev. Sharpton, but at least he hasn't gunned anyone down.
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