17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #8

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OK peeps.

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His back would not look like a white tshirt. I've seen plenty of white people's backs in my lifetime. Never one as white as a tshirt.
At he 1:20 mark, the SPD officer touches Zimmermans back, looks at his hand, and tries to rub something off it.

I honestly believe if it were blood he would not have touched it with his bare hands........but either way, a spot of blood does not equal "bruised and battered" ....nor does the clean shirt.
If you strain really hard you can see it. Maybe it's a birth mark! If it were a really bad bash we wouldn't be straining our eyes to see it.

I did not strain my eyes at all. I just enlarged it and it is sizable bang to his head.
I would like to see the nose. Has anyone seen that?
Besides the fact that about 500 posts in this forum say he had only been treated in the back of the squad car? Unless they've got x ray in that car, no one had packed his nose.

Been there, done that more than once. You haven't lived until they snatch a 6' long strip of gauze out of each nostril with about 4 days worth of dried, caked blood on it.

I got hit in the nose years ago, it wasn't broken but swelled and bled uncontrollably, when the nurses saw me they thought I'd been stabbed there was so much blood. Dr. packed it and about an hour later it eventually stopped bleeding.
The dr. said that bleeding like that is normal when hit hard in the nose.

So my question is, if GZ had been hit so hard in the nose, and had the back of his head smashed into the pavement where is all the blood ? head wounds cause allot of bleeding also, unless they aren't that serious.

In the video of GZ being brought in, he is handcuffed, there is no blood coming from his nose or the back of his head. So if he was treated by an EMT whatever blood was there was probably cleaned up and he was released because his injuries did not warrant a hospital trip.
I'm not relying on media. I am waiting for official reports. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. GZ said it was self defense, I believe that until something shows me otherwise. Yes it was unbelievably stupid for GZ to follow TM, but I don't see the underlying hatred of black people that some people think GZ has. I see a man who is concerned for his neighbors, their safety, and who seems to be a bit overzealous but not looking to kill.
People make dumb decisions every day, some are lethal: trying to make a yellow light and getting hit, starting their car to warm up in the garage and dying of carbon monoxide. But just as TM has every right to walk around that neighborhood so does GZ. IMO it comes down to who physically attacked who first.

I don't know that it was underlying hatred of black people so much as it was vigilante mentality towards anything at all he deemed suspicious. Based on his 911 record, black men and black male children tripped his suspicious trigger. I don't know as that equals hatred as much as it does a susceptibility to stereotypes.
Gosh, if that wet and grass on the back of Zimmerman was such important evidence the cop had to note it in his report why didn't he bag the coat to preserve it?
I'm not relying on media. I am waiting for official reports. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. GZ said it was self defense, I believe that until something shows me otherwise. Yes it was unbelievably stupid for GZ to follow TM, but I don't see the underlying hatred of black people that some people think GZ has. I see a man who is concerned for his neighbors, their safety, and who seems to be a bit overzealous but not looking to kill.
People make dumb decisions every day, some are lethal: trying to make a yellow light and getting hit, starting their car to warm up in the garage and dying of carbon monoxide. But just as TM has every right to walk around that neighborhood so does GZ. IMO it comes down to who physically attacked who first.

If we unquestioningly believe that it was self defense until proven otherwise we give the shooter the benefit of the doubt but none to the victim who is not here to tell his story about who attacked who first.
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