17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #10

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I've already addressed that. Never in my life have I heard someone talk so clearly as he did while they're running fast enough to make footsteps that sound like that. Especially a larger dude like that that's clearly winded (you can tell from when he was actually running).

Except what I'm talking about occurred after the dispatcher suggested they didn't need him to follow.

Above BBM - his brother said he was uttering things while out of breath, you say you've never heard someone talk as clearly as he did..

That was my only point :waitasec:
I read RH brief, but IMO when you have unanswered questions then this is something a jury should decide. Did Zimmerman endanger others by shooting a gun in a public setting? If Zimmerman was so hurt why didn't he get taken to the hospital to make sure he wasn't suffering a concussion? I see this is the 10th thread so these questions may have been answered. Sorry but it's just to much to read right now.

George Zimmerman lost job as party security guard for being too aggressive, ex-co-worker says

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...-ex-co-worker-article-1.1053223#ixzz1qZVk55GH

I think it's very possible that GZ is telling the truth about what happened that night.

BUT, I think everything he says Trayvon did--he did. (possibly vice versa in some situations)

1. He didn't lose sight of Trayvon, Trayvon lost sight of him.

2. Trayvon didn't circle around and attack him from behind, GZ did.

3. Trayvon didn't say "do you have a problem", GZ did.

4. Trayvon didn't punch GZ in the face immediately, GZ punched Trayvon.

5. GZ's head wasn't slammed repeatedly, Trayvon's was...

6. Trayvon didn't reach for GZ's gun, GZ reached for it.

7. GZ wasn't screaming for help, Trayvon was.

JMO of course...

"When the dude snapped, he snapped.”

“He had a temper and he became a liability,”

“He definitely loved being in charge. He loved the power."


Not Sargent, Not Lieutenant, but CAPTAIN George.......
Above BBM - his brother said he was uttering things while out of breath, you say you've never heard someone talk as clearly as he did..

That was my only point :waitasec:
And you would characterize that "utterance" that there's so much debate about as speaking clearly? The brother didn't say he spoke clearly, either - just the opposite, actually.
i read rh brief, but imo when you have unanswered questions then this is something a jury should decide. Did zimmerman endanger others by shooting a gun in a public setting? If zimmerman was so hurt why didn't he get taken to the hospital to make sure he wasn't suffering a concussion? I see this is the 10th thread so these questions may have been answered. Sorry but it's just to much to read right now.


this section does not apply to a person lawfully defending life or property or performing official duties requiring the discharge of a firearm or to a person discharging a firearm on public roads or properties expressly approved for hunting by the fish and wildlife conservation commission or division of forestry.

I think it's the same either way, when you think along contributory negligence lines...I think that's the term...
Ok. Thanks. So it shouldn't matter financially to the home owners which way they testify in this case. At least that's what I think your trying to say. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Man, I really hope we get "something official" tomorrow. The new special prosecutor and her team have been there now for a full week - tomorrow.

We aren't talking about a long drawn out crime here. We know this all took place in a matter of minutes - seconds really. So how long would an investigation take?

They gotta throw us a bone. People are getting tired of waiting.

I feel awful for the 13-year-old witness. Poor little guy! I don't think they should put any more pressure on him. I know he's a witness, but there are adult witnesses too. No one saw anything that would indicate who actually started the confrontation.

ALSO.... this witness the Zimmerman family is talking about, the one who saw the whole thing, I want to see his statement from the night of the shooting! I will not believe someone who came out later, possibly being paid to say what they want him/her to say.

If it were my 13 year old, I'd disappear. I would not cooperate with the investigation at all. He was very impressionable, and should have been interviewed in a child advocacy setting IMO...
I would also like to point out... not all strippers are bad people. I've worked with them since I was 18-years-old. The bouncers that worked with me all those years were great people. I have never heard of them abusing any girl... they would be the first to kick your face in if you treated a girl bad. I've heard about the "illegal parties" for a long time because the good girls talk. As bartender, I was pretty much a listener to all the drama.
he didn't say he like to get wasted.
No, but the attack against the cop (from the article) was for trying to arrest a friend of GZ's for underage drinking!
Ok. Thanks. So it shouldn't matter financially to the home owners which way they testify in this case. At least that's what I think your trying to say. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I dont think it should matter. Plus, the HOA probably has some sort of insurance...
Not Sargent, Not Lieutenant, but CAPTAIN George.......

Captain George was getting fed up with all these robberies on his turf. It was making him look bad all these guy getting away.

Just like 7 years ago George was losing his power, cops were telling him what he could do or not do, his wife was getting the best of him and he sure wasn't going to let some drunk girl at a party get away with anything while he was in charge.
Captain George was getting fed up with all these robberies on his turf. It was making him look bad all these guy getting away.

Just like 7 years ago George was losing his power, cops were telling him what he could do or not do, his wife was getting the best of him and he sure wasn't going to let some drunk girl at a party get away with anything while he was in charge.
But then why nothing for 7 years?
I dont think it should matter. Plus, the HOA probably has some sort of insurance...


Somehow I think the maximum is not going to be enough in this case.

No. This may be a misconception, I'm not sure. I (personally) don't know of anyone that carries in a vehicle to store it in their glove box. It's pretty useless there if you need it quickly. JMO

They have changed the law so much I'd have to check but this use to be the law when in your vehicle. Then it was it had to be in the trunk. So like I said I have to see what the law is today when in your vehicle.

Somehow I think the maximum is not going to be enough in this case.
Do you think a court would really award punitive damages against the HOA for the reckless actions of one person the other members didn't have any control of?
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