17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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Is it possible the "porch" comment was like saying "one moment he was here going about his life and the next, he was gone"? I think the intent might have been like that, ya know, "just sitting on the porch". Does this make sense? Maybe it wasn't meant literally.

ETA: I see several of us had the same thought same time. Thanks for expressing it better. :)

He said he was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father's fiancée, who lived there. He had been suspended from school in Miami after being found with an empty marijuana baggie

Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Is it possible the "porch" comment was like saying "one moment he was here going about his life and the next, he was gone"? I think the intent might have been like that, ya know, "just sitting on the porch". Does this make sense? Maybe it wasn't meant literally.

from what I gathered, it made it seem like TM was on his porch when he was killed.
So the crew MET with Tracy Martin and still reported that Tracy was the mother?

Again, I give this story no credibility.

Right, most of us had discounted this article back several threads ago due to all the errors.
There is a video with the article. The interviews took place the day after the shooting. TM's father speaks first and then the woman he's standing with, who I will assume is his gf. She is the one who mentions the back porch, not TM's father. The woman is crying and obviously upset. Her statements are more a series of uttered phrases than complete sentences, not straightforward. Nevertheless, it seems to me that she is referrring to TM sitting on the back porch before he went to the store. I could be wrong, but neither can I infer from the snippets of that interview TM was shot while on his father's gf's backporch. :shakehead:


Yes, and both the reporter and Tracy Martin indicate where the scuffle/shot occurred and it is NOT on a porch.
from what I gathered, it made it seem like TM was on his porch when he was killed.

If you listen and watch the video it doesn't sound like that at all.

And really, it wouldn't make sense anyway, that's from the very beginning isn't it, if they were saying that Trayvon died on the porch they would have said it after that as well.

yep, I also think it's possible the Martin family is lying about some things.

Why would they lie....all there information came from Chief Lee. If it doesn't match up with what we know what does that tell you????? jmo
I think all that screaming was Trayvon trying to get away from Zimmerman. I think Zimmerman was trying to detain him for the police and was having trouble controlling him with one hand since the other hand had a gun in it. I think he had him in a headlock or a tight hold on his hoodie. I think Zimmerman was telling him the evil things he would do to him in that voice under his breath he used on the 911 tape. ALL IMO

The reporter was standing right where TM was killed.He talked to John a witness who said man in red was on bottom and was yelling to him for help,he then yelled stop i'm calling 911.Locked his door called 911 heard shot and man on top was now dead on grass.That is the witness who actually was right where fighting was he saw TM on top of GZ.
But assuming your hypothetical is true, how was TM any different than GZ, who was safely in his truck and then went out again solely to confront TM? Well, there's one difference: GZ had a gun.

It seems to me (IANAL) that it could be legally possible for two parties to both be "standing their ground" at the same time under Florida law. Would Florida then deem the result an "accidental homicide"?

That would be where the initial aggressor comes into play. Whoever threw the first punch would be culpable.
...As for the porch comment, it makes no sense, imo.

Cross-reference with this famous quote from Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz:

If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with!

Dorothy doesn't mean her literal yard and every viewer understands that.

The "back porch" quote from TM's mother (ETA actually TM's father's gf) was an early one, so (a) the (woman) was misinformed; (b) the quote was incorrect; or (c) the (woman) meant "back porch" just as Dorothy meant "back yard": a general area signifying "home".
Can someone point me to a link that says the future stepbrother was 13?

There was a 13-year-old witness, but I don't recall having seen the future stepbrother's age given.
Is it possible the "porch" comment was like saying "one moment he was here going about his life and the next, he was gone"? I think the intent might have been like that, ya know, "just sitting on the porch". Does this make sense? Maybe it wasn't meant literally.

ETA: I see several of us had the same thought same time. Thanks for expressing it better. :)

I agree. Sometimes these initial interviews are a jumble of emotions. I would think one of the last things they saw him doing was sitting on the back porch (probably to get privacy to talk to his girlfriend). Moo
And I'm said that starting April 9, if you read the OS you will have to pay to read the website.
1. They lied about what he really was suspended from school for, they said it was for being tardy. and then they imm. had his school records sealed.

2. they lied when they said TM's twitter account was not his,when it clearly was his.

3. Who is giving the media years old pictures of their son?

So yes, I do believe they are lying. to what degree, I don't know.

Yes, right I see your point.....how dare they, especially number 3. jmo
I think all that screaming was Trayvon trying to get away from Zimmerman. I think Zimmerman was trying to detain him for the police and was having trouble controlling him with one hand since the other hand had a gun in it. I think he had him in a headlock or a tight hold on his hoodie. I think Zimmerman was telling him the evil things he would do to him in that voice under his breath he used on the 911 tape. ALL IMO

This seems more reasonable to me about what happened. I just can't believe that Trayvon would have gone to his own porch and then returned up the sidewalk to confront GZ, when the whole point of what he was doing was to get away from GZ.
Cross-reference with this famous quote from Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz:

Dorothy doesn't mean her literal yard and every viewer understands that.

The "back porch" quote from TM's mother was an early one, so (a) the mother was misinformed; (b) the quote was incorrect; or (c) the mother meant "back porch" just as Dorothy meant "back yard": a general area signifying "home".
I took it to mean a metaphorical "back porch", as you describe. That he was killed practically on his back porch, or extremely close to home. I've also heard "back yard" used in the same way. I don't think there's an intrinsic difference between the two sayings.
1. IIRC one of TM's teachers was the one quoted as saying the suspension was for tardiness and the parents said only that it wasn't for anything violent. Which it wasn't.

2. When did they say this?
The father said that he was suspended for being in an unauthorized area of the school.
couple people have asked me for Zimmerman's 911 call history. here is the link for those that do not have it:


WOW, was he patrolling these OTHER areas back to 2004? Or was he just a busybody?? If not a guard, he sure moved alot.

I'm guessing he is a guard at the Twin lakes area when he called 911 over past few years?

Either way, he reminds me of BTK! That lunatic was always citing someone for rediculous things, always the busybody. Kind of overdoing it.

SOmeone stated on here that whoever was attacking, clearly couldn't call 911while attacking someone or visa versa, but the 911 call ended and there didnt' appear to be any struggle, WHY did the call end? The report stated a BM (and clothing description given )was running towards the back of the complex? So then did Z persue the BM/Trayvon?

Why run? DId Trvon realize he was seen/discovered or was Zman addressing him. But still, why run? If that report was the truth being told.

Secondly, during the call it didnt' appear anyone was being attacked.

Clearly from the 911 call someone was screaming and there was an altercation and a shot. But who was screaming "help"? Experts say it wasn't Zimmerman.

Did Z follow the guy and approach him or try to subdue him or question him??

All those 911 calls by Z tho, make me nervous , maybe Z was a severe narcissist. If so, I fear what will be discovered.

But from the 911 report it appears that T was in a hurry or avoiding someone.

Who's home/yard did the altercation occur at? Or was it in public areas in the sbdv?
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