17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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What are you talking about? Some kind of threat?

I'm going to have to quit posting I guess. My "quotes" are not working. This post quoted a previous post, but it did not appear here. I have no idea why this is happening.
I'm going to have to quit posting I guess. My "quotes" are not working. This post quoted a previous post, but it did not appear here. I have no idea why this is happening.
Post are being deleted fast by mods, you might have been quoting a post that got deleted before you hit the post button.
Knock on wood.

If something happened to one of my children I would not give an outdated photo to the media, for release of any kind to represent my child. Why? It would be a betrayal to them. A photo of them from two, three, five years back is insulting; they were completely different children/people then. That would be saying 'this is when I liked John the best' or 'this is when I thought John was the cutest'. And then his passing would become about what i thought and not him!!! It wouldnt be about who he was and grew to be at the time of his death. Birth through early twenties, every year they are soooo different. With a tragedy like this I think it would be even more important to make sure that everyone knew who my wonderful child was. That is why I think this family was deceptive in the release of the photo. But I think they might have been coached by their attorney to do this. Jmo

So now we are indicting the family of Trayvon Martin for the photo they gave to the media.
Maybe TM did make it back home and he was on the porch and then GZ came by and that is when TM said what's your problem and there was a scuffle and it ended where it did.

I'm going to have to quit posting I guess. My "quotes" are not working. This post quoted a previous post, but it did not appear here. I have no idea why this is happening.

Which post were you trying to quote, I'll go back and read it.

The reporter was standing right where TM was killed.He talked to John a witness who said man in red was on bottom and was yelling to him for help,he then yelled stop i'm calling 911.Locked his door called 911 heard shot and man on top was now dead on grass.That is the witness who actually was right where fighting was he saw TM on top of GZ.

Thanks for the link!

1-13 seconds - news anchor
13-23 seconds - Reporter walks to the spot.
23-31 seconds - Reporter goes to door to talk to witness "John".
31-33 seconds - footage of crime scene tape and cop cars, that appear to have driven up to the spot.
34-36 seconds - 3 cops standing with 2 people in area of crime scene tape ~maybe witnesses?~
36-45 seconds - Witness "John" speaking from behind his front door.
41 seconds - cop car appears in grass behind crime scene tape.
45-46 seconds - crime scene tape appears to be tied to 2 trees. 1 on each side of the sidewalk. There is a fire hydrant in the picture. Reporter is speaking again until
48-55 seconds - Witness "John" speaks again.
56 -126 seconds- Reporter not on camera, TM's dad & fiancee talking by crime scene.
126-133 seconds- Reporter speaking, footage of the cops at the crime scene plays.
134-141 seconds - Reporter finishes speaking, he is somewhere in the complex.

-- Watched & paused the video a few times, hopefully I got that all correct.
If all witness statements were consistent, I'd say yes, but they aren't so it comes down to the forensics will tell the story. Voice analysis, shot trajectory, location of the body, where his cell phone ended up. This "John" was so in a hurry to get into the house, lock his back door and ran to the second floor, I believe, while calling 911. By that time it was too late. I doubt he stopped more than a second to look as it appears, by his own admission, he made a beeline to his back door. If the voice analysis is correct that it wasn't GZ's voice it shoots John's statement right out the door. jmo

Why would John have any incentive to lie?
I was trying to read the schools information about suspension and there seems to be an alternate school they offer and other types sensible things rather than having the kids on the streets for 10 days. I have never had to deal with a suspension so I didn't really understand it. I did understand suspension could be 1 up to 10 days which seemed the max. I really would like to know what this boy was going through. I thought they said it was his 3rd suspension this year. Well the year is only 6 months so far, the next step would have surely got him put out of school.
Understanding what happened that night we might never understand, but I sure would like to know what was going on with him prior to it. We can't bring him back but we can learn from all of this.
It is very odd IMO that the 13 yr old heard nothing and also how no one worried after TM went to get candy and a drink and never came home.

I agree with the first half of your statement, but I don't know about the second. Teenagers are rather notoriously uncommunicative with their parents.

Do we even know if the 13-year-old was still awake when his father returned home after 10 pm? Do we know for certain that TM told his stepbrother where he was going and whether the stepbrother was paying attention?
If all witness statements were consistent, I'd say yes, but they aren't so it comes down to the forensics will tell the story. Voice analysis, shot trajectory, location of the body, where his cell phone ended up. This "John" was so in a hurry to get into the house, lock his back door and ran to the second floor, I believe, while calling 911. By that time it was too late. I doubt he stopped more than a second to look as it appears, by his own admission, he made a beeline to his back door. If the voice analysis is correct that it wasn't GZ's voice it shoots John's statement right out the door. jmo

IMO John is the witness police listened to and that is why no arrest.
John was the closest witness imo makes a big difference.He still looked and saw a man in red on bottom and yelled to him for help.Yes forensics will be the only way to get some answers.IMO People hired by a newspaper I am not willing to believe 100%LE,FBI have been doing voice analysis for a very long time,when their report comes out then I will believe it.Also it is a possibility both voices mixed into one if both were screaming at the same time.JMO
I saw it and the older picture that was released finally by the family was on it.Months before this happened.
Post are being deleted fast by mods, you might have been quoting a post that got deleted before you hit the post button.
hahaha we're good but not that good LOL. if the mods delete a post while someone is quoting it-the new post will not appear at all. So that cannot be what is happening.
I'm going to have to quit posting I guess. My "quotes" are not working. This post quoted a previous post, but it did not appear here. I have no idea why this is happening.

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Thank you. Where has it been established that this disputed account was in fact TM's?

It hasn't been established that I'm aware of. I would consider it rumor without a link, and even at that I guess it could still be rumor. My opinion of course.

Who else would give the media the photo?

Their lawyer, and yes he would have picked the most "innocent" looking one without their real input. Personally if it were me I would have used the recent one of Trayvon on the horse, I think it would have still garnished the same emotional response while at the same time depicting Trayvon as he was at the time of his murder.
Wait, am I missing something? How do we know GZ's impression of TM was wrong? How do you know GZ acted on first impression and continued to make bad choices or any bad choices? Now I do believe everyone should be accountable for their actions. But do we have all the facts at this point?
Well, because Trayvon didn't break into anyone's home. He never did anything criminal - because if he had GZ would have most certainly told LE that while he was on the phone with them. GZ hung up with 911 at 7:15 and LE was on scene at 7:17 and Trayvon was already dead. Not enough time for GZ to catch Trayvon breaking and entering, or anything else criminal for that matter. GZ walked up to him and confronted him - according to the gf who was on the phone with Trayvon until 7:16.

So, if TM had been doing anything considered illegal I do believe that GZ would have been all over that and most certainly told LE while he was on the phone with them.

GZ first impression - according to his own words on the 911 call - "he's up to something; I don't know what's up with this guy"; "he's got his hand in his waitsband" etc. - GZ thought TM was about to commit some type of crime - being "up to something" and all.

Knock on wood.

If something happened to one of my children I would not give an outdated photo to the media, for release of any kind to represent my child. Why? It would be a betrayal to them. A photo of them from two, three, five years back is insulting; they were completely different children/people then. That would be saying 'this is when I liked John the best' or 'this is when I thought John was the cutest'. And then his passing would become about what i thought and not him!!! It wouldnt be about who he was and grew to be at the time of his death. Birth through early twenties, every year they are soooo different. With a tragedy like this I think it would be even more important to make sure that everyone knew who my wonderful child was. That is why I think this family was deceptive in the release of the photo. But I think they might have been coached by their attorney to do this. Jmo

What makes you think the photo was provided by the parents? It could have been provided by a friend who had that picture of TM available. I don't think anyone intentionally was trying to deceive the media. When the picture was released this family was dealing with burying their son, the trauma of what happened. Do you really think they thought about a picture? Their son was dead......not missing. If I were going to criticize a parent who just lost a child of anything it would because I thought they did not care enough, such as partying like it's 1999, but not about a picture. To me it's a cruel thing to do when you see how peaceful this couple seems to be. TM's older brother as well seems like a very gentle, caring type of a person. I also doubt the attorney gave it much thought either when there were bigger issues on the table.

Let's go deceive the public because they will never find out. Amazing, just amazing. jmo
So "John" was so close to Trayvon and Zimmerman that he could see whose mouth was moving when the screaming was taking place (with Zimmerman being on the bottom, I don't understand that?)? Was he standing directly over them? To the side?

ETA: I'm not saying John is lying, I'm just saying that he may have just assumed the person on bottom, at that moment, was the one screaming?
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