17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #18

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What kind of party would be illegal? Just curious.

I posted some links for these many threads back, but you can just google illegal house parties. They are most often held in empty homes rented out for a weekend or a few days. They are illegal because the owners do not know that is the purpose for the rental, because liquor laws are violated, drugs are present, and prostitution is often involved. The attendees damage the home, throw trash around the neighborhood, park on lawns, etc. They are most often a money making venture for the promoters who get attendees by handing out fliers at colleges, sporting events, etc.
BEM: It’s against the law in most states for anyone convicted of Domestic violence to buy/ carry a firearm, and that includes police.

"Florida Requirements: Not have been convicted of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement, or have received a dishonorable discharge from any of the Armed Forces of the United States. Any person who, after July 1, 1981, pleads guilty or nolo contendere to or is found guilty of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement is not eligible for employment or appointment as an officer, notwithstanding suspension of sentence or withholding of adjudication. Notwithstanding this subsection, any person who has pled nolo contendere to a misdemeanor involving a false statement, prior to December 1, 1985, and has had such record sealed or expunged shall not be deemed ineligible for employment or appointment as an officer.

Also having an injunction for domestic violence, or being convicted of domestic violence is almost always a DQ. Being arrested for it is not always one, but most of the time it will be."

That last sentence is puzzling - it's worse to have an injunction than to be convicted? Strange - I will have to go back and look at the record information. I guess I don't understand what a restraining order is.

I know very little about the subject of domestic violence, but I ran across this is it helps any:

http://www.flcourts.org/gen_public/family/bin/Firearms Quick Reference Guide.pdf
I "think" GZ was a wannabe police officer and trailed TM unnecessarily. I "think" GZ tried to subdue TM in the hopes that LEO would be there shortly and he could look like a hero. I "think" GZ killed TM in cold blood when his attempt at subduing TM became an altercation when TM attempted to defend HIMSELF. I "think" GZ should be arrested immediately and the SPD should be swept clean of all the disappointing LEOs that did NOT do their job properly in this case but "THOUGHT" what they were doing was in the eyes of justice...

I agree that he probably thought he was going to look like a HERO> And it probably cost TM his life. :mad: And I think it happened during the scuffle. I am just not 100% sure who started the physical part of the confrontation yet.

I worked in the public school system. I saw a lot of fights between students. So I am not convinced that TM didn't throw the first punch. Especially if GZ was blocking his path. I could be wrong. I just want to see more facts coming out and not rely upon the muddled stuff/
I have a question for you that LE had to ask themselves when investigating this case, and the answer they came up with factored into their decision not to arrest GZ. I would imagine the new investigation is looking at the same question. Given the fact that TM took off running, and had a two minute head start on GZ - why do you think TM didn't go home in those two minutes? People only run for two reasons - they are scared of someone, or they are up to no good and think they've been busted.

This is not me taking a side, this is me trying to sleuth the case the way the investigators do - by looking at the facts and leaving emotion out of it. I am sincerely interested in your point of view on this. TIA!

Possibly TM ran just until he was out of sight from GZ and then slowed to a brisk walk?

Just this week I was walking after dark and thought a couple of teen/college-age boys were following me. I started walking faster and it seemed like they sped up too. So I crossed the street at a jog/run to make it to the corner. Once I rounded the corner I slowed down to a quick walk. What is weird is the whole time I kept telling myself "don't act scared - don't let them know you are afraid". But, I was scared to death! My instinct was to get away fast but I to act natural in doing it. The more distance I put between them and myself the better I felt. Needless to say, by the time I got to my car I was shaking like a leaf. Looking back... maybe, once I crossed the street I should have run all the way to my car? But in the panic of the moment I didn't. Weird...
I posted some links for these many threads back, but you can just google illegal house parties. They are most often held in empty homes rented out for a weekend or a few days. They are illegal because the owners do not know that is the purpose for the rental, because liquor laws are violated, drugs are present, and prostitution is often involved. The attendees damage the home, throw trash around the neighborhood, park on lawns, etc. They are most often a money making venture for the promoters who get attendees by handing out fliers at colleges, sporting events, etc.

If you need more info on house parties Google "Kid n Play".
If you need more info on house parties Google "Kid n Play".

Not necessary....lol.....I described it in the earlier thread as Risky Business style parties, only in someone else's house.
I don't see the domestic violence mentioned...
I don't know that GZ was arrested for domestic violence, but both he and his ex fiancee had protective injunctions against each other. The injunctions expired in 2006 before GZ applied to the Citizen Police Academy in 2008.
Protective injunctions were later ordered in response to both petitions. Both injunctions expired Aug. 24, 2006. Reached by the Sentinel via email Tuesday, the woman would not comment.


n describing her questioning by investigators, the witness remembered expressing that she should have done something more, in retrospect, after hearing the cries for help.

"The lead investigator said to me kindly, 'Well, if it makes you feel any better, the person that was yelling for help is alive,'"


Apparently the investigators made up their minds even PRIOR to a complete investigation... GREAT police work SPD

The witness goes on to say:
"I know it was very dark, but I really would have to say that I thought it was the larger person on top," the witness said, referring to the heavier build of Zimmerman.

The witness declined to characterize her questioning by investigators as "in depth," instead saying "I just kind of told what I saw and heard."

She noted that when she offered to show the investigators where she saw the scuffle occur, she was told, "Nah, we don't need to see it."
n describing her questioning by investigators, the witness remembered expressing that she should have done something more, in retrospect, after hearing the cries for help.

"The lead investigator said to me kindly, 'Well, if it makes you feel any better, the person that was yelling for help is alive,'"


Apparently the investigators made up their minds even PRIOR to a complete investigation... GREAT police work SPD

The witness goes on to say:
"I know it was very dark, but I really would have to say that I thought it was the larger person on top," the witness said, referring to the heavier build of Zimmerman.

The witness declined to characterize her questioning by investigators as "in depth," instead saying "I just kind of told what I saw and heard."

She noted that when she offered to show the investigators where she saw the scuffle occur, she was told, "Nah, we don't need to see it."

They already knew where the scuffle was, why would they need to see it again? As for who was larger, I've seen ranges of weights given for both Trayvon and Zimmerman, and Trayvon was apparently taller than Zimmerman. So I really don't know what this witness means by "larger."
apparently she said do you want to GO and see where I saw them scuffling. And they said ' No that's not necessary.' One of the guests on CNN said that the reason the detectives did not need to do that was becasue they had a dead body right outside marking the place the scuffle happened.

Also, the reason the detectives did not ask many questions the first night she was interviewed is that they wanted her to tell her version of the events, without any prompting or questioning on their part. They recorded her story and at the end they added their thoughts. imo
On a practical level it's impossible. Most guys have trouble hitting the toilet in the dark, from two feet away, while armed with their favorite 'weapon' -- hitting a moving target under stress with a firearm is something else altogether.


Thanks - I needed that!
What if they started scuffling elsewhere???? MAYBE where the witness saw them scuffling was at the mailboxes OR for you GZ supporters... at the SUV? (truck or whatever it was)...
Shouldn't LEO want to know this?? Shouldn't every avenue be investigated?

Apparently not in this case. It sure sounds to me like they didn't give a hoot about what the witnesses had to say unless they agreed with their agenda.

I don't know that GZ was arrested for domestic violence, but both he and his ex fiancee had protective injunctions against each other. The injunctions expired in 2006 before GZ applied to the Citizen Police Academy in 2008.



This goes back to GZ intending to apply to the actual police academy and asking his old neighbor for a letter of recommendation back in 2004. Yet there is no record that he actually applied.

I believe someone must have clued him in (or he googled) that he would be disqualified until after the injunction expired, so he chose not to submit the application and wait. (This sentence is JMO based on the paragraph above).
Deputies Called to Zimmerman's Home
Updated: Saturday, 07 Apr 2012, 5:51 PM EDT
Published : Saturday, 07 Apr 2012, 5:51 PM EDT

"I woke up Sunday to Seminole county helicopters right above my sector of the community and I immediately felt very fearful," said Frank Taaffe, who lives at the Retreat at Twin Lakes community where Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.
"It was a scary, scary time," he told FOX35 Friday.
"I ran out to the street and there were nine police cruisers out there - two Seminole and the other seven, Sanford."

Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/local/040712-Deputies-Called-to-Zimmerman's-Home#ixzz1rOtiIRDR
Apparently not in this case. It sure sounds to me like they didn't give a hoot about what the witnesses had to say unless they agreed with their agenda.


Sorry to say, but this has/is is happening with LE in many cities and towns, mine included and IMHO, enuff is enuff.. This has to end...JMHO
Deputies Called to Zimmerman's Home
Updated: Saturday, 07 Apr 2012, 5:51 PM EDT
Published : Saturday, 07 Apr 2012, 5:51 PM EDT

"I woke up Sunday to Seminole county helicopters right above my sector of the community and I immediately felt very fearful," said Frank Taaffe, who lives at the Retreat at Twin Lakes community where Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.
"It was a scary, scary time," he told FOX35 Friday.
"I ran out to the street and there were nine police cruisers out there - two Seminole and the other seven, Sanford."

Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/local/040712-Deputies-Called-to-Zimmerman's-Home#ixzz1rOtiIRDR

GEEZ!! People have just about lost their minds!!! Sigh.. IMO this situation is only going to get worse before it gets better....
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