17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #22

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ZIMMERMAN: When the dispatcher said we know longer need you to do that, and George acknowledged OK. He no longer knew where Trayvon was. So he continued walking down the sidewalk directly in front of him to the next street to get an address. He got an address



Didn't the dispatcher say 'We don't need you to do that'? not 'We no longer need you to do that'. Right?


Yes, she did, as usual the news got it wrong LOL
I just read this link, and I know it is OT and another case.
But IMHO this boy was an abused child, I'm not sure he even knew he was too forceful.
I think the Mother is damaged, and needs to be on trial and the 12 year old needs to be in
some home where he can be re-habilitated and live as a child not as prey… :(
I hope WS has this case on another thread. This boy deservs some help.

OT, but important here (IMO) as it is jading some against Angela Corey. It is important to note that this child has sexually assaulted his 5 year old brother multiple times (not the one he killed), and he admits to killing his pet kitten by slamming its head onto the floor. Could there be more we don't know about??



This is not an innocent 12 year old that made a mistake, it sounds as if he is very dangerous!!! MOO!!
well I have no use for her - “Yes, I have compassion for Cristian Fernandez, but it's not my job to forgive" - No but maybe it's her job to understand and to take into consideration the circumstances

The law in this country is designed to produce a revolving door.
Sadly :( it is not designed to help :(
While it is her job to uphold the Law, this is an abused 12 year old child
and her reply is insensitive at best. I think even the law should work with a heart.

No Angela Corey does not impress me at all.
“Yes, I have compassion for Cristian Fernandez, but it's not my job to forgive,”
says Florida State Attorney Angela Corey. “It's my job to follow the law."

ITA perhaps she is wise enough to realize that holding hateful feelings in your heart hurts you, not the object of your hate, while forgiving is not at all easy, it is better for you in all ways.

The sad part this is an everyday worry in the back of minds of mother's of young black men, that they won't come home because of a gunshot regardless of who the shooter is, IMO. Hopefully Trayvon's message will carry over to be let's try and prevent all killings, now. jmo
The law in this country is designed to produce a revolving door.
Sadly :( it is not designed to help :(
While it is her job to uphold the Law, this is an abused 12 year old child
and her reply is insensitive at best. I think even the law should work with a heart.

No she does not impress me at all.

I'm sure his psychological evaluation showed something that needed to be handled by the way he was charged. I believe a jury will do the right thing. I also believe he would be receiving some counseling which is more than his mother did for him. IMO that an evaluation will have a lot to do with how the jury sees his future. jmo
ITA perhaps she is wise enough to realize that holding hateful feelings in your heart hurts you, not the object of your hate, while forgiving is not at all easy, it is better for you in all ways.

I also think she had some help from her priest to come to teams with it the best way she can.
I think it was Mr. Martin who said he also feels for the Zimmerman family.
Anyone who has ever called 911 knows they need an address. And George had called 46 times that year.

It would be astonishing if he couldn't have predicted they would require an exact address.

What is astonishing that he still doesn't remember the street addresses after 46 calls in a year.
They want an exact address for where the caller is, they want an exact address if it is a domestic dispute, but I am sure that if you call about a stranger walking around in your neighborhood they are not going to ask about an exact address for the stranger, unless there is some reason to believe that he is not going to keep walking. If he had given the address from the next street over that he supposedly went to get...instead of saying that he didn't have it still, what good is an address from another street over when he doesn't know where Trayvon is....makes no sense whichever way you try to parse it. IMO JMHO and stuff

And of course, if dispatch needed an address for LE to contact GZ, he could have given his OWN address or remained at the clubhouse where he had already given the address. That GZ was cagey about providing an address proves that he had no intention of passively waiting for LE to arrive.

IMO, JMO, etc.
I think it is great that you are doing a time line. I may be missing a part here...
So what time did GZ get out of the car to get this address?
Based on your time line he was asked at 3:21
(not so sure I follow your question how did he know at 2:26 that he may be asked this question)

Remember the beginning of the particular snip I posted from RG's interview? In response to Sean Hannity's question, he begins with:

"When the dispatcher said we know longer need you to do that, and George acknowledged OK"

We know from the 911 call that statement, although stated somewhat differently as Ima has pointed out, was at [2:26] into the call.

In the 911 call transcripts, the dispatcher didn't ask for an address until 55 seconds LATER at [3:21].

BTW, George got out of his car at [2:08]. Listen to the recording and you can clearly hear his door alarm pings as he exits his vehicle.
I always believed that gz already had his gun out as he was following trayvon. I think thats why the murder charge. All imo

I do too, but how would the prosecutor know that? Could some neighbor have seen GZ following Trayvon with a gun visible? I have wondered if they have other eyewitnesses that the media is unaware of. Maybe some people didn't want to be harrassed by media and waited to contact the special prosecutor. I hope that is the case.
Who knows, it's possible he thought that but I'm still curious about 2 things. If he KNEW that were gonna ask for an address, why didn't he get one at the front of the building he had clearly just passed between [2:08] and [2:26] according to Mr. Zimmerman's story?

Mostly I'm curious as to, better part of a minute AFTER Mr. Zimmerman says George got the address, why did he tell the dispatcher he didn't know the address?

Great curiosity questions that only GZ will be able to answer, if he takes the stand..I still believe his intent was to not let another ******* get away, which could also be one of the reasons he was charged..you can hear GZ was out of breath running and gunning for Trayvon...all added to his depraved indifference...

The autopsy might have held the other answers to trajectory when Trayvon was shot...no injuries to his knuckles to suggest he was in a fistfight..

The horrible wail for help...that was Trayvon not GZ as he wants folk to believe, would also how the 'fear' Trayvon had with this man following him...along with the girl on the phone...she could have relayed the fear and heard the confrontation...
This was no accident imo.
An accident is when you trip and fall and drop your gun and your dog steps on the trigger.

All accounts, however inconsistent they may otherwise be, have been unanimous in that GZ intended to pull the trigger and hit Trayvon.
I remember the story about the dispute at the HOA - apparently one resident was removed from the meeting by LE. But I'm not finding that story.

I did find this:

I see no reason this teenager would lie about this, so it is telling that they would greet GZ and he wouldn't respond, and that they also felt uncomfortable around him. This is an indication that he was a racist, at least against black males. jmo
OT, but important here (IMO) as it is jading some against Angela Corey. It is important to note that this child has sexually assaulted his 5 year old brother multiple times (not the one he killed), and he admits to killing his pet kitten by slamming its head onto the floor. Could there be more we don't know about??


This is not an innocent 12 year old that made a mistake, it sounds as if he is very dangerous!!! MOO!!

ITA...there will be no amount of mental health to change his depraved mind around..it would take a lifetime to undue all the harm done to this kid...ACorey stands for the victims and she certainly had the little ones in mind when she went after Cristian as an adult...there are some children who are too evil to let them free in society..nurture vs nature...this boy was brutalized from birth...it's too embedded in his personality..maybe his psychological proved that as well....but way off topic...sorry......
Yes, she did, as usual the news got it wrong LOL

No, no my friend. The one who got that all wrong is none other than GZ's father, Mr. Robert Zimmerman during his interview with Sean Hannity on 4/4/2012.

The transcripts and the video recording matches word for word.
I do too, but how would the prosecutor know that? Could some neighbor have seen GZ following Trayvon with a gun visible? I have wondered if they have other eyewitnesses that the media is unaware of. Maybe some people didn't want to be harrassed by media and waited to contact the special prosecutor. I hope that is the case.

I really believe that there is much we dont know. There might be a video somewhere we dont even know about. Reading the statutes used in the charging document and just thinking about this everytime i visualize what i believe happened i just see him running about with his gun out.. These are all my opinions.
I may be wrong, but didn't the dispatcher ask GZ near what address he saw TM?

If I remember correctly, he was asked for HIS address so the police could meet him there when they arrived. He did not want to say it out loud as he was afraid that Trayvon (who he was following) would hear him. He mentioned the mailboxes at one point in the call, the 911 operator asked if he wanted to meet them there. Then GZ asked if they could call him when they arrived so he could tell them where he was (obviously because he had no intention of waiting for them, he was going to "solve" this "crime" on his own).
Thanks Kimberly125. The reason I asked the # of bullets is because I am curious about those clicks in GZ's 911 call and wondered if it could be the sound of him loading the gun. I wondered if the number of clicks match the number of bullets in the clip. IIRC, the clicks were in groups of 3 but I need to go back and listen to the call to be certain.

It is probably neither here nor there but those clicks have been bothering me for some reason.


I counted three sets of three clicks:
02:41:70 (odd clicking noise - gun?)
Zimmerman: Zimmerman
Dispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling
Zimmerman: (redacted)
Dispatcher: Alright George we do have them on the way, do you
want to meet with the officer when they get out there?
Zimmerman: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?
Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate,
03:04:07 (three odd clicking noises under the word gate)
tell them to go straight past the club house,
03:07:40 (three odd clicking noises, louder)
and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and
then they go past the mailboxes, they’ll see my truck...

"The PF-9 has a single stack magazine holding 7 rounds." - http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/

If I remember correctly, there were no bullets missing from the magazine but none in the chamber. So the gun would have had one in the chamber will a full magazine and only been fired once.

IMO, JMO, etc.
I think he had made in his mind a certain profile of criminals in the neighborhood, saw someone that fit that profile, and was intent on stopping any criminal action from occurring. He was so focused on criminals and crime that it never occurred to him that this could just be some kid walking home from the store. If anything, he had the intent to stop anyone that was going to commit a crime in his neighborhood, even if it meant shooting and killing a criminal. That is the problem I see here. It wasn't Trayvon in particular, it could have been anyone with a hoodie on, walking through that neighborhood late at night.

His biggest problem is that if someone, anyone, fits his idea of a criminal, then he automatically assumes that person is a criminal, and it's okay to use to deadly force if necessary on that person. That, to me, is malicious intent on anyone who happens to fit his profile, and that is very scary to me. It's generous and kind that Trayon's mom thinks it was an accident, but to me, it wasn't. Once he made up his mind that he saw a criminal in his neighbhorhood, it was game on to stop that criminal at any cost. And it's even scarier that he's rationalized what he did so quickly, and has just wanted it to blow over. Being a criminal doesn't mean someone deserves to be shot and killed. And the saddest part is, Trayvon wasn't even a criminal.

And the more specifically racist part comes into play once police got involved, IMO. The way they handled the situation seems to me to be reflect an attitude toward black youth that I, personally, don't think would have been applied in the same way to white youth. Just My Opinion Only.
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