17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #22

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This was no accident imo.
An accident is when you trip and fall and drop your gun and your dog steps on the trigger.

All accounts, however inconsistent they may otherwise be, have been unanimous in that GZ intended to pull the trigger and hit Trayvon.

Even GZ's own account supports that idea, since he says he shot him to defend his own life. But by "accident", I understand her to mean that GZ didn't set out with the intention to killing Trayvon, but once he confronted him and they got into the altercation, he felt he had to shoot Trayvon to protect himself. JMO
What's Next for George Zimmerman

First court appearance (tomorrow at 1:30 pm)

Zimmerman will have his first appearance in court within 24 hours of his arrest. At this first appearance, a judge will read Zimmerman's charges, and also set bond. The judge will consider several factors in setting the amount of bail, including whether Zimmerman is a flight risk or a danger to society.


Two or three weeks after his first court appearance, Zimmerman will be arraigned and enter a plea on the charges at his arraignment. At this stage, defendants almost never plead guilty, and many times, the defendant will waive the appearance at the actual court hearing and the attorney will enter a written plea of not guilty on the defendant's behalf.

"Stand Your Ground" hearing

After Zimmerman is charged, he is entitled to a pre-trial evidentiary hearing on whether he has immunity under Florida's "Stand Your Ground." The burden at this hearing is on the defense to prove "by a preponderance of the evidence" that Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force. "Preponderance of the evidence" means that the defense has to prove that it's more likely than not that Zimmerman used justifiable force under the law.

No, no my friend. The one who got that all wrong is none other than GZ's father, Mr. Robert Zimmerman during his interview with Sean Hannity on 4/4/2012.

The transcripts and the video recording matches word for word.

Yes, you're right, I did hear the brother of GZ say this also. I'm so used to hearing the media reporting statements incorrectly I just assmumed it was the media LOL well we all know what happens when one assumes :)
well I have no use for her - “Yes, I have compassion for Cristian Fernandez, but it's not my job to forgive" - No but maybe it's her job to understand and to take into consideration the circumstances

Doesn't he have to go on trial? I wonder what the jury will think, do? Is jury nullification allowed in Florida? I wonder if the jury could convict but also have him put in a juvenile facility?
AC certainly seems like an aggressive prosecutor. Other attorneys who have worked with her seem to have mixed feelings about her. Mostly related to her aggressive charging and very aggressive prosecution of those charged. I don't know enough about the Fernandez case to offer any kind of opinion on the matter, although I generally disapprove of charging children as adults. Still, the question of what should be done with budding sociopaths has no easy answers.

I think AC is a hammer, and sometimes a hammer is the wrong tool for the job. Sometimes, however, a hammer is exactly the right tool for the job. I have come to believe, for instance, that George Zimmerman needs nailing to the wall. Moo
OT, but important here (IMO) as it is jading some against Angela Corey. It is important to note that this child has sexually assaulted his 5 year old brother multiple times (not the one he killed), and he admits to killing his pet kitten by slamming its head onto the floor. Could there be more we don't know about??



This is not an innocent 12 year old that made a mistake, it sounds as if he is very dangerous!!! MOO!!

Thank you. There is so much more to Christian's story. I was a staunch supporter of Christian in that I believe he didn't deserve to be tried as an adult but after I did some research on the case, I came to the conclusion that this is a youngster who has deep-seeded issues and is very dangerous. Now, I will say that I do not want to see him end up at some place like Florida State Prison. I think a mental facility is the best place for him.

Remember the beginning of the particular snip I posted from RG's interview? In response to Sean Hannity's question, he begins with:

"When the dispatcher said we know longer need you to do that, and George acknowledged OK"

We know from the 911 call that statement, although stated somewhat differently as Ima has pointed out, was at [2:26] into the call.

In the 911 call transcripts, the dispatcher didn't ask for an address until 55 seconds LATER at [3:21].

BTW, George got out of his car at [2:08]. Listen to the recording and you can clearly hear his door alarm pings as he exits his vehicle.

GZ also gave his location at the beginning of the call as 1111 Retreat View Circle (at approx :20) He should have stayed with his car as his NW duty was over at the point of the 911 call. It was now in the hands of the cops

I relistened for the 'clicks' but decided it sounded more like knocking on someone's door. IMO it sounded like a set of 3-pause-then a set of 4 but IDK.

One thing in the call that I had not caught before--- The 911 operator asks GZ's address and GZ starts to give it then says "crap, I don't want to give it all out." Then in a low voice. (because I had to listen twice,lol) "I dunno where this kid is."

If this quote in the 911 call is pointed out at trial, would that be considered proof that GZ knew Tray was just a kid?


All the homes face the street so there would have been an address where he had parked. jmo

how about that he told the dispatcher for LE to call him. That is proof GZ was following/stalking Trayvon imo. I wonder what the dispatcher thought at that point?
Doesn't he have to go on trial? I wonder what the jury will think, do? Is jury nullification allowed in Florida? I wonder if the jury could convict but also have him put in a juvenile facility?

By law, he'd have to be in juvenile detention, at least until he's an adult..
I wonder how much of the police report that was released is factual.
And, imo,the person in the pd video of that night and the person that was arrested look so dang different to me. that stress mustve done a number on him. Idk why they look so different to me. all imo.
All it takes for me to know that Zimmerman had no regard for Trayvon's life are the 44 seconds of sheer terror that Trayvon had to feel when he was staring in the eyes of his killer. Gut-wrenching screams. Screams that I can hear every time I close my eyes, that are seared into my brain forever. Screams of absolute terror. That's all it takes for me. Zimmerman had many chances not to murder Trayvon. First off, he could have stayed in his vehicle. I think he's an utterly disgusting human being and I think he is a cold-blooded murderer.

No doubt, Angela Corey had access to much more information that we have. I can't say that I want to read anything further about what happened that night. Imagining what it must have been like is good enough for me because it is cemented in my mind that Zimmerman hunted him down and murdered him.

What is astonishing that he still doesn't remember the street addresses after 46 calls in a year.


GZ did not make 46 calls in a year. The call records show that he made about 45 calls from 2004 to 2012, that's about an eight-year period. It's this sort of misinformation that makes me feel sympathy for GZ. The truth is bad enough, it doesn't require embellishment.

(Not directed at you Donjeta, I just find it frustrating that this bad info is still floating around in the memesphere.)

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Fairly clear explanation of how "depravity" is meant in these charges is available here; http://definitions.uslegal.com/d/depraved-indifference/

"to bring defendant’s conduct within the murder statute, the People were required to establish also that defendant’s act was imminently dangerous and presented a very high risk of death to others and that it was committed under circumstances which evidenced a wanton indifference to human life or a depravity of mind. . . . . The crime differs from intentional murder in that it results not from a specific, conscious intent to cause death, but from an indifference to or disregard of the risks attending defendant’s conduct." 60 NY2d at 274.
I wonder how much of the police report that was released is factual.
And, imo,the person in the pd video of that night and the person that was arrested look so dang different to me. that stress mustve done a number on him. Idk why they look so different to me. all imo.

I hope the stress has done a number on him. I hope every time he closes his eyes, he sees what he has done and I hope Trayvon's screams haunt him forever.

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