17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #27

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I am actually sick enough to wonder if he was in hiding and wouldn't show his face to his lawyers or go to the 7/11 because he got someone to beat him up to take photos after the fact and it would have spoiled the effect if he'd been seen with fresh injuries too much later.

I just don't like the friend's attitude, I could imagine him laughing, "Fooled ya!"

You're not sick at all. There's plenty of proof that a desperate person would go to this extent. But then not have the nerve to go out in public and live the lie.

You just never know... Knocking down the WTC is "unthinkable." But knocking down GZ to help bolster his story is quite imaginable.
Wow, O'Mara might have just made a really big mistake by asking for a new judge. The new judge is bad to the bone!!!!


Lester's appointment could also affect the legal strategies of Zimmerman's defense attorney Mark O'Mara and Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey. Lester is known to be a tough sentencer, and has a reputation for ruling over his courtroom with an iron fist. (He has had at least 3 defendants taken into custody for showing up late, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.)

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/kenn...yvon-martin-murder-trial-2012-4#ixzz1sRHL5Fo6
You should ALWAYS take your own photos of injuries/damages you receive whether it's a fight, automobile accident, or other occurrence.

You should never assume your injuries/damages are well documented even if you see someone take photos.

This is coming from an ex insurance adjuster FWIW.
Well, most people haven't just shot someone and been brought in police custody for some 5 hours for questioning.

THAT should have been done by police.

Any picture taken after...

Not even sure they could be used as evidence. Chain of custody. Authenticity., etc...

And still I ask? Would those be the only pictures taken of such ...er, pulpitude...?

I doubt it.
Originally Posted by magnolia
Have you ever heard of anyone jumping towards a person that had a gun pointed at them? That is not a normal reaction. People freeze when someone is pointing a gun at them. IMO
I hate to use this word, but, you are absolutely right and it seems as though all of the breath in you is sucked out by the barrel of the gun. I was robbed in daylight, gun pointed right at my face. I had PTSD for a long time after that.

Not that I'm proud of it but, I had a gun put in my face..I was 8months pregnant with a 2 y/o in a crib..

As soon as I saw the gun, I punched the guy in his face, kicked him down the stairs and called 911....it was an angry rage on my part since my son was in the crib..I know it was a stupid move but my instinct kicked in..I was in fight mode, angry as hell but the gunman ran like the pussy he was for putting that gun in my face...I think I surprised him especially a gun to a fist..but wrong point to make, huh...:rocker:

Too bad TM didn't get that gun away from GZ...I'm thinking he too would have ran like hell....:giggle:
Wow, O'Mara might have just made a really big mistake by asking for a new judge. The new judge is bad to the bone!!!!


Lester's appointment could also affect the legal strategies of Zimmerman's defense attorney Mark O'Mara and Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey. Lester is known to be a tough sentencer, and has a reputation for ruling over his courtroom with an iron fist. (He has had at least 3 defendants taken into custody for showing up late, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.)

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/kenn...yvon-martin-murder-trial-2012-4#ixzz1sRHL5Fo6

That's what was said about Judge Perry..and the guilty walked free...:maddening:
It would be pretty stupid of GZ to take photos of injuries that were not there when he went to the PD. Or, is he supposed to have taken them before he went? If he had injuries, they will be documented by LE when he went there that night...I would think.
You should ALWAYS take your own photos of injuries/damages you receive whether it's a fight, automobile accident, or other occurrence.

You should never assume your injuries/damages are well documented even if you see someone take photos.

This is coming from an ex insurance adjuster FWIW.

I agree it's very wise but I think their evidentiary value would be better in a homicide case if the photos were taken in the presence of a medical professional who can verify the authenticity and severity of the injuries and the date the photos were taken. Maybe they were and the friend just left it out of the narrative for some reason.
Well, most people haven't just shot someone and been brought in police custody for some 5 hours for questioning.

THAT should have been done by police.

Any picture taken after...

Not even sure they could be used as evidence. Chain of custody. Authenticity., etc...

And still I ask? Would those be the only pictures taken of such ...er, pulpitude...?

I doubt it.

It doesn't matter if LE has photos or not, you should always take your own.

That's my point.

My point was not about the facts/rumors/speculations of the case, how long he was in custody, or if the photos would be admissible.

I was merely stating that anytime you have injuries or damages, you should take your own photos.

It's just a little advice FWIW.

That photo makes me sad. To me, GZ is not coming across as the cold, calculated killer others believe him to be. I just don't see it. IMO, he's reacting the way a remorseful person would.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Did he suddenly become remorseful when he got arrested? Is this like when people sent to prison they suddenly discover Jesus? I gotta tell you, IMO, he didn't seem remorseful just a couple of days before his arrest when he set up that website with that picture of a vandalized black cultural center. It appears he not only has no remorse, he feels he did the right thing. I guess GZ considers shooting an unarmed kid standing up against evil.

From that website, which curiously is now missing the vandalism picture.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Link to picture.
It would be pretty stupid of GZ to take photos of injuries that were not there when he went to the PD. Or, is he supposed to have taken them before he went? If he had injuries, they will be documented by LE when he went there that night...I would think.

If they did not take photos it was a lot sloppier investigation than alleged. Allegedly ignoring evidence that might possibly point to a non- SYG crime is one thing but if they didn't photograph GZ's injuries they didn't even bother to document the evidence supporting SYG.
I don’t know if the police has any photos.
GLAD he thought to take some himself. A photo is a photo, wound do heal,
and photos are good to have especially in light of the direction this case has taken

--but is "a photo a photo" enough for COURT?

--anyone could go home, do a little creative 'enhancement' of their injuries, even inflict injury ON themselves, after the fact..

--not saying george did this, but i would think pics admissable in court would have to be those taken at SPD that nght and/or those taken by medical professionals immediatley after---that come w/ testimony on the stand, under oath, to explain the (alleged) injuries/pics to the jury.

--"home-made" pics of anything shouldn't be allowed in court, there's far too much that could have been done at home to manipulate the pics or the injuries.
It would be pretty stupid of GZ to take photos of injuries that were not there when he went to the PD. Or, is he supposed to have taken them before he went? If he had injuries, they will be documented by LE when he went there that night...I would think.

For sure!!It is very hard to re-injure exactly as seen that night by so many witnesses..EMT's and LE..BUT I almost hate to believe LE did not take proper pictures..as IF they didnt that is yet another failure on their part!!

I hoping the taped interview will show something too..although do not know how good their video system is??
I am actually sick enough to wonder if he was in hiding and wouldn't show his face to his lawyers or go to the 7/11 because he got someone to beat him up to take photos after the fact and it would have spoiled the effect if he'd been seen with fresh injuries too much later.

I just don't like the friend's attitude, I could imagine him laughing, "Fooled ya!"

Thing is, if GZ had someone beat him up after the fact, say when Sonner came on board, that was weeks after the shooting, wouldn't we see those injuries now ? But there is none, no fresh scars on his face or his head. And I don't think GZ would sit thru a beating,he's a coward. But a make-up job to make it look like injuries seems more GZ's speed. JMO
If they did not take photos it was a lot sloppier investigation than alleged. Allegedly ignoring evidence that might possibly point to a non- SYG crime is one thing but if they didn't photograph GZ's injuries they didn't even bother to document the evidence supporting SYG.

I agree. Hopefully that will come out soon.
Can GZ produce his photos at the bond hearing? Since he is in mortal fear sitting in jail exposed to so many people he doesn't even know I'd think he'd like to get out tout suite.
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