17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #27

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I am actually sick enough to wonder if he was in hiding and wouldn't show his face to his lawyers or go to the 7/11 because he got someone to beat him up to take photos after the fact and it would have spoiled the effect if he'd been seen with fresh injuries too much later.

I just don't like the friend's attitude, I could imagine him laughing, "Fooled ya!"

I bet it wouldn't have been hard to find someone willing to do it.
I believe it was because he already had it drawn and did so why he was hunting his prey.


I'm just not comfortable thinking that. I do think he was determined to not let this one get away, by his own words on the call, but I just don't want to think a human would do that to another human. I see serial and spree killers who are nuts and do that, but not someone who was/is just over zealous in what he views as his duty. Not sure that made any sense.....lol sorry.
I'm just not comfortable thinking that. I do think he was determined to not let this one get away, by his own words on the call, but I just don't want to think a human would do that to another human. I see serial and spree killers who are nuts and do that, but not someone who was/is just over zealous in what he views as his duty. Not sure that made any sense.....lol sorry.

I think its very possible that George thought he could hold Trayvon at gunpoint until LE got there, he was determined not to let this one get away, and when he confronted TM the gun came out. Because just standing there saying, stay where you are or don't move, wasn't gonna fly, his words held no authority, but the gun would command TM to stop and pay attention to George.
I'm just not comfortable thinking that. I do think he was determined to not let this one get away, by his own words on the call, but I just don't want to think a human would do that to another human. I see serial and spree killers who are nuts and do that, but not someone who was/is just over zealous in what he views as his duty. Not sure that made any sense.....lol sorry.

It does make perfect sense and I understand completely what you are saying. Trust me, it's not easy for me to think that way about someone but I really feel that's exactly what he was doing to Trayvon.

I've been trying to work something out in my head for the last couple of days and that is the gun. When did GZ pull it out of the holster? I'm not convinced that he was walking around with it out, but I can't get my head around the story that he pulled it out while Trayvon was on top of him either. And here is why.....(please feel free to correct anything I may have wrong that is already documented as "known".)

The story goes that at some point Trayvon was straddling GZ banging his head against the ground, and that is when GZ got his gun and shot Trayvon. What I have trouble with is how did GZ get his gun if Trayvon was sitting on him in a straddle position?

GZ was wearing a jacket, so, he would have had to get under, around or over one of Trayvons legs, under his jacket if it hadn't ridden up during the physical fight to reach his gun right? The story goes GZ couldn't dislodge or stop Trayvon any other way, but that would mean Trayvons legs were tight against GZ right? I would think the most logical place to straddle a person would be around the stomach/waist?

So how did GZ, who supposedly couldn't dislodge Trayvon, get his hand under, over or around a fighting person on top of him as well as under this jacket to reach his gun? What am I missing here?

I don't think he had it out while he was prowling around looking for Martin, but I agree that it's difficult to imagine him getting it out while being straddled and pummeled. At the very least he'd be concerned with protecting his head (probably resulting in numerous defensive wounds) and not with digging around for a gun while his head is supposedly being slammed into the ground.

One scenario that I think is possible is that Zimmerman caught up to Martin (I suspect he circled around the townhouses and cut him off from the front, but that's just my opinion), confronted him from the front and they exchange some words - what the girlfriend heard on the phone. Then Zimmerman attempted to grab Martin, with the intent of detaining him. Martin resisted, so Zimmerman pulled the gun, and that's when the fight began in earnest - Martin for his life, Zimmerman to capture what he wrongly assumed was a criminal.

I think that for a couple of reasons: if Zimmerman already had the gun out and ready, I doubt that Martin would have bothered to ask him any questions, it would have been immediate fight or flight. But I also have a clear image of Zimmerman with one hand holding onto Martin to keep him from running while the other hand reaches for his gun to threaten Martin into submission.
--but is "a photo a photo" enough for COURT?

--anyone could go home, do a little creative 'enhancement' of their injuries, even inflict injury ON themselves, after the fact..

--not saying george did this, but i would think pics admissable in court would have to be those taken at SPD that nght and/or those taken by medical professionals immediatley after---that come w/ testimony on the stand, under oath, to explain the (alleged) injuries/pics to the jury.

--"home-made" pics of anything shouldn't be allowed in court, there's far too much that could have been done at home to manipulate the pics or the injuries.

I would think the court will want medical documentation in addition to photos.
I've been trying to work something out in my head for the last couple of days and that is the gun. When did GZ pull it out of the holster? I'm not convinced that he was walking around with it out, but I can't get my head around the story that he pulled it out while Trayvon was on top of him either. And here is why.....(please feel free to correct anything I may have wrong that is already documented as "known".)

The story goes that at some point Trayvon was straddling GZ banging his head against the ground, and that is when GZ got his gun and shot Trayvon. What I have trouble with is how did GZ get his gun if Trayvon was sitting on him in a straddle position?

GZ was wearing a jacket, so, he would have had to get under, around or over one of Trayvons legs, under his jacket if it hadn't ridden up during the physical fight to reach his gun right? The story goes GZ couldn't dislodge or stop Trayvon any other way, but that would mean Trayvons legs were tight against GZ right? I would think the most logical place to straddle a person would be around the stomach/waist?

So how did GZ, who supposedly couldn't dislodge Trayvon, get his hand under, over or around a fighting person on top of him as well as under this jacket to reach his gun? What am I missing here?


You've raised an interesting point. With TM allegedly on top, brutally beating him until he was almost unconscious, how was GZ supposed to be able to reach under TM's legs to access inside his waist band and unholster his small pistol, and bring it back from under TM's legs to shoot him in the chest?

ZIMMERMAN: George was out of breath, he was barely conscious, his last thing he remembers doing was moving his head from the concrete to the grass


Look at that picture above. Understand that the pistol was supposedly inside GZ's waistband. Even though he was barely conscious and doesn't remember it, he somehow got the gun out and shot TM?

Sure he did...........

You've raised an interesting point. With TM allegedly on top, brutally beating him until he was almost unconscious, how was GZ supposed to be able to reach under TM's legs to access inside his waist band and unholster his small pistol, and bring it back from under TM's legs to shoot him in the chest?


CP, wasn't it Jr. who stated in his last interview with Piers Morgan that in addition to Trayvon slamming Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk that he also had his hand over his mouth or was this one of Taaffe's interviews?

So we are expected to believe that Trayvon is straddling Zimmerman, repeatedly slamming his head into the concrete with 1 hand while keeping his other hand over Zimmerman's mouth and while all this was happening, Zimmerman was successfully able to get his gun from the holster which I would presume to be under his shirt on his waistband in addition to it being under his jacket as well? Do I have that correct?

eta - sorry Papa, I said CM but I meant CP.
I've been trying to work something out in my head for the last couple of days and that is the gun. When did GZ pull it out of the holster? I'm not convinced that he was walking around with it out, but I can't get my head around the story that he pulled it out while Trayvon was on top of him either. And here is why.....(please feel free to correct anything I may have wrong that is already documented as "known".)

The story goes that at some point Trayvon was straddling GZ banging his head against the ground, and that is when GZ got his gun and shot Trayvon. What I have trouble with is how did GZ get his gun if Trayvon was sitting on him in a straddle position?

GZ was wearing a jacket, so, he would have had to get under, around or over one of Trayvons legs, under his jacket if it hadn't ridden up during the physical fight to reach his gun right? ...

So how did GZ, who supposedly couldn't dislodge Trayvon, get his hand under, over or around a fighting person on top of him as well as under this jacket to reach his gun? What am I missing here?


This is precisely one of the things I've been saying in here. I can't work out the apparent contortions to save my life. I'd need GZ to explain the mechanics of this feat. Maybe he's like Rubber Man?!

Particularly since GZ says TM was covering GZ's mouth (as part of smashing his head against concrete). Isn't it natural instinct to make sure you can breathe alright, as a priority?

So, I'm thinking GZ would first struggle to get TM's hand from his only air hole (mouth)... since he says his nose was so messed up.

I can see trying to remove TM's hands from your mouth/nose area. Or pushing TM in the chest, trying to get the hand away so you can get good air to breathe.

But I don't see how you can 1) not be able to breathe, and 2) contort your arms under or around a 6-ft boy to get at your gun.

It's just doesn't add up... Someone's probably going to have to do a physical reenactment in court, to prove this either possible or impossible.

This is precisely one of the things I've been saying in here. I can't work out the apparent contortions to save my life. I'd need GZ to explain the mechanics of this feat. Maybe he's like Rubber Man?!

Particularly since GZ says TM was covering GM's mouth (as part of smashing his head against concrete). Isn't it natural instinct to make sure you can breathe alright, as a priority?

So, I'm thinking GZ would first struggle to get TM's hand from his only air hole (mouth)... since he says his nose was so messed up.

I can see trying to remove TM's hands from your mouth/nose area. Or pushing TM in the chest, trying to get the hand away so you can get good air to breathe.

But I don't see how you can 1) not be able to breathe, and 2) contort your arms under or around a 6-ft boy to get at your gun.

It's just doesn't add up... Someone's probably going to have to do a physical reenactment in court, to prove this either possible or impossible.

Don't forget he had a coat on covering that gun too.
Martin was wearing a hoodie, you get a hold of the hood you have a lot of leverage to move a person around.
CP, wasn't it Jr. who stated in his last interview with Piers Morgan that in addition to Trayvon slamming Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk that he also had his hand over his mouth or was this one of Taaffe's interviews?

So we are expected to believe that Trayvon is straddling Zimmerman, repeatedly slamming his head into the concrete with 1 hand while keeping his other hand over Zimmerman's mouth and while all this was happening, Zimmerman was successfully able to get his gun from the holster which I would presume to be under his shirt on his waistband in addition to it being under his jacket as well? Do I have that correct?

eta - sorry Papa, I said CM but I meant CP.

BBM ^^ Not to mention, IF George was somehow able to get his gun out of it's holster and fire it, while in that position (close proximity) and into Trayvon's chest, George would have had alot of blood on him IMO. I saw none on his T-shirt or jacket.
Not to mention, IF George was somehow able to get his gun out of it's holster and fire it, while in that position (close proximity) and into Trayvon's chest, George would have had alot of blood on him IMO. I saw none on his T-shirt or jacket.

Yup! And you know what else doesn't ring true for me? ...

GZ says that TM's last words were, "You got me..."

That doesn't sound realistic to me, coming from a modern inner-city kid. IMO, that sounds like a fake line straight out of a 1950s Western -- something GZ heard in a John Wayne movie.

I don't really know what a kid's last words would be in this horrible situation. But if it were me, there would be profanity or put downs involved.

But ... "You got me..."? Is this a goofy made-up line to make it sound like TM was admitting he'd be caught doing something wrong?
Yup! And you know what else doesn't ring true for me? ...

GZ says that TM's last words were, "You got me..."

That doesn't sound realistic to me, coming from a modern inner-city kid. IMO, that sounds like a fake line straight out of a 1950s Western -- something GZ heard in a John Wayne movie.

I don't really know what a kid's last words would be in this horrible situation. But if it were me, there would be profanity or put downs involved.

But ... "You got me..."? Is this a goofy made-up line to make it sound like TM was admitting he'd be caught doing something wrong?

RE: BBM ^^ Actually I think the 911 call, where we hear the horrific cries for help, depicts exactly what Trayvon's last words/thoughts were.
Yup! And you know what else doesn't ring true for me? ...

GZ says that TM's last words were, "You got me..."

That doesn't sound realistic to me, coming from a modern inner-city kid. IMO, that sounds like a fake line straight out of a 1950s Western -- something GZ heard in a John Wayne movie.

I don't really know what a kid's last words would be in this horrible situation. But if it were me, there would be profanity or put downs involved.

But ... "You got me..."? Is this a goofy made-up line to make it sound like TM was admitting he'd be caught doing something wrong?

Wonder if Zimmerman had a penchant for watching old Westerns? How many of you can honestly see Trayvon leaning back, grabbing his chest, and saying "you got me" and taking his last breath as he is falling? Baloney, baloney, baloney. Jeez, I guess these people think the general public is just plain ignorant. Ridiculous.

Yup! And you know what else doesn't ring true for me? ...

GZ says that TM's last words were, "You got me..."

That doesn't sound realistic to me, coming from a modern inner-city kid. IMO, that sounds like a fake line straight out of a 1950s Western -- something GZ heard in a John Wayne movie.

I don't really know what a kid's last words would be in this horrible situation. But if it were me, there would be profanity or put downs involved.

But ... "You got me..."? Is this a goofy made-up line to make it sound like TM was admitting he'd be caught doing something wrong?

I have wondered if it might have been " You SHOT me."

That is more believable, imo.
I have always thought that there was no physical confrontation until that gun was pulled out. I think Trayvon did turn around, as George approached him from behind, and asked him "Why are you following me?" and George replies, as he gets closer to Trayvon "What are you doing here."

Now Daddy Zimmerman claims that Trayvon said "What's your *advertiser censored**ing problem, homes" and George says "Nothing." and reaches for his phone... and that is when Trayvon attacks George.

Oh, I believe that George reached for something, but it was not his phone... as George was approaching Trayvon and asking "What are you doing here" I believe that George Zimmerman reached for his gun and I believe Trayvon didn't have time to run away again because George was right there -- and that is when the struggle started.

Yup! And you know what else doesn't ring true for me? ...

GZ says that TM's last words were, "You got me..."

That doesn't sound realistic to me, coming from a modern inner-city kid. IMO, that sounds like a fake line straight out of a 1950s Western -- something GZ heard in a John Wayne movie.

I don't really know what a kid's last words would be in this horrible situation. But if it were me, there would be profanity or put downs involved.

But ... "You got me..."? Is this a goofy made-up line to make it sound like TM was admitting he'd be caught doing something wrong?

Like someone mentioned before, sounds like from an old Edward G. Robinson movie....trying to make Trayvon sound like a criminal....
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