17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #27

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All this talk of the rain. This morning it was raining as I was taking my grandson to school. I had him pull up the hood on his jacket so his head wouldn't get wet. My jacket didn't have a hood. When we got in the car, I began to sneeze and he scolded me: That because you didn't wear a jacket with a hood, you should have covered your head!

LOL! He's such a little drill sargeant.
But, if you have already claimed to have been beaten and suffered severe injuries, but have been discredited, do you then get to claim that you were oops, uninjured but in mortal fear?
I feel that is what is happening here, the statute may state that you only have to be in fear for your life, but if you choose to go whole hog and claim a terrible beating was administered, then, when that beating doesn't seem to be supported by the evidence available, I am not going to find your claims of mortal fear credible either. Moo

With every new piece of evidence that has cast doubt about Zimmerman's terrible injuries, his family has come forward with a slightly tweaked version of the story to account (as best they can) for it. I don't believe any of it now. Moo

Has GZ himself claimed he suffered these 'life threatening' injuries?
Can't wait for this program. Great picture of Sybrina, Tracy, and Jahvaris as well.

Trayvon Martin: BET offers special on parents

“I Am Trayvon: A Family’s Fight for Justice” premieres at 7:30 p.m. Friday on the channel. Host Emmett Miller interviewed the parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin.


Thanks, Adrienne! DVR is set. Thanks for finding all the other interesting articles as well. Very informative.
All this talk of the rain. This morning it was raining as I was taking my grandson to school. I had him pull up the hood on his jacket so his head wouldn't get wet. My jacket didn't have a hood. When we got in the car, I began to sneeze and he scolded me: That because you didn't wear a jacket with a hood, you should have covered your head!

LOL! He's such a little drill sargeant.

Yet Trayvon has been deemed a or suspicious because he put his hood up.

I have to wonder if anyone dared to think that Trayvon might have actually got caught in the rain while he was in the store? I mean seriously. All this talk about why he was walking in the rain is really ridiculous. I guess it's perfectly reasonable to be in the rain if you are Zimmerman but heaven forbid if it's Trayvon.

this is very possible, which is why I asked long ago if it was raining when he left.

here it can be raining on the neighbor's side of the street but not mine - those are usually just sprinkles.

Someone posted in a previous thread that it was "pouring" which I had never heard that it was and if it was wouldn't GZ's clothing have been soaked? I don't think it was mentioned about the rain in the police reports we have seen either, correct? I'll have to go back and look!
Thats an aweful thing that happened to you. How were you able to get away?

One person, out of a crowd of people, finally pulled my attacker off of me. They had to shout at me to run because I was in such a state of shock. I am a petite woman, was probably a little over 100 lbs at the time, not physically strong, but I was a darn good runner.
Has GZ himself claimed he suffered these 'life threatening' injuries?

we haven't heard anything from him have we? I am not going by what his family says though, I'd like to see some reports please!!!
Yet Trayvon has been deemed a or suspicious because he put his hood up.


I know. Isn't that why they put hoods on jackets? To protect your head if it starts to rain?
Brought over from other thread, got caught in the door. :floorlaugh:
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I'm so sorry.
Thanks Suzihawk! I never post personal information but couldn't let this one go, based on personal experience.

I knew from the moment I saw the sheriff video, GZ was not a victim of a beating. He wouldn't have been able to walk in the manner in which he did, both physically and emotionally. He was as calm as a cucumber. One that is beaten does not act like he did on that evening. Furthermore, he would struggle to walk due to injuries all over his body, he would feel like a truck just ran him over, especially over the next few days. He would have bruises all over his body, in the areas I mentioned, as well as others. He would have bruises on bruises. He certainly wouldn't be able to move his belongings. If he had any type of cut on the head or a nose injury, there would be blood all over, and it would not have stopped bleeding in a 1/2 hour. No way.

JMO and thank you again.

Has it been disclosed in MSM whether GZ had a previous TBI.

I ask this as after having been hit in the head, I was alert, able to walk normally, did not have signs of slurred speak, no bumps, it did not break the skin, and in fact I don't even recall it hurting much.

It was not till much later that I began to experience or present symptoms of which I have no memory of the time I spent in hospital.

Since that injury if I accidently bump my head, if my head moves rapidly such as in a sudden stop with a vehicle I will usually experience various symptoms and this is many years after this particular injury.

Once again I will urge anyone that has had a blow to the head to have it checked out.
First my condolence for your injuries and attack. I hope you are recovered and well.

I went through a similar attack to the one GZ describes and I did not bleed all over the place. My attacker focused on my head and face, surprising me from behind, throwing a punch as I turned, sending me to my knees and repeatedly punching me in the face and once I was laid out, slamming the back of my head into the floor again and again. I did not bleed profusely. I do not recall injuries or bruising to anywhere other than my head and face. The painful lumps on my scalp were not visible as I had long hair. The bruising and swelling on my face was severe, the bruising lasted for what seemed like forever and my left eye socket was sensitive for years. I was able to walk and, although I was an emotional wreck, I became very quiet and withdrawn which may have been perceived as "calm as a cucumber" but I was nothing near calm on the inside.

IMO, I would like to know what GZ looked like the morning after as I believe that's when the bruising would really start to show. We've heard some statements from neighbors that he was wearing bandages and his nose appeared swollen, but I wonder how good a look they got of him. IOW, I don't feel that the statements, as they stand, tell us a whole lot.

I've found GZ's account to be believable and I think his demeanor can be attributed to shock. However, I doubt he was beaten as badly as you or I. Still, I understand the overwhelming fear that your skull won't be able to withstand another blow which IMO makes a "reasonable" self defense claim. I put the word reasonable in scare quotes because I don't personally find it reasonable but I can understand why other people, and the law, would.

ETA: I feel you on the personal experience. Whether or not GZ is to be believed, this case has really brought back some bad memories that I've had to revisit and rethink. And it's added a level of emotional connection I can't shake. Totally OT but I just wanted to say I'm with you on that!

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Thank you very much. I am so sorry this happened to you. You never shake that feeling, unfortunately. My head was repeatedly beat on the ground as someone was straddled on top of me. I commented because some posting thought the same thing happened to GZ and he had to fight for his life. In my case, I had bruises all over my back, elbows and buttocks from trying to get away and get him off of me. Furthermore, my head was beaten into the ground and there were lumps on lumps, clearly seen if you saw my scalp (like GZ). I said, IF there was a head cut, the bleeding would not stop in a 1/2 hour. Head wounds are very tough to get them to stop bleeding. Nose bleeds too. I firmly believe if he had a cut or nose bleed, he would have blood all over his shirt.

During my attack, I never thought about the next blow, didn't have time to "think", it was pure fight for my life to get away. No thinking. My opinions about the tape are that he was not a mess, in fact not a wrinkle in his clothes, no blood, no obvious bruising, nothing..I find it hard to believe he was beaten. I believe he was the aggressor and Trayvon was his victim. I was calm after the attack, but my clothes were a mess, you could tell by how I looked, something horrible had happened, both physically and emotionally.

Again, I am only speaking of this because someone claimed GZ was straddled and beaten, I do not believe it based on my own experience.

I hope you continue to heal!

All is JMO.
I have to wonder if anyone dared to think that Trayvon might have actually got caught in the rain while he was in the store? I mean seriously. All this talk about why he was walking in the rain is really ridiculous. I guess it's perfectly reasonable to be in the rain if you are Zimmerman but heaven forbid if it's Trayvon.


Said it before and I'll say it again: I live in Oregon. If we didn't go out in the rain we'd all be hermits. If we didn't wear hoodies, we'd have ruined hairstyles constantly. And, like Lola, dancing in the rain is fun! One of my best memories with one of my nieces was dancing in the rain in Silver Dollar City, Missouri:) Back to Oregon, though, we've got hippies hippies everywhere and trust me--they dance in the rain as well as the non-hippies.

I teach preschool, and 99% of my children wear jackets with hoods on them. We go outside to play unless it's torrential rain, and the kids just eventually develop webbed feet like the rest of us LOL :)

(Go Ducks)
LOL, yes they are reversed. Good catch. I've flipped those things around in every different position trying to understand this deal.

In the top image North is up, but down in the lower dark image.

Sorry for any confusion.

Have you tried any scenerios in which his vehicle is in a different location?

Throughout the interviews I have seen with his father he has stated:

"it is my understanding"

This to me does not mean it is indeed factual and I have a theory just not have fully thought it out yet.
Said it before and I'll say it again: I live in Oregon. If we didn't go out in the rain we'd all be hermits. If we didn't wear hoodies, we'd have ruined hairstyles constantly. And, like Lola, dancing in the rain is fun! One of my best memories with one of my nieces was dancing in the rain in Silver Dollar City, Missouri:) Back to Oregon, though, we've got hippies hippies everywhere and trust me--they dance in the rain as well as the non-hippies.

I teach preschool, and 99% of my children wear jackets with hoods on them. We go outside to play unless it's torrential rain, and the kids just eventually develop webbed feet like the rest of us LOL :)

(Go Ducks)

Oh nooooooooooooooooo

I will have to send you a new designer straight jacket (spelled like that on purpose) as I don't believe the one I sent you is rainproof...

Also did chuckle when you put the part in about weddings

Makes mental note to consider the weather when I design these.:floorlaugh:
Just heard on HLN that the judge stepped aside. The new judge is Kenneth Lester, Jr.
First my condolence for your injuries and attack. I hope you are recovered and well.

I went through a similar attack to the one GZ describes and I did not bleed all over the place. My attacker focused on my head and face, surprising me from behind, throwing a punch as I turned, sending me to my knees and repeatedly punching me in the face and once I was laid out, slamming the back of my head into the floor again and again. I did not bleed profusely. I do not recall injuries or bruising to anywhere other than my head and face. The painful lumps on my scalp were not visible as I had long hair. The bruising and swelling on my face was severe, the bruising lasted for what seemed like forever and my left eye socket was sensitive for years. I was able to walk and, although I was an emotional wreck, I became very quiet and withdrawn which may have been perceived as "calm as a cucumber" but I was nothing near calm on the inside.

IMO, I would like to know what GZ looked like the morning after as I believe that's when the bruising would really start to show. We've heard some statements from neighbors that he was wearing bandages and his nose appeared swollen, but I wonder how good a look they got of him. IOW, I don't feel that the statements, as they stand, tell us a whole lot.

I've found GZ's account to be believable and I think his demeanor can be attributed to shock. However, I doubt he was beaten as badly as you or I. Still, I understand the overwhelming fear that your skull won't be able to withstand another blow which IMO makes a "reasonable" self defense claim. I put the word reasonable in scare quotes because I don't personally find it reasonable but I can understand why other people, and the law, would.

ETA: I feel you on the personal experience. Whether or not GZ is to be believed, this case has really brought back some bad memories that I've had to revisit and rethink. And it's added a level of emotional connection I can't shake. Totally OT but I just wanted to say I'm with you on that!

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Thank you for sharing this.


That was the first thing that popped into my mind.

All criminal cases in Seminole County are assigned by chance, based on a rotation system. Next up in that rotation was Circuit Judge John Galluzzo. He, though, could not accept the case because he formerly practiced law with Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara.

O'Mara is also the godfather of one of Galluzzo's four children.So Galluzzo stepped aside, passing the case to the next judge in the rotation: Lester.
From the last thread:
songline said:
They were talking about GZ brother saying one more hit to the head he would have been wearing diapers.
Hits to the head are never minor, too often people have no idea how sever it can be.
If you follow the conversation it would make sense why I would bring that up.
The thing is- that if George really did have a head injury, he would be checked for neurological signs and symptoms of one. (He was seen by EMT's, unlike your friend's husband) He did not stumble, talk incoherently, or any of the other signs medics look for. If he had exhibited those signs, and he still refused treatment, they would have documented his injuries and made him sign a medical clearance stating that he was refusing medical treatment against medical advice, and not just "cleared" him. Natasha Richardson did refuse treatment, not realizing how severe her injury was, until the headache from the bleeding inside her brain got unbearable- then she went to the hospital, she did not die in her room. I read an interview a long time ago with her husband who visited her in the E.R.
We have no evidence that George has exhibited any signs/symptoms of head injury, not even minor closed head injury since the shooting. It would have been evident well by now. You don't get to the point of "needing to be spoon-fed and in diapers for life" and exhibit zero neurological signs of it, you aren't even able to get up and walk straight or talk normally if you are that severe. I used to work with Head Trauma patients immediately following motorcycle accidents, car accidents, and gunshot wounds.
Therefore I have to conclude that George (and his brother and father and friends- whose testimony is only hearsay, based on what George told them since they weren't there) is lying. This is NOT vengeance, only a desire to see justice for an unarmed teen who was shot dead for no good reason.
From the last thread:
The thing is- that if George really did have a head injury, he would be checked for neurological signs and symptoms of one. He did not stumble, talk incoherently, or any of the other signs medics look for. If he had exhibited those signs, and he still refused treatment, they would have documented his injuries and made him sign a medical clearance stating that he was refusing medical treatment against medical advice, and not just "cleared" him. Natasha Richardson did refuse treatment, not realizing how severe her injury was, until the headache from the bleeding inside her brain got unbearable- then she went to the hospital, she did not die in her room. I read an interview a long time ago with her husband who visited her in the E.R.
We have no evidence that George has exhibited any signs/symptoms of head injury, not even minor closed head injury since the shooting. It would have been evident well by now. You don't get to the point of "needing to be spoon-fed and in diapers for life" and exhibit zero neurological signs of it, you aren't even able to get up and walk straight or talk normally if you are that severe. I used to work with Head Trauma patients immediately following motorcycle accidents, car accidents, and gunshot wounds.
Therefore I have to conclude that George (and his brother and father and friends- whose testimony is only hearsay, based on what George told them since they weren't there) is lying. This is NOT vengeance, only a desire to see justice for an unarmed teen who was shot dead for no good reason.

We all seem to be going around and around and I know we'll never see eye to eye, but it does not matter if he did not have a tramatic brain injury, only that he feared for his life.

If the forensic evidence backs up his story that he was on his back, and fired at close range with a trajectory consistent with being straddled, AND he has some visible injuries (which I have no doubt that the police photographed), he will be able to argue that HE felt his life was in danger and had the right do defend himself with deadly force.

If the forensic evidence shows that he shot TM while they were both standing, or at a distance further than a foot or so, so while TM was on the ground and GZ was not, then I say lock him up for a long time.

I am paitently awaiting for further evidence, and if I dont get that until the trial, I am ok with that. I am merely a spectator.
I think the point of the SYG law (which GZ will be trying to claim) is you don't have to actually get hurt to claim self defense, just be in fear of getting hurt.

That is true, but the judge has to believe your story. If he doesn't believe some of it he can/may disregard all of it. That is what I hope happens when the judge hears his SYG claims.
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