17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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If I entertained any doubts about a murder charge versus manslaughter Zimmerman's non-apology apology erased them.

bbm I know, right? I cant figure this guy out...I think he damn well should have apologised (long ago) but the way he worded it, that he didnt know how old he was, as if it was aw shucks, had he been older it wouldnt be so bad? a bit strange.
Actually for me, it made me 100% more convinced that he's guilty and certainly explains to me why the prosecutors filed second degree murder charges against him. I've no doubt that he has a depraved mind and certainly proved that to me today beyond a reasonable doubt.

What happened today to show that absolutely he has a depraved mind.
Does anyone else think GZ's injuries may have been caused by scratching himself? Seems to me the two witnesses saw him with his hands behind his head.
I would be full of suppressed anger if I was on trial for my life , if I thought it should be a self defense case. And who wouldn't be 'controlled' while on the witness stand at their own murder trial? How is he supposed to be?

He should feel nothing but pure remorse for killing an innocent kid. He should nothing but remorse because he could not follow a simple instruction that would have had Trayvon getting home safe that night! He should feel nothing but remorse for thinking we are all idiots with what people are saying his story is for that night --- it's insulting.

I know, right? I cant figure this guy out...I think he damn well should have apologised (long ago) but the way he worded it, that he didnt know how old he was, as if it was aw shucks, had he been older it wouldnt be so bad? a bit strange.
I'm getting the same thing as you and Donjeta...that if only he had known Trayvon wasn't armed or only 17 his actions may have varied. Does it really matter if someone is trying to kill you whether they're 17 or 27?

It rules out any semblance of self defense for me. (To be fair though I've doubted that from the beginning anyway so I'm biased. ;))
I would be full of suppressed anger if I was on trial for my life , if I thought it should be a self defense case. And who wouldn't be 'controlled' while on the witness stand at their own murder trial? How is he supposed to be?

I get the anger I suppose, if he were telling the truth, but also if he were telling the truth, where was the sorrow? he's taken one life and possibly destroyed his own, regardless of whether he did or did not tell the truth...so where was the sorrow?
Dont know about you guys..But I am looking foreward to the SYG hearing..Its the defenses burden to prove to the Judge that george acted within the boundaries of that law in order to get Immunity to Prosecutions for a crime..which means george will have to testify as to his fear, why, what happened, when and who did what..Given Pros. has some unknown witnesses and transcipts of previous statements.. It create a huge problem for George. he cannot remember ALL his lies and sure he will be reminded what he said and will need to explain them ..That hearing is going to be a popcorn munching spectacle to watch!

Not to mention whatever he ssays in this hearing could be brought into main trial..
My friend almost shot an intruder at their summer cabin a few years ago. Everyone else had left for town and so there was no car visible, and he heard footsteps and talking, and then he heard someone coming in through the back porch door. He had his shot gun ready, and it was dark, so he yelled out for them to stop, put their hands up. The tall figure lunged toward him and he almost shot, but a girl screamed NOOOOOOOOOO.

And then the figure ran the other way. And he watched the two TEENS run down the path. So IF he had shot the kid, he would have said the same thing. I didn't know he was so young and didn't know he wasn't armed.
It is also insulting to know that George told LE that Trayvon circled his truck three times and we know that is a bold faced lie! It's beyond insulting that he, after knowing full well that Trayvon's parents did not want to hear an apology, he did it anyways. Talk about spitting in their face!

When Trayvon's parents are ready to take that step and talk to the killer of their child -- they will, but it should have never been forced on them like that! It was heartless and cruel and showed a total lack of respect!

He should feel nothing but pure remorse for killing an innocent kid. He should nothing but remorse because he could not follow a simple instruction that would have had Trayvon getting home safe that night! He should feel nothing but remorse for thinking we are all idiots with what people are saying his story is for that night --- it's insulting.


How do we know he doesn't feel any remorse? Just because some body language expert says it is control and suppressed anger, that PROVES he has no remorse?

What if another body language expert says she showed remorse and genuine feelings. Would that sway you in any way?
My friend almost shot an intruder at their summer cabin a few years ago. Everyone else had left for town and so there was no car visible, and he heard footsteps and talking, and then he heard someone coming in through the back porch door. He had his shot gun ready, and it was dark, so he yelled out for them to stop, put their hands up. The tall figure lunged toward him and he almost shot, but a girl screamed NOOOOOOOOOO.

And then the figure ran the other way. And he watched the two TEENS run down the path. So IF he had shot the kid, he would have said the same thing. I didn't know he was so young and didn't know he wasn't armed.

You do realize that there is a HUGE difference between someone coming into your home illegally and what happened in this case?
I have no idea why those things should be mutually exclusive.

If I killed someone I perceived to be a threat to my life, I wouldn't be sorry. No matter what their age. JMO

I'm not saying this is what happened, just a *maybe* JMO
I think what he was saying was that he thought he was older and armed, thus a bigger threat than he turned out to be. He was saying he didn't know he was just a kid with skittles, essentially.

But why did he think TM was armed? Bashing someone's head to the concrete is rather low tech for someone who is armed.

If TM already at 17 years old and unarmed was so scary and dangerous that GZ was choking on his own blood and was one hit away from diapers for the rest of his life it sounds like the threat wouldn't become considerably greater adding 8 years to TM's age.
If he was truly scared for his life because he was assaulted so severely then "sorry, I didn't know he was just a kid with skittles" sounds incongruent to me. The apology sounds like TM's death was basically caused by a stupid misunderstanding and the defense sounds like it was caused by a life or death necessity.

I don't know if I can explain it so that anybody understands what I'm getting at.
How do we know he doesn't feel any remorse? Just because some body language expert says it is control and suppressed anger, that PROVES he has no remorse?

What if another body language expert says she showed remorse and genuine feelings. Would that sway you in any way?

I'm not even paying attention to the body language people? I could care less what they have to say either way.
It is also insulting to know that George told LE that Trayvon circled his truck three times and we know that is a bold faced lie! It's beyond insulting that he, after knowing full well that Trayvon's parents did not want to hear an apology, he did it anyways. Talk about spitting in their face!

When Trayvon's parents are ready to take that step and talk to the killer of their child -- they will, but it should have never been forced on them like that! It was heartless and cruel and showed a total lack of respect!


So telling the parents of the teen you shot, that you feel sorry for their loss, that is like ' SPITTING IN THEIR FACE?' Wow.
Another thing, hollow point bullets? Really? They're intended to inflict maximum damage.
It is also insulting to know that George told LE that Trayvon circled his truck three times and we know that is a bold faced lie! It's beyond insulting that he, after knowing full well that Trayvon's parents did not want to hear an apology, he did it anyways. Talk about spitting in their face!

When Trayvon's parents are ready to take that step and talk to the killer of their child -- they will, but it should have never been forced on them like that! It was heartless and cruel and showed a total lack of respect!


I appreciate your opinion but I don't see how GZ's apology was spitting in their face. I truly believe the same thing would have been said had he made absolutely no apology or statement to Trayvon's parents. He's in a damned if you do and damned if you don't position if I ever saw one.
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