17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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Wow!! You live in Georgia, right? :floorlaugh:

Thanks for the honesty. :rocker: That's a scary looking bullet and thank you for not going into details. I have already imagined in my head something like that ripping through someone's body. Yikes!
Yes, I do. Right outside the metro Atlanta area, but inside the perimeter.
Perhaps when he initially saw TM he thought he looked 17 or 18 but when he is being assaulted (allegedly) he thought a 17 or 18 year old wouldnt be kicking my butt this bad.

Not that this is the case but I would consider this as a plausible explanation.

I know people have pretty random thoughts in their heads sometimes but I find it a little implausible that a person who is assaulted and fearful for his life would think about the assailant's age at that moment. Why would it make a difference if you're getting your skull broken by a 17 year old or a 25 year old?
It is also insulting to know that George told LE that Trayvon circled his truck three times and we know that is a bold faced lie!



Do we know this for a fact? That GZ lied to LE, telling them that TM circled his truck three times? All I had heard before was that GZ may have said that TM circled back toward where the truck was. Was an alleged statement about TM circling the truck three times something disclosed in the hearing today? I wasn't able to catch all of it. TIA.
Yes, I do. Right outside the metro Atlanta area, but inside the perimeter.

I was being silly. :seeya: That's cool though. I might have to write that type of bullet into one of my screenplays.
Everyone I know who carries, and it is a significant number of people, carry some kind of hollowpoint. They also neither preach nor practice shooting to wound.

When using a gun for self-defense maximum "stopping power" with as little collateral damage risk as possible is the ideal. For home defense I rely on two 100lb plus dogs, but if a bear came through my window screen (it happens here) I would bust out a shotgun for the same reasons. Maximum stopping power, not likely to go through my wall and hit a neighbor.
Perhaps when he initially saw TM he thought he looked 17 or 18 but when he is being assaulted (allegedly) he thought a 17 or 18 year old wouldnt be kicking my butt this bad.

Not that this is the case but I would consider this as a plausible explanation.

Possibly. I think he should have left out that whole "I thought he was closer to my age" statement out altogether. Like it makes a difference if you're killing someone over the age of 18, or 15, or 28. Who has time to make age determinations in that kind of situation (raining, wearing a hoodie from what I understand) - he's either a "kid" or in his mid 20's (closer to 28). 1 too many inconsistencies for my comfort level.

Just moo of course.

My friend almost shot an intruder at their summer cabin a few years ago. Everyone else had left for town and so there was no car visible, and he heard footsteps and talking, and then he heard someone coming in through the back porch door. He had his shot gun ready, and it was dark, so he yelled out for them to stop, put their hands up. The tall figure lunged toward him and he almost shot, but a girl screamed NOOOOOOOOOO.

And then the figure ran the other way. And he watched the two TEENS run down the path. So IF he had shot the kid, he would have said the same thing. I didn't know he was so young and didn't know he wasn't armed.

That was a powerful story.
my first thought was why not pass a letter through the police department then I remembered oh yeah, they were completely incompetent. after it hit the media, I bet he could have got an apology out in any medium he wished.

No kidding! Heck, he could have even posted it on his website had he not been too busy posting "Justice for Zimmerman" and asking for donations.
my first thought was why not pass a letter through the police department then I remembered oh yeah, they were completely incompetent. after it hit the media, I bet he could have got an apology out in any medium he wished.

But would it have been accepted any better than it has been now? And would an attorney want him writing a letter saying he was sorry, before any charges had happened? Probably not, imo.
Deadly force doesn't mean or even imply "shoot to wound".

I get the picture. It would be nice to have that option when all you want to do is to stop someone. Once you fire it pretty much a death sentence. jmo

Do we know this for a fact? That GZ lied to LE, telling them that TM circled his truck three times? All I had heard before was that GZ may have said that TM circled back toward where the truck was. Was an alleged statement about TM circling the truck three times something disclosed in the hearing today? I wasn't able to catch all of it. TIA.

That's what has been said in here by the people who watched the hearing? I didn't watch the hearing? I woke up late. I read it here while catching up.
IF GZ was truly sorry, then he would have had his brother state this when he was doing the media tour. Instead, the brother just relayed GZ lies.

This thing went down quick. I believe there was <2 minutes between time Trayvon was speaking to his girlfriend on the cell phone and the police arrive to scene of crime. Maybe even only a minute when the actual physical confrontation took place. So, GZs excuse that he thought he was going to die, is a joke. I sure hope there are eye witnesses that tell the truth. I know several people called in who heard the yelling and gun shot. But, an actual eye witness. He was on a side walk between 2 apartment buildings. If I heard yelling or a fight on my sidewalk, I would be looking out the window. Not just listening behind the shades. Trayvon and GZ have very different body structures, so even though dark - one should be able to know who was the victim. Entrance of bullet should be helpful too. And of course, the interpretation of the yelling for help. The fact that they say the yelling stopped once the gun shot went off strongly suggests this was Trayvon yelling for help... .sad that no one helped the kid. Hoping for Justice!
No kidding! Heck, he could have even posted it on his website had he not been too busy posting "Justice for Zimmerman" and asking for donations.

If he had posted an apology on that website he would have been ripped apart by all of the same who are ripping him apart now. imo
How do you know that Trayvon circling his truck *is a bold faced lie*? Has that been determined?

How have you been, my friend? Free of charge :floorlaugh: let me give you my thoughts on this circling issue. I don't know what type of vehicle GZ was driving other than it being referred to as both a "truck" in some accounts, and an SUV in others. To pick a vehicle that could fit either bill, lets go with a Ford Expedition.

An Expedition is 206.5 inches or 17 feet 2 1/2 inches in length. To go around this vehicle means walking approximately a 20 foot diameter circle.

The circumference, or distance around a circle is pi (3.14) X the diameter.

3.14 X 20' = 62'-9 1/2"

To walk three circles around this vehicle would mean walking 3 X 62'-9 1/2" or about 188'-4".

Considering the fact it was raining, and the fact that the street portion of his path of movement was only about 260 feet to start with, I can't see him adding another 188 feet for whatever purpose is being insinuated with this story.

Last, but not least, keep in mind his timeline of movement from the clubhouse to the point he apparently started running doesn't allow for this kind of percentage increase in distance traveled. Remember GZ said he was at the clubhouse when the call began, and 443' later at [2:08] he was running down the sidewalk between the townhomes.

I think the old "3 laps around the car" deal is like a lot of other embellishment you and I have seen in other cases.
IF GZ was truly sorry, then he would have had his brother state this when he was doing the media tour. Instead, the brother just relayed GZ lies.

This thing went down quick. I believe there was <2 minutes between time Trayvon was speaking to his girlfriend on the cell phone and the police arrive to scene of crime. Maybe even only a minute when the actual physical confrontation took place. So, GZs excuse that he thought he was going to die, is a joke. I sure hope their are eye witnesses that tell the truth. I know several people called in who heard the yelling and gun shot. But, an actual eye witness. He was on a side walk between 2 apartment buildings. If I heard yelling or a fight on my sidewalk, I would be looking out the window. Not just listening behind the shades. Trayvon and GZ have very different body structures, so even though dark - one should be able to know who was the victim. Entrance of gun shot would should be helpful too. And of course, the interpretation of the yelling for help. The fact that they say the yelling stopped once the gun shot went off strongly suggests this was Trayvon yelling for help... .sad that no one helped the kid.

Unfortunately, there are not going to be any eye witnesses to how the actual confrontation started and I don't believe anyone seen George actually shoot Trayvon --- he did admit it though!
If he had posted an apology on that website he would have been ripped apart by all of the same who are ripping him apart now. imo

Really? I was all for George apologizing to Trayvon's parents until I seen his website? I even went so far as to say... Maybe he does feel sorry for what he did? And then I looked at the website! :banghead:
I get the picture. It would be nice to have that option when all you want to do is to stop someone. Once you fire it pretty much a death sentence. jmo
It's not always. Plenty of people survive gunshot wounds. It's all a matter of where you're hit. A new method of incapacitation has been discussed that emphasizes aiming for the pelvic bone in hopes of fracturing it and rendering the assailant unable to really move.

I'd be hesitant to do that myself, though. It might be seen as only wishing to maim.
I know people have pretty random thoughts in their heads sometimes but I find it a little implausible that a person who is assaulted and fearful for his life would think about the assailant's age at that moment. Why would it make a difference if you're getting your skull broken by a 17 year old or a 25 year old?

I don't find it implausible that GZ could have thought that he underestimated TM. I don't know about anyone else but when I was badly beaten, I kinda went into an adrenalin state, similar to when I was in a car accident and everything slowed down while my thoughts seemed to speed up. You wouldn't believe how many thoughts swam through my head.

That was just my experience, not everyone experiences danger the same way.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
If he had posted an apology on that website he would have been ripped apart by all of the same who are ripping him apart now. imo

You may be right. If the website was the same arrogant one otherwise except an apology was added it probably would not have looked very sincere to me.
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