17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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I don't think anyone could have stopped him from apologizing since he's wanted to do this for a while.

I should add that my experience with police is why I've remained so objective in regards to this case. I don't trust many of them and that investigator on the stand reconfirmed my opinion.

I feel that there is a lot of collusion going on with the police after the fact.

Of course, this is my opinion and my opinion is based solely on my past experience with law enforcement.

Then why didn't he do it before? As the SA said, he's had some 50+ days to do just that. If he wasn't man enough to do it himself he could have gotten one of his family members or other minions to do it. They haven't missed a single opportunity to 'share' his other talking points every chance they get. When asked point blank by Piers Morgan if his family had any words for the family of Trayvon Martin, his brother launched into an extensive diatribe about how all this had affected their own family.

Why didn't he use his website to do it? Instead he used it to justify his actions.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke.
Lord, my mother is watching Fox News and I happened to hear some of it. They totally believe the bloody GZ head picture and also believe that GZ is innocent. It makes me sick. I almost laughed when they said we don't know all the facts of that night, and I wanted to shout, YOU'RE RIGHT! So why is it that they just assume, without all of the facts, that GZ had a right to do what he did? They act like no one can talk nice about Trayvon because not all the facts are known. Well what about GZ? Why is he automatically an angel when we don't know all the facts about what happened either? This is so biased it's not even funny. And don't get me started on how much they just LOVE GZ's apology. UGH!

There is bias on both sides. There are folks that have GZ convicted already, without seeing all the evidence. How is that not bias?
You're mistaken. Look again at the what the investigator said in the portion of the transcript previously posted. He said there was no evidence other than the call, the witness, and George's statement. They are all in my post.

You left out the part where he asked him if there was any evidence of who attacked who or if he walked back to the car or not.

Dale Gilbreath, an investigator for the prosecution, testified that he does not know whether Martin or Zimmerman threw the first punch and that there is no evidence to disprove Zimmerman's contention he was walking back to his vehicle when confronted by Martin.


I know what I heard. He said no to both questions.

Who's monitoring that site? GZ isn't...how much money is donated so far?

I dont intent to go there...don't what them having my ISP..:maddening:

Liars, liars, pants on fire.....:banghead:

well, got to go and pick up my granddaughter...bbl...

How is GZ being responsible for what goes on there if he's not even doing the updating?
I don't know if this has been noticed and posted by someone else / but I would add from listening to the tape from my earlier posting at 167 that: As I was listening to some background sounds on the Zimmerman tape him fidgeting with his pistol? Because right after the operator says 'Alright, George / what is your last name?' - (then what sounds like slide of pistol cocking) @ 7:12:14:25. He then replies and says 'Zimmerman'. the very next thing (he swears a lot doesn't he?) he says is '$hi* no..' Then I hear what sounds like him hitting the bottom of the magazine three times with the palm of his hand... (this same sound is also repeated) Not sure any of this matters....it probably was just his loose magazine. This is time-stamped at @ 7:12:14:25 from the 911 tape I linked at 167. ([ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BI03-MRKnI&feature=relmfu"]George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes - YouTube[/ame])
Personally myself, I'm sick of all the SPECIAL treatment he is receiving thus far. It's ridiculous and it's disgusting. A suit to his bail hearing, his family being able to call in their testimony (in which every single one of them lied), his being allowed to leave the state of Florida while out on bail. I so can't wait for this case to get to trial where they will finally bury this self-serving and utterly disgusting man. He makes me physically ill to look at him and to have to listen to him.

She also brought up what many brought up here yesterday, if he got up there and said no apology, you (meaning the martin attorney) would of got in front of the camera and railed on GZ for not making an apology.
Wrong. The parents said they didn't want it....so why would their attorney have hypothetically done that?

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Yesterday, in a move unlike any I've ever seen before, we watched an attorney commit of record the core of his client's defense strategy, AT A BOND HEARING! In the process of doing so, he confirmed what we had already surmised from the statements of others, regarding George Zimmerman's version of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

What further makes this case unique to any I've seen is our ability, at this point, to follow along with his story while listening to a time stamped recording of the actual event exposing the entire story as a LIE!

Let's take a look at what O'Mara told us yesterday, but let's also add what the time stamped recording tells us about this story as well:

O'MARA: Mr. Zimmerman gave a statement that very night, did he not?


O'MARA: And within that statement, he said that he saw somebody, he was concerned, he got out of his car [2:08], he called non-emergency, and began to go towards the person. Is that paraphrasing but pretty correct so far?

GILBREATH: Paraphrasing, yes.

O'MARA: Ok. And if I go wrong, stop me and let me know where I wrong.


O'MARA: And then he said he went back around and went towards his car, did he not? In his statement.

GILBREATH: In his statement after he was told not to by the dispatcher. [2:26]

O'MARA: Got you.

O'MARA: Would it be safe to assume then in giving him, and him giving that statement to the police wherein he said one, "I turned around and went back to my car"; and two, that he did not start the fight and that he was assaulted by Mr. Martin.

Very literally put, Attorney O'Mara told the court George Zimmerman's story was that:

(1) He got out of his car and followed Trayvon Martin for 18 seconds until the dispatcher told him to stop.


(2) He turned around and started walking back to his vehicle.


(3) He was assaulted by an unarmed 17 year old kid named Trayvon.

No one's making this up. That's what Attorney O'Mara told us, isn't it? Now, with the theme song for Jeopardy playing in the background, let me ask you a question. If you leave your vehicle and walk somewhere for 18 seconds, then turn around to walk back, how long will it take you to get back to your vehicle?




Whoa, Whoa, HOLD THE PHONE! Don't answer that yet, I forgot the State's Investigator Gilbreath interjected something we've got to factor in.

GILBREATH: He says that he continued on to find a street sign and then went back to his car.

Ahh yes, we almost forgot the ever elusive address/street sign hunt, didn't we? Que the music back up and let me rephrase the question. If you leave your vehicle and walk somewhere for 18 seconds, then decide to continue walking for approximately 80 feet further to the front of a building you're presently aligned with the back of, and THEN turn around to walk back, how long will it take you to get back to your vehicle?




How difficult do you really think it will be for the State of Florida to prove this entire sequence of events would take less than 1 minute? Add that 1 minute to Attorney O'Mara's stated beginning point at [2:08] into the recording. Then check the recording for the time George Zimmerman finally stopped talking to the dispatcher. Then tell me how he was supposed to be getting his *advertiser censored* beat by an unarmed 17 year old kid, BEFORE HE EVER GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH 911.

No matter what, I'm betting this statement comes out of Attorney O'Mara's Bond Hearing repertoire forevermore:

O'MARA: I want to keep it on the time line.
Personally myself, I'm sick of all the SPECIAL treatment he is receiving thus far. It's ridiculous and it's disgusting. A suit to his bail hearing, his family being able to call in their testimony (in which every single one of them lied), his being allowed to leave the state of Florida while out on bail. I so can't wait for this case to get to trial where they will finally bury this self-serving and utterly disgusting man. He makes me physically ill to look at him and to have to listen to him.


I wonder if it's going to make it to trial.

In this example the stabber pursued the victim over a block as the victim fled(victim was stealing his car radio), stabbed him, didn't call the police, went home and went to bed. Initially he hid the weapon, and denied the stabbing until he was shown a video of himself committing the act. After seeing the tape he claimed the victim was armed but later recanted his claim that the deadman was armed.

Between the time of the stabbing and his arrest the stabber himself had sold stolen radios the "victim" had with him when he died.

State charged him.
Judge gave immunity under stand your ground.

I liked this part on that last link:

"There is not an exception to the law that says if you're doing something stupid, or risky, or not in your best interest, that 'stand your ground' doesn't apply," Romine said.

These quotes are very sad and scary imo.
Basically what the stabbing case means to me is that coldblooded murder is now legal in Florida, and that if you get into trouble because you recklessly disregard everyone's safety you can legally kill people to avoid the consequences of your actions.
These quotes are very sad and scary imo.
Basically what the stabbing case means to me is that coldblooded murder is now legal in Florida, and that if you get into trouble because you recklessly disregard everyone's safety you can legally kill people to avoid the consequences of your actions.

I would be shocked there were not some serious changes made to the law as a result of this case, no matter the result. It's too bad that something tragic has to happen and that protests and outrage need to happen in order to shine the light on something that was flawed to begin with.
It would seem if they had a rabbit to pull out of the hat they would have to keep him from even being able to post bond.

he was going to get bond no matter what, it was a given. why show their hand over something that was going to happen anyway?
the State knew this was a bond hearing, not the trial.
George Zimmerman's testimony in court contradicts what he said on 911 call..

On Friday, George Zimmerman shocked the nation and devastated Trayvon Martin’s parents when he took the stand during his bond hearing and apologized for shooting and killing their son; in his statement he said he thought Trayvon was older, close to his age – contradicting what he said during a 911 call he made moments before the shooting.

Yesterday, in a move unlike any I've ever seen before, we watched an attorney commit of record the core of his client's defense strategy, AT A BOND HEARING! In the process of doing so, he confirmed what we had already surmised from the statements of others, regarding George Zimmerman's version of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

What further makes this case unique to any I've seen is our ability, at this point, to follow along with his story while listening to a time stamped recording of the actual event exposing the entire story as a LIE!

Let's take a look at what O'Mara told us yesterday, but let's also add what the time stamped recording tells us about this story as well:

Very literally put, Attorney O'Mara told the court George Zimmerman's story was that:

(1) He got out of his car and followed Trayvon Martin for 18 seconds until the dispatcher told him to stop.


(2) He turned around and started walking back to his vehicle.


(3) He was assaulted by an unarmed 17 year old kid named Trayvon.

No one's making this up. That's what Attorney O'Mara told us, isn't it? Now, with the theme song for Jeopardy playing in the background, let me ask you a question. If you leave your vehicle and walk somewhere for 18 seconds, then turn around to walk back, how long will it take you to get back to your vehicle?




Whoa, Whoa, HOLD THE PHONE! Don't answer that yet, I forgot the State's Investigator Gilbreath interjected something we've got to factor in.

Ahh yes, we almost forgot the ever elusive address/street sign hunt, didn't we? Que the music back up and let me rephrase the question. If you leave your vehicle and walk somewhere for 18 seconds, then decide to continue walking for approximately 80 feet further to the front of a building you're presently aligned with the back of, and THEN turn around to walk back, how long will it take you to get back to your vehicle?




How difficult do you really think it will be for the State of Florida to prove this entire sequence of events would take less than 1 minute? Add that 1 minute to Attorney O'Mara's stated beginning point at [2:08] into the recording. Then check the recording for the time George Zimmerman finally stopped talking to the dispatcher. Then tell me how he was supposed to be getting his *advertiser censored* beat by an unarmed 17 year old kid, BEFORE HE EVER GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH 911.

No matter what, I'm betting this statement comes out of Attorney O'Mara's Bond Hearing repertoire forevermore:

Papa - have we told you lately how much we love you? 'Nuff said. Zimmerman's goose is cooked when this case reaches the trial!! He just sealed his own prison sentence with the help of his attorney!!

I wonder if it's going to make it to trial.

it should, we should all hope it does. On both sides I've read people here saying we don't know the whole story, and we don't. If you're all up on high fivin' Mr Zimmerman or if you're wanting justice for Mr Martin's family, how can we not want the truth to come out in trial. none of what's played in the press, and both sides have, is the truth. A trial will show the whole picture, whose words fitthe time, who lied, who didn't, what was done and what fits the conclusion. I hope it goes to trial so that we have truth to go off not the media silliness we've gotten so far. A young man died at the hands of another, Trayvon deserves to have the truth come out at trial, no matter the outcome.
he was going to get bond no matter what, it was a given. why show their hand over something that was going to happen anyway?
the State knew this was a bond hearing, not the trial.

Of course they knew he was going to get bond. The state's stipulation was that he be required to wear an ankle bracelet. People think that Zimmerman won a big round in court yesterday but sadly it's not the case. The prosecution made it through the entire hearing without revealing anything they have in evidence. Just like I said, Zimmerman's goose is cooked and with his self-serving "apology" and his contradictory statements under examination by Bernie De La Rionda, I can't wait until we get to trial. Hmmm, second degree murder carries a life sentence. How in the world is Zimmerman going to spend the rest of his life behind bars??

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