17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #33

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I just don't get how the whole thing turned into gun laws and stand your ground if Trayvon was not at zimmerman's house trying to get in. There hasn't been anything said about Trayvon doing a thing that was really suspicious and the DA did charge GZ. I don't even know how it could be called a fight if he was after and trying to apprehend and hold Trayvon. For all Trayvon knew he could have been another Dahmer or Gacy and was just trying to get away. It makes no sense that TM would have been the aggressor unless hands were put on him and he was fighting to get away. Just my IMO, but I'd bet that a gun was pointed at him pretty much right away. From some things I've read about GZ, he may have been a ticking timebomb and obsessed with his neighborhood and crime. Possibly control issues as well.

It is a stand your ground issue because in the state of Florida SYG is not limited to your place of residence. It is and has been applied in many situations in public areas, and there have been ones linked here where the shooter/live one followed the shootee/dead guy/victim depending on your point of view to the victims personal property. The victim was shot in the head twice after a scuffle occurred. The judge in Florida said even though the shooter went and got his gun, followed the would be victim, went into the private yard of someone he didn't know and found himself on the losing end of a fist fight he initiated..... all those things duly noted and considered, SYG did not require any attempt at flight and did not exclude people who intentionally put themselves in a volatile situation or had otherwise acted recklessly leading up to the shooting.

The way the judges keep handing down the rulings that the only thing they weigh is what happened fifteen to sixty seconds before lethal force is used, there are many many cases where SYG would apply just as much to the other party if they had managed to kill before being killed. SYG would apply to TM just as much if he had killed GZ, he was in reasonable fear for his life. The case I mentioned above, had the pursuer in that case ended up dead after showing up in that guys driveway with a confrontation and a gun, SYG would protect both of them.

And that by an operating definition makes the law utterly ridiculous. Nothing but the old west mentality when you tell your citizens that in a confrontation they better be the one that kills first, cause the guy you are fighting with is thinking the same thing.
Again, not exactly.

Is receiving a monetary gift taxable income?

No, not to the recepient. The tax is paid as a gift tax by the givor.

The person who receives your gift does not have to report the gift to the IRS (except for certain gifts from foreign sources) or pay gift or income tax on its value.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_receiving_a_monetary_gift_taxable_income#ixzz1tCYzN1Lm

I am not a tax expert, but it seems logical that when you are soliciting money it is not a gift but a method of producing income. Much the way that tips are not "gifts" per se, even though the giver has the option of giving them or not....
He may already be in a bit of trouble with the tax people....his father made it public that he was earning 10,000 a month eight years ago....wonder if that is the amount that he reported on his income tax at the time???


I don't want to defend any of the Z family but I wonder if GZ told people lots of interesting stories, that they believed, but that were really all a bunch of baloney. IF people were gullible enough to believe him then they are not really lying...IMO GZ is a compulsive liar and probably a prolific liar by omission.

As far as gifts go, you do have to claim it as income on your Federal taxes if the amount from any one person exceeds a certain figure. That figure used to be $10,000 but it is now higher.

Ross are you confusing this with inheritance tax. That is usually deducted by a lawyer and paid before the money is doled out?
LOL and O'Mara just announced on national tv this income that GZ has received so far this year, how many IRS auditors do you think took notice?
Does anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that the $200,000 was not all from donations? I think some of that is from the Reuters article/pictures and possibly even the bloody head picture. MOM even said something about sending him "checks" (with an s) as soon as he found out about the money. Either way, this is HUGE, and I truly think they will revoke his bond tomorrow. It is so obvious that they were all lying at the hearing. Maybe Trayvon's parents will see a little more justice tomorrow??
Well, in the article I read about the rally it didn't say anything about commemorating the riots.

I just mentioned that as an aside since Rodney King has written a new book and has been making the rounds of some of the TV shows this week and since it has been mentioned on TV that those riots were 20 years ago.

In the same article it is mentioned:

George Zimmerman's website is no longer functioning and his attorney Mark "O'Mara has hinted that he will ask Zimmerman to be declared indigent, which would allow taxpayers to pay for his legal bills."

Magic Johnson, Stevie Wonder Expected at LA Trayvon Martin Rally

Already did this with Suzi, but okay. Think that the anniversary was mentioned in your post and commemorating was my word and a poor choice.
Yep, and I hope I'm wrong, but I'm getting a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach (like I had with the CA trial) that GZ and his lawyer may get away with this. Remember what Baez got away with ? this case being in FLa. I'm not getting my hopes up, its good thing the hearing is tomorrow. We'll get to find out soon enough. I hope and :please: I'm wrong.

I hate to say it, but I believe they will get away with it. Already the defence has shown it can't be trusted, and certainly the defendant can't be trusted to tell the truth. All we need is another judge seduced by the limelight. O'Mara, IMO, knows exactly what he's doing. And I think there is enormous leeway given for all sorts of "mistakes", mistruths, and ignorance. O'Mara will plead "oops" and throw himself on the mercy of the court, falling on his sword, and will come out smelling like a rose. I hope I'm wrong too!
He could work pro bono and the defense could still cost upwards of $1,000,000.00

There are many expenses on defending or prosecuting a case.
Not just attorney fees.

Nothing in the court records indicate MOM has taken this case without a fee. Considering that if he wins under a SYG defense the state has to pay the bill I will be dumbfounded to see MOM say his fees have been waived.
I found an article that has Officer T Smith stating that Trayvon was laying face down on the grass about 70 yards from the family home, bleeding from a chest wound. He had $22, candy and a can of iced tea in his pockets.

Now, here's where my mind went concerning the "broken nose" and head injuries on Zimmerman.

MY OPINION follows:

Trayvon was walking home when Zimmerman came up behind him causing Trayvon to ask "why are you following me?". Zimmerman replied why are you here, what are you doing, something to that effect. Instead of answering Zimmerman more than likely would have responded with something to the effect of he didn't have to answer Zimmerman when Zimmerman wouldn't answer him. Trayvon turns to leave, Zimmerman reaches out grabbing his sleeve or back of his hoodie which spins Trayvon towards Zimmerman and Zimmerman slips on the wet grass causing both to fall down with Trayvon falling on top of Zimmerman. With Trayvon having the can of iced tea in his pocket it is entirely possible that the can came up hitting Zimmerman in the nose. This would account for both of the injuries on Zimmerman's face and back of the head. I can not for the life of me figure out how a can of iced tea, $22 and a bag of skittles would be able to stay in the pockets of Trayvon's hoodie if an actual fight had occured. Zimmerman would have been fighting to get Trayvon off of him IF Trayvon had been sitting on him banging his head in the ground/pavement/take your pick. So how can Zimmerman expect anyone to believe that there was a life or death struggle/fight occuring that night without some clears signs of that fight? Remember, Zimmerman's clothes at the police station also showed no signs of a life or death struggle/fight either.


I don't have a link handy, but FT said on Anderson Cooper 360, that he had an account set up for GZ and then merged it with the one GZ had set up.

OMG, FT actually told the truth during that interview!! He said the donations covered the bond!!! So if FT knew, you are going to tell me that GZ and Family did not????? I hope the prosecution is aware of that interview!!!
I don't think we are supposed to be discussing GZ's credit.

If you note the time of my post, you'll see it was before we were asked not to do so. If you want to report any of my posts, that's what the button is for. I don't really think it required a public admonition.
I hate to say it, but I believe they will get away with it. Already the defence has shown it can't be trusted, and certainly the defendant can't be trusted to tell the truth. All we need is another judge seduced by the limelight. O'Mara, IMO, knows exactly what he's doing. And I think there is enormous leeway given for all sorts of "mistakes", mistruths, and ignorance. O'Mara will plead "oops" and throw himself on the mercy of the court, falling on his sword, and will come out smelling like a rose. I hope I'm wrong too!

Yup. I agree, sadly. Just like when he 'slipped' and mentioned the GF's name. Then gave the hang dog look and ever so sincerely apologized to the Court. This guy is slick, I tell ya. Slick as owl *****.

Not a gift. Money was paid through PayPal connected to a support website. He's not a charity or non-profit so that leaves a site for the purposes of solicitation. IRS is pretty clear on what are gifts and what are not. I can guarantee none of those people are going to say it was a gift and they're willing to pay taxes on money they have already paid taxes on. jmo

And if it were taxable for the donor, then it would require the site to issue receipts I would think. And I don't see that happening. Perhaps that's what MOM is up to now, setting up an official defence "fund". I wonder how that would work. Who would administer it? Would they get paid out of the fund? And of course, there would be material costs as well.
If you note the time of my post, you'll see it was before we were asked not to do so. If you want to report any of my posts, that's what the button is for. I don't really think it required a public admonition.

Good lord. I'm guilty, too. I did not see the warning. So I won't mention it again. Thanks.
According to an Orlando Sentinel story later confirmed by Sanford police, Zimmerman told authorities that after he briefly lost track of Martin, the teen approached him. After the two exchanged words, Zimmerman said, he reached for his cell phone, and then Martin punched him in the nose. Zimmerman said Martin pinned him to the ground and began slamming his head onto the sidewalk, leading to the shooting.


It is pure speculation, but I am really sure that if you replace I reached for my cellphone with I reached for my gun the rest of the pieces fit together much easier. TMs girlfriend heard them make contact with each other, neither one ambushed the other, they spoke first. What would make TM, a kid that was already uncomfortable with Zimmerman's attention, a kid without a violent past, punch someone in the face... the gun was involved before the wrestling match.

But no one will ever be able to prove that.
I found an article that has Officer T Smith stating that Trayvon was laying face down on the grass about 70 yards from the family home, bleeding from a chest wound. He had $22, candy and a can of iced tea in his pockets.

Now, here's where my mind went concerning the "broken nose" and head injuries on Zimmerman.

MY OPINION follows:

Trayvon was walking home when Zimmerman came up behind him causing Trayvon to ask "why are you following me?". Zimmerman replied why are you here, what are you doing, something to that effect. Instead of answering Zimmerman more than likely would have responded with something to the effect of he didn't have to answer Zimmerman when Zimmerman wouldn't answer him. Trayvon turns to leave, Zimmerman reaches out grabbing his sleeve or back of his hoodie which spins Trayvon towards Zimmerman and Zimmerman slips on the wet grass causing both to fall down with Trayvon falling on top of Zimmerman. With Trayvon having the can of iced tea in his pocket it is entirely possible that the can came up hitting Zimmerman in the nose. This would account for both of the injuries on Zimmerman's face and back of the head. I can not for the life of me figure out how a can of iced tea, $22 and a bag of skittles would be able to stay in the pockets of Trayvon's hoodie if an actual fight had occured. Zimmerman would have been fighting to get Trayvon off of him IF Trayvon had been sitting on him banging his head in the ground/pavement/take your pick. So how can Zimmerman expect anyone to believe that there was a life or death struggle/fight occuring that night without some clears signs of that fight? Remember, Zimmerman's clothes at the police station also showed no signs of a life or death struggle/fight either.



Re: BBM This keeps nagging at me, too. Hoodie pockets are usually more like pouches with no real closure (zipper, button, snap, whatever.)

In a life and death struggle one would expect some of those things to have come out of his pockets/pouch!
And if it were taxable for the donor, then it would require the site to issue receipts I would think. And I don't see that happening. Perhaps that's what MOM is up to now, setting up an official defence "fund". I wonder how that would work. Who would administer it? Would they get paid out of the fund? And of course, there would be material costs as well.

Exactaroony.....that is why MOM shut it down. It was running away with itself, IMO. Too bad TM's family couldn't get some of that money. jmo
I don't want to defend any of the Z family but I wonder if GZ told people lots of interesting stories, that they believed, but that were really all a bunch of baloney. IF people were gullible enough to believe him then they are not really lying...IMO GZ is a compulsive liar and probably a prolific liar by omission.

As far as gifts go, you do have to claim it as income on your Federal taxes if the amount from any one person exceeds a certain figure. That figure used to be $10,000 but it is now higher.

Ross are you confusing this with inheritance tax. That is usually deducted by a lawyer and paid before the money is doled out?

You mean like when Cindy A. swore up and down that CA wasn't pregnant, while at the wedding they attended and CA was obviously showing ?
I would think that within a family, if one of its members is a cronic liar that one or more of those family members know darn well about it.:moo:
You mean like when Cindy A. swore up and down that CA wasn't pregnant, while at the wedding they attended and CA was obviously showing ?
I would think that within a family, if one of its members is a cronic liar that one or more of those family members know darn well about it.:moo:
and sometimes ignorance is bliss
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