17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #33

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That may be my fault. I did not see the warning and mentioned it in my post. I just took it as a reminder. Sometimes we do miss those warnings and I'd hate to have to be on vacation unless it was a real one. lol

Thank you for understanding my intent was not to be rude. I appreciate it.
Are we going to be asked to believe that all this money accumulated since the bond hearing? Or are we going to be asked to believe it had accumulated BEFORE the hearing, but GZ, his attorney and his family members had absolutely no knowledge of it?

That's exactly what some posters have suggested. :rolleyes:
O'Mara knew about this website, the paypal, etc. It was discussed last Friday in the bond hearing. He can attempt to lie his way out of this but there's too much proof out there stating otherwise. Again, I have to use Jeff Ashton's famous word to describe O'Mara - smarmy. I think what's happened is appalling not only on the part of Zimmerman but also on the part of O'Mara. Apparently, there is no boundary that he isn't afraid to cross from lying about the money, to throwing out a minor's name in the middle of court, and forcing his client's "apology" down the throats of the Martin family. It's utterly repulsive.

and yes, the attorneys for Trayvon's family are asking that Zimmerman's bond be revoked which I think is more than appropriate. Zimmerman is not above the law no matter how much he thinks he is. At the very least, he should be made to attend this hearing today so that he can get on the stand and explain why he felt the need to lie and withhold information. If this type of behavior isn't nipped in the bud right now, there's no telling what is going to happen as we travel down the long road to justice.


I tend to agree with those that think that on the day of the hearing, there might not have been that much money in the account. I don't know if that's relevant or not, but the first person that should be questioned is GZ's brother. He had control over the web page and probably knew what was in the paypal account.

It will be interesting to see how the judge responds to all of this.
Everyone who's read my postings has figured out by now I'm usually on the 'other' side of the argument, especially when it comes to this case.

That being said, I gotta go with the majority on this one as far as the money is concerned. It's a bad move, it sounds bad, it looks bad, etc. I believe MOM when he says that he himself did not know about how much was in there because I can see where GZ would not have told him this. I'm not sure it was wise to come out and disclose it on CNN, it would of been better to tell the judge directly and I'm sure he's going to hear it today because of that.

So I can't say people (Crump) are wrong with wanting his bond revoked. Not being totally forthcoming in a courtroom is a pretty big deal IMO.
I think Crump <mod snip> are mad because their "donation" fund is sitting at 26k right now, and in the matter of less than 3 weeks Zimmerman was able to raise almost 10 times that amount. :)

I think we're completely off the track here, thinking about where the magical mystery money came from and who knew about it. What we are supposed to think is that if so many people are willing to donate good money to get GZ off the hook it must mean that he is innocent.

Well according to O'Mara in this interview only 50 people have donated that entire amount.


The website was disabled earlier this week, but according to O'Mara, about 50 people donated money, totaling more than $200,000.
I think we're completely off the track here, thinking about where the magical mystery money came from and who knew about it. What we are supposed to think is that if so many people are willing to donate good money to get GZ off the hook it must mean that he is innocent.

My personal take on this--The contributors don't particularly care about GZ, or the kid he murdered. This is all about gun laws and SYG.
I think we're completely off the track here, thinking about where the magical mystery money came from and who knew about it. What we are supposed to think is that if so many people are willing to donate good money to get GZ off the hook it must mean that he is innocent.

I think what was said last night by Gregaroes is absolutely correct. There are contingents that are using this case, using GZ to further a political agenda (gun rights I guess) and have no problem donating to his cause. It says a lot about that way of thinking but also what those contingents think of the victim.
I tend to agree with those that think that on the day of the hearing, there might not have been that much money in the account. I don't know if that's relevant or not, but the first person that should be questioned is GZ's brother. He had control over the web page and probably knew what was in the paypal account.

It will be interesting to see how the judge responds to all of this.

Oh the judge can get the paypal records directly from paypal, those records will show exactly when the money was put in the account, if any withdrawals had been made and when.
I think Crump <mod snip> are mad because their "donation" fund is sitting at 26k right now, and in the matter of less than 3 weeks Zimmerman was able to raise almost 10 times that amount. :)


Isn't it a shame that killing someone is such a good cash cow. Whoever said that crime doesn't pay was a silly goose.

Gotta be the quickest 200k he ever made with the least amount of work.
My personal take on this--The contributors don't particularly care about GZ, or the kid he murdered. This is all about gun laws and SYG.

I don't remember in which thread I posted that same thing. I think the NRA and the ALEC are behind any donations GZ gets because they have a vested interest in the outcome of this tragedy.
I tend to agree with those that think that on the day of the hearing, there might not have been that much money in the account. I don't know if that's relevant or not, but the first person that should be questioned is GZ;s brother. He had control over the web page and probably knew what was in the paypal account.

It will be interesting to see how the judge responds to all of this.

I don't buy that excuse. According to O'Mara, he states he had no knowledge about the Paypal accounts and that Zimmerman just told him about it on Wednesday which is a lie. He was well aware of the website, it's message to Zimmerman's supporters stating that they could donate through the Paypal link on the site, not to mention his comments regarding the website prior to the bond hearing. Additionally, it was brought up last Friday at the bond hearing. How is it that he had no knowledge of the fund? Myself, I'm not willing to let it slide. Zimmerman has already been given special treatment which he's not entitled to, IMO, and he needs to be brought into court today to answer the questions about how this all happened.

Everyone who's read my postings has figured out by now I'm usually on the 'other' side of the argument, especially when it comes to this case.

That being said, I gotta go with the majority on this one as far as the money is concerned. It's a bad move, it sounds bad, it looks bad, etc. I believe MOM when he says that he himself did not know about how much was in there because I can see where GZ would not have told him this. I'm not sure it was wise to come out and disclose it on CNN, it would of been better to tell the judge directly and I'm sure he's going to hear it today because of that.

So I can't say people (Crump) are wrong with wanting his bond revoked. Not being totally forthcoming in a courtroom is a pretty big deal IMO.

Remember back to his first lawyers. They quit cause GZ didn't stay in contact, didn't take their advice -- he called Sean Hannity, etc. GZ seems like the type of person who does what he likes, thinks he knows better. He should be careful or he may lose this lawyer.
Isn't it a shame that killing someone is such a good cash cow. Whoever said that crime doesn't pay was a silly goose.

Gotta be the quickest 200k he ever made with the least amount of work.

What crime?
He hasn't been convicted of a crime and is innocent until proven guilty.

I'm sure his contributors feel he was defending himself and want to help him get a good defense.

I see nothing wrong with that.

I don't buy that excuse. According to O'Mara, he states he had no knowledge about the Paypal accounts and that Zimmerman just told him about it on Wednesday which is a lie. He was well aware of the website, it's message to Zimmerman's supporters stating that they could donate through the Paypal link on the site, not to mention his comments regarding the website prior to the bond hearing. Additionally, it was brought up last Friday at the bond hearing. How is it that he had no knowledge of the fund? Myself, I'm not willing to let it slide. Zimmerman has already been given special treatment which he's not entitled to, IMO, and he needs to be brought into court today to answer the questions about how this all happened.



That part I agree with. It's possible GZ lied to MO'M but the webpage was all over the news for a couple of weeks. I find it hard to believe MO'M didn't know about either the web page or the fund.

Oh poot, I'm so confused about this. I still think GZ's bail shouldn't have been determined by how much money he could raise. Others charged with 2nd degree murder have had much higher bail.
Remember back to his first lawyers. They quit cause GZ didn't stay in contact, didn't take their advice -- he called Sean Hannity, etc. GZ seems like the type of person who does what he likes, thinks he knows better. He should be careful or he may lose this lawyer.

Oh, I don't know 'bout that... I think O'Mara is (willingly) playing right into his games.

What crime?
He hasn't been convicted of a crime and is innocent until proven guilty.

I'm sure his contributors feel he was defending himself and want to help him get a good defense.

I see nothing wrong with that.


As it stands now he has been charged for 2nd degree murder.

MOO but if someone kills another human being, claims it was self defense and the prosecutor says otherwise, they're on their own as far as my money is concerned. I am not willing to invest in a get-out-of-jail-free card for someone who may be a murderer.
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